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1858 Revolt1309 views

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of His Eminence Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir1658 views

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of President of The Parliament Nabih Berre1403 views

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen and Cheikh Samir Elias el Khazen5058 views

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of President Jacques Chirac1433 views

Cheikh Walid el Khazen and His Beatitude Maronite Patriach Bechara al-Raai5531 views

Cheikh Abou Kansou el Khazen1332 viewsConsul de France
Cheikh Abou Kansou el Khazen

Cheikh Abou Nader el Khazen1554 viewsCheikh Abou Nader el Khazen has protected Fakhredine and his brother from the Ottomans. Because of his actions Fakhredine has managed to survive and to reign Lebanon.
Url Cheikh Abou-Nader el Khazen

Cheikh Abou Nawfal el Khazen1425 viewsCheikh Abou Nawfal is appointed by Louis XIV as "Consul de France"
He is the first Lebanese to have this prestigious and powerful position. It is very important for Lebanese and especially the Christians of Lebanon since this will permit to extend their powers and offer more security and stability to the region.
Cheikh Abou Nawfal el Khazen

Cheikh Wadih Pic with Patriarch Sfeir and pres Amine Gemayel Dimane 291397 views

Mar Mekhail Church1306 viewsthis is the church of the el Khazen family governor of Bilad Jbeil in their fief's seat Saqi Rechmaya

Cheikh Amine el Khazen in company of the Mexican President Miguel de La Masud1322 views Cheikh Amine el Khazen
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