
Bkerke El Khazen waqf

Unique Document showing that Cheikh Khazen El Khazen and Cheikh Jneid El Khazen from the branch of Cheikh Khattar El Khazen (son of Consul Cheikh Fayad Abou Kanso El Khazen) gave permission for the Maronite Clergy to use Bkerke in 1750. Please click “Read More” to view the full size document.

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Who were the Phoenicians?

National Geographic Magazine, By Rick Gore, We know they dominated sea trade in the Mediterranean for 3,000 years. Now DNA testing and recent archaeological finds are revealing just what the Phoenician legacy meant to the ancient world

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Cheikh Abou Kanso El Khazen

ألشيخ أبو قنصوه فياض الخازن   هو فياض ابن ابي نوفل , ابن ابي نادر خازن , ابن ابي صقر ابراهيم , ابن الشدياق سركيس الخازن . خلف والده أبا نوفل بقنصلية فرنسا على بيروت سنة 1679 م بموجب براءة ألملك لويس ألرابع عشر ذاتها لأبيه . وسنة 1680 م شرع ببناء دار عظيمة في […]

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Audio & Video

Khazen Multimedia Section                     The Lebanese Anthem in G Major, Version by Pierre Khazen (play music)   The Lebanese Anthem in G Minor, Version by Pierre Khazen (play music)       Cheikh Walid el-Khazen, chevalier de Malte   Cheikh Walid el-Khazen, chevalier de Malte awarded the the Pro Merito Melitensi Cross.   Karen […]

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