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Cheikh Fady el Khazen in company of Donna Shalala, Mr Joe Aboukhater and Hania Aboukhater2129 viewsDonna Shalala, Former Secretary of State for Health and Human Services under the Clinton Administration (and the longest to serve in the post)

Gifts to the el Khazen family2084 viewsThese two swords were offered to the el Khazen family; the first one from King Louis XIV, and the second one from Pope Clement X. They are presently kept with Jean Phillipe el KHAZEN.

Cheikh Walid el Khazen in company of Tamam Slam and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Francoise, spouse of His Highness, the Prince Edward de Lobkowicz2059 viewsCheikh Walid el Khazen profile.

Cheikh Fady el Khazen in company of the President Heinrich Luebke and Chancellor Willy Brandt2020 views

Lebanese Army - Lebanon1939 views

Cheikh Walid el Khazen1935 viewsUrl Cheikh Walid el Khazen

Cheikh Chafic el Khazen giving a lecture, we can see Prime Minister Takiedine el Solh (first at your left)1881 viewsUrl Cheikh Chafic el Khazen

El Khazen relation and Joumblat Family1856 views

Cheikh Walid el Khazen taking his promises of obedience to the Order of Malta. The Recipient of the oath was his Excellency (the Grand Commander of the Order) and His Eminence the Patriarch, in Bkerké.1816 viewsUrl Cheikh Walid el Khazen profile

Cheikh Walid el Khazen in company of Prime minister Rafiq Hariri1783 viewsUrl Walid el Khazen Profile
![Filename=Minister Faouzi Saloukh meets Mr[1].Wadih el Khazen Nov 1st 2005.jpg
Date added=Dec 24, 2005 Minister Faouzi Saloukh meets Mr[1].Wadih el Khazen Nov 1st 2005.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Minister%20Faouzi%20Saloukh%20meets%20Mr%5B1%5D.Wadih%20el%20Khazen%20Nov%201st%202005.jpg)
Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in a Meeting with foreign minister fawzi salloukh in ministry ( Palais Bustros )1757 views

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in Company of the Pope1749 views
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