el Khazen Pictures, Lebanese pictures, Maronite monuments pictures

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Homily of our Maronite Patriarch His Eminence Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Boutros SFEIR, dated January 6th, 2004. The homily was delivered during the ceremony of obedience of Cheikh Walid el Khazen at Bkerke.1553 viewsCheikh Walid el Khazen
Wadih with Mufti Abdel Amir Kabalan.JPG
Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in company of His excellency Mufti Abdel Amir Kabalan1550 views
Cheikh Hanna el Khazen1547 views
With Patriarch Sfeir at Dimane.JPG
Cheikh Wadih el Khazen wih the maronite Patriarch in Dimane1537 views
Cheikh Fady el Khazen representing the ministry of agriculture of Lebanon in company of the French minister of agriculture.1535 views
Cheikh Haykal el Khazen in company of his cheikh Farid and his brother Cheikh Rcheid el Khazen1530 views
therese el saad.JPG
Therese el Saad Wife of Barbar beik el Khazen and sister of President Habib Bacha el Saad1528 viewsCheikh Barbar el Khazen profile
Cheikh Hanna el Khazen1516 viewsCheikh Hanna el Khazen Famous Lebanese doctor has dedicated his life helping and treating Lebanese at his own expenses
Ex minister Abdallah being taken to Jail Dec 10th 2003 An nahar.jpg
Ex minister Abdallah being taken to Jail Dec 10th 20031500 views
Cheikh Walid el Khazen in company of the Pope Jean-Paul II1490 viewsUrl Cheikh Walid el Khazen Profile
Cheikh Barbar el Khazen1480 viewsCheikh Barbar el Khazen Profile
Cheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen giving a speech during the demonstration in Keserwan (jounieh)1475 views
531 files on 45 page(s) 6