Current Members of the el Khazen Family
![Filename=Pic Wadih Representing President Lahoud At St Elie Clemenceau inaugaration of Pope John Paul 2 Statue[1].JPG 1.JPG 2.JPG
Date added=Sep 17, 2006 Pic Wadih Representing President Lahoud At St Elie Clemenceau inaugaration of Pope John Paul 2 Statue[1].JPG 1.JPG 2.JPG](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Pic%20Wadih%20Representing%20President%20Lahoud%20At%20St%20Elie%20Clemenceau%20inaugaration%20of%20Pope%20John%20Paul%202%20Statue%5B1%5D.JPG%201.JPG%202.JPG)
Cheikh Wadih Representing President Lahoud At St Elie Clemenceau inaugaration of Pope John Paul 2 Statue1140 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen With the Cardinal Theodore Mc Carrick catholic archibishop of washington DC.1180 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in company of Minister Charles Rizk1398 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in company of May Arida1179 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen with Patriarch Ignace Hazim1068 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of the minister Charles Rizk1153 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of the Kurdish minister1132 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of his eminence Patriarch Sfeir1226 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of his eminence Patriarch Sfeir1165 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of his eminence Patriarch Sfeir1127 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen1173 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in Company of President Emile Lahoud1095 views
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