Image search results - "lebanon" |

1858 Revolt1309 views

Cheikh Abou Nader el Khazen1554 viewsCheikh Abou Nader el Khazen has protected Fakhredine and his brother from the Ottomans. Because of his actions Fakhredine has managed to survive and to reign Lebanon.
Url Cheikh Abou-Nader el Khazen

Bkerke picture1604 viewsBkerke el Khazen wakf

Cheikh Chafic el Khazen in company of the American Officials in Lebanon1619 viewsUrl Cehikh Chafic el Khazen profile

Couvent Notre Dame1425 viewsCouvent Notre Dame de l'annonciation suivant la Règle de St François de Sales
ce couvent abrite les religieuses Visitandines cloitrées.
C'est le dernier wakf qui entretient un couvent de religieuses en activité .

Gifts to the el Khazen family2084 viewsThese two swords were offered to the el Khazen family; the first one from King Louis XIV, and the second one from Pope Clement X. They are presently kept with Jean Phillipe el KHAZEN.

el Khazen Historical Picture1274 views

el Khazen family armorial bearings4501 viewsCoat of arms of the el Khazen family. The right side represents Mount Lebanon through its mountain, snow and Cedar. The other side represents the el khazen family defending Lebanon through the 2 lions and the castle.

Garden of a house owned by a branch of the el Khazen family1320 viewsThis house ornated with orchads is in a village right below Jaj called Saqi Rechmaya - This village is one of the very few stand of Lebanese Cedars other than the main stand in the North and the stand of arz el barouk. . Currently, it is a few hours away from the city unfortunatly it is not accessible by tourists. el Khazen came to Jaj around 1500 and then moved to Keserwan

Khazen house entry gate1236 viewsThis house ornated with orchads is in a village right below Jaj called Saqi Rechmaya - This village is one of the very few stand of Lebanese Cedars other than the main stand in the North and the stand of arz el barouk. . Currently, it is a few hours away from the city unfortunatly it is not accessible by tourists. el Khazen came to Jaj around 1500 and then moved to Keserwan

Khazen entry Gate1187 viewsThis house ornated with orchads is in a village right below Jaj called Saqi Rechmaya - This village is one of the very few stand of Lebanese Cedars other than the main stand in the North and the stand of arz el barouk. . Currently, it is a few hours away from the city unfortunatly it is not accessible by tourists. el Khazen came to Jaj around 1500 and then moved to Keserwan

elKhazen House View1378 viewsThis house ornated with orchads is in a village right below Jaj called Saqi Rechmaya - This village is one of the very few stand of Lebanese Cedars other than the main stand in the North and the stand of arz el barouk. . Currently, it is a few hours away from the city unfortunatly it is not accessible by tourists. el Khazen came to Jaj around 1500 and then moved to Keserwan