(Dr. Muhamad Mugraby: Press Conference, March 23, 2006, Liberty House, Beirut)
The purpose of this gathering is to brief you on the case you read about in the news, i. e. my prosecution before the military court, Beirut, by reason of the testimony I gave on the conditions of human rights in Lebanon, at the European Parliament, Brussels, on November 4, 2003, i. e. two and a half years ago. Such briefing is particularly required because what I am involved in is not a private but a public matter related to the very essence of the state of knowledge, justice and freedom of expression. You may access the full text of the said testimony, without the questions and answers, from the internet on the following URL: www.combar.info/news/11042003.pdf.
Because this is a public matter, the European Union, which is bound to Lebanon by two international treaties that obligate all their parties to fully uphold and respect human rights, made several official objections to the Lebanese Government, including a letter on behalf of the European Parliament, copy of which is available here, and six international human rights organizations issued strong statements, copies of which are also available here. In addition, the Lebanese Society of Human rights issued a statement and member of the European Parliament, Paolo Casaca, issued two interrogatories to the European Commission and the European Council. Finally, the British MP, Mr. Julian Brazier, who is a friend of Lebanon, issued a statement which he has asked me to read to you with the following text: