Top rated - Current Members of the el Khazen Family |

Cheikh Walid and Gloria el Khazen with their family Cheikh Chafic and Dana el Khazen and Tayma el Khazen Chedid 758 viewsCheikh Walid and Gloria el Khazen with their family Cheikh Chafic and Dana el Khazen and Tayma el Khazen Haddad     (1 votes)

Cheikh Fady el Khazen in presence of Alain Delon and Mireille Darc at La Creperie Restaurant1624 views     (1 votes)

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen with the Maronite patriarch1565 views     (28 votes)

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in Company of the Pope1749 views     (34 votes)

Cheikh Walid el Khazen in company of Prime minister Rafiq Hariri1784 viewsUrl Walid el Khazen Profile
     (19 votes)

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of President of The Parliament Nabih Berre1403 views     (15 votes)

Cheikh Fady el Khazen in company of the President Heinrich Luebke and Chancellor Willy Brandt2020 views     (20 votes)

Cheikh Fady el Khazen congratulating Cheikh Bachir Gemayel for winning the Lebanese presidential election.1717 views     (30 votes)

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of Walid Beik Jumblatt1468 views     (14 votes)

Cheikh Elias Choukrallah el Khazen in Comapny of President Jacques Chirac1434 views     (13 votes)

Dimane with Pres Lahoud and Cheikh Wadih el Khazen aug 15th 20051311 views     (11 votes)
![Filename=Hariri & Sfeir in bkerke[1]..jpg
Date added=Sep 17, 2006 Hariri & Sfeir in bkerke[1]..jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Hariri%20%26%20Sfeir%20in%20bkerke%5B1%5D..jpg)
Patriarch Sfeir and PM Hariri1344 views     (10 votes)