
Iraq group threatens to kill Lebanese hostage

 DUBAI (AFP) – A previously unheard of group in Iraq threatened to kill a Lebanese hostage it accused of working with a liquor distribution firm that "deals with the occupiers," according to a video posted on the Internet. "The Group for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" said it had "captured an importer of food and liquor in Baghdad who works for a company that deals directly with the crusader occupiers of Iraq." It demanded the company’s "withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible in order to free the Lebanese hostage — otherwise woe on him and you."

The hostage, who speaking in Arabic gave the Armenian name of Garabet Jean Chekerjian, said he held dual Lebanese and Cypriot nationality. He was shown in the footage sitting on the floor with his hands and feet tied. A hooded gunman pointed an automatic weapon at his head. The captive exhorted Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and the Lebanese embassy in Baghdad to put pressure on his employers to pull out of Iraq."I hold dual Lebanese and Cypriot nationality and I work with the branches of the ‘Jetco Trading’ (phonetic) company in Lebanon, Cyprus and Iraq. The company supplies foodstuffs and alcoholic beverages to the occupation forces and the Iraqi army," he said.

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Syria vows to cooperate with Hariri probe

DAMASCUS (AFP) – Syria vowed to cooperate fully with the head of the UN probe into the murder of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri, saying it was in the interests of Damascus to uncover the truth."Detlev Mehlis arrives in Damascus tomorrow… Syria will cooperate with him and extend all possible facilities to the international commission of inquiry," the official SANA news agency said Sunday."It is in the interests of Syria to reach the truth on the crime of Rafiq Hariri’s assassination."

 An official daily, Ath-Thawra, said Syria would "cooperate in a serious and responsible manner" with Mehlis, who is visiting Syria as part of his commission’s probe which has seen the arrest of four top pro-Syrian Lebanese security officials.Syria and its political allies in Lebanon at the time are accused of having a hand in the February 14 bomb blast on the Beirut seafront that killed Hariri and another 20 people.

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Lebanon bishops: Respect presidency

Lebanon‘s Maronite bishops have called for the cloud of suspicion over President Emile Lahoud’s head to be lifted. Lahoud, who is a Maronite, has faced increasing pressure to resign over the 14 February assassination, particularly since the arrests in the course of a UN investigation into the crime.

"The information which has come to the UN investigation and which has cast suspicion on certain suspects, including those who were in charge of civilian security, is an embarrassment," said a statement from the bishops, who represent the largest Christian community in Lebanon. The arrests have "given critics a field day," the bishops said, adding that the presidency "should be surrounded by a halo of respect."

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Ukraine hopes UN will reverse decision on peacekeepers in Lebanon

 KIEV (AFP) – Ukraine called for the United Nations to review its decision to replace Kiev’s peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon, following findings of "significant financial misconduct  by the troops.  "We will do everything so that the decision to replace the Ukrainian contingent is reviewed," Vassyl Filipchuk, a foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters in Kiev.

Last Friday UN spokeswoman Marie Okabe said that a UN probe "has shown significant financial misconduct by Ukrainian military personnel, including the commanding officer, who served with the mission."She added that the UN had taken steps to replace the Ukrainian unit in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and to prevent the recurrence of such misconduct.

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Report: Syrian defector aids in Hariri prob

 The UN probe into the murder of Lebanon’s late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri made a significant breakthrough following new information which had been provided by a Syrian defector to Chief UN Investigator Detlev Mehlis. 

According to Paris-based intelligence specialist Intelligence Online, the defector, Colonel Mohammed Safi, provided information regarding the types of explosives used in the bombing which killed Hariri last February.

Safi revealed that the explosives had been purchased from Slovakia.Safi, who had previously directed the office of General Ali Khalil, Syria’s former intelligence chief, had supposedly been convinced to defect from Syria’s ranks by US and Saudi intelligence services. The former colonel initially left Syria for Saudi Arabia, where he was interrogated by Saudi intelligence services and later handed over to US authorities.

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New Multimedia Cheikh Chafic el Khazen

وُلِدَ الشيخ شفيق الخازن بن بربر بك الخازن أمير آلاي الجند اللبناني ، والسيدة تريز غندور بك السعد شقيقة حبيب باشا السعد سنة  1905 في غوسطا.

تلقّن مبادىء الدراسة لدى أستاذ خاص، ومن ثمّ أُدخِلَ مدرسة عينطورة حيث أتمّ دراساته الثانوية حائزا" على شهادة الباكالوريا

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Cheikh Farid Haykal El Khazen

  فريد هيكل الخازن       –         مواليد غادير جونيه في 13 أيلول 1970.   –         متحدر من عائلة الخازن غوسطا .   –         والدته وداد إميل زيدان .   –         والده هيكل صالح الخازن .   –         بالإضافة إلى والديه هو من أسرة قوامها ثلاث شقيقات وشقيقين .   –         متأهل من منى […]

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Historical De Khazen Members

  The main purpose of this page is to introduce the great fathers of the Lebanese nation and more specifically of the Maronites. Current Members of the El Khazen family are cordially invited to send us the profile and analysis of their ancestors (Fathers, Grandfather’s etc.)          Barbar Beik El Khazen [English]          Patriach […]

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De Khazen Members

  Please note all articles in this section do not represent El Khazen family as a whole or their views. They represent strictly the view of the individual and author, since the El Khazen family consists of more than a thousand members with different views. The main purpose of this page is to keep you […]

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