el Khazen Pictures, Lebanese pictures, Maronite monuments pictures

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Cheikh Fady el Khazen with President Jacques Chirac4110 views33333
(32 votes)
Mgr Elias Aude Meets Minister Wadih El Khazen March 5 2008.jpg
Minister Cheikh Wadih El Khazen Meets Bishop Elias Audeh March 5th 20085966 views33333
(18 votes)
Patriarch Youssef Dargham el Khazen1253 viewsPatriarch Youssef Dargham was elected on February 24th, 1733 and died on May 13th, 1742. During his term office, the most important council of the bishops superior generals, churches representatives and members of ruling families was held in 1736.33333
(14 votes)
Lebanese Army - Lebanon711 views33333
(2 votes)
Mar Mekhail Church Entrance1107 views22222
(19 votes)
1858 Revolt1310 views22222
(15 votes)
Cheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen in compnay of the pope Jean-Paul II1559 views22222
(13 votes)
House owned by a branch of the el Khazen family1270 viewsThis house ornated with orchads is in a village right below Jaj called Saqi Rechmaya - This village is one of the very few stand of Lebanese Cedars other than the main stand in the North and the stand of arz el barouk. . Currently, it is a few hours away from the city unfortunatly it is not accessible by tourists. el Khazen came to Jaj around 1500 and then moved to Keserwan
(20 votes)
Gifts to the el Khazen family2084 viewsThese two swords were offered to the el Khazen family; the first one from King Louis XIV, and the second one from Pope Clement X. They are presently kept with Jean Phillipe el KHAZEN.22222
(16 votes)
Cheikh Walid with President Guido de Marco1401 viewsCheikh Walid el Khazen 22222
(14 votes)
El Khazen relation and Joumblat Family1856 views22222
(15 votes)
Pic Wadih with Sfeir Arrival Bkerke.JPG
Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of his eminence Patriarch Sfeir1165 views22222
(10 votes)
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