Top rated - Current Members of the el Khazen Family |

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen1173 views     (19 votes)

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen in mass St George representing President Lahoud1176 views     (12 votes)

Minister Cheikh Wadih el Khazen decorating Father George Khoury USJ on Behalf of President Emile Lahoud in Bkerke1443 views     (11 votes)

Meeting cheikh wadih el Khazen liban_cine_cannes1593 views     (11 votes)

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen visiting the damaged hotels with president of the syndicate of hotel owners in Lebanon Pierre Achkar1172 views     (11 votes)

Cheikh Walid el Khazen photograph of the presentation of the Credentials to his Majesty King Abdullah the Second Bin al Hussein.1580 views     (4 votes)

Cheikh Walid el Khazen in company of His Excellency President Michel Suleiman and First Lady Wafaa Suleimain853 views     (2 votes)

Funerals of late Farouk Abillama 1 may 4 200730842 views     (15 votes)

Cheikh Walid el Khazen taking his promises of obedience to the Order of Malta. The Recipient of the oath was his Excellency (the Grand Commander of the Order) and His Eminence the Patriarch, in Bkerké.1816 viewsUrl Cheikh Walid el Khazen profile
     (10 votes)

Cheikh Fady el Khazen representing the ministry of agriculture of Lebanon in company of the French minister of agriculture: Edgard Pisani2675 views     (16 votes)

Cheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen in compnay of the Maronite Patriarch2548 views     (13 votes)

Cheikh Wadih el Khazen In company of the minister Charles Rizk1154 views     (12 votes)