
لباحث والمحلل ال


الباحث والمحلل السياسي اللبناني يرى أن ما تقوم به عصابة شاكر العبسي تنفيذ لتوجيهات سورية

سجعان القزي لـ "السياسة": كل المخيمات الفلسطينية في لبنان "نهر بارد"

جريدة السياسة الكويتية : الخميس، 21 – يونيو – 2

بيروت ـ من صبحي الدبيسي:


اعتبر الباحث والمحلل السياسي سجعان القزي أن التوطين أصبح واقعاً في لبنان منذ توقيع اتفاق القاهرة سنة، 1969 لاسيما مع تمدد الوجود الفلسطيني بشرياً وعسكرياً في كل لبنان وتحوله في نفس الوقت إلى مشروع دولة محل الدولة اللبنانية، لكنه لفت إلى أن هذا المشروع سقط مع مقاومة اللبنانيين له في حرب نيسان/ ابريل، 1975 وظن اللبنانيون سنة 1982 أن المخيمات الفلسطينية عادت مخيمات، فإذا بهم بتفاجاؤن بأنها أصبحت مجدداً معسكرات ودويلات داخل الدولة اللبنانية. وكل مخيم فلسطيني في لبنان بات دولة فلسطينية على غرار الدولة الفلسطينية المنشأة في الأراضي الفلسطينية المستعادة.

وفي موضوع التوطين الفلسطيني رأى القزي أنه ليس بحاجة إلى حرب "نهر البارد" لكي ينفذ، فهو قائم بحكم الوجود الفلسطيني داخل المخيمات وخارجها، بحكم عدم وجود سلطة الدولة في هذه المخيمات، وخاصة بحكم عدم وجود أفق حل لا للقضية الفلسطينية فحسب، وإنما للانتشار الفلسطيني خارج الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة أيضاً، مشدداً على أن الوضع الفلسطيني في لبنان لا يمكن أن يبقى بعد معركة "نهر البارد"، مثلما كان قبلها.

كلام قزي جاء في سياق حوار أجرته معه "السياسة"، تناول فيه أبعاد حرب مخيم "نهر البارد"، وخطر توطين الفلسطينيين في لبنان، ومسببات تفشي الأصوليتين الشيعية والسنية فيه، معدداً ثلاثة عوامل ساهمت بإعادة تسلح الفلسطينيين في المخيمات من بينها الصراع الخفي بين منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية وركنها الأساسي "فتح" من جهة، والمنظمات الفلسطينية الأصولية بركنيها الأساسيين "حماس" و"الجهاد الإسلامي" من جهة أخرى، ويضاف إليها الحالة الأصولية المنتشرة خارج لبنان والتي قررت أن تنشئ لها قواعد انطلاقاً من المخيمات في لبنان

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Beirut hotelier calls strike to demand state help

BEIRUT Daily star: A hotel owner called on all tourist establishments in Beirut to abide by a two day strike on Monday to protest the government’s negligence of the tourism sector. Amin Khayat,  also president of the Tourist Institutions in Beirut, warned the strike is just the beginning. "We may resort to other means in the next 15 days if the government and the concerned parties refrained from assisting the tourism sector," Khayat told a press conference. "The government promised us to secure a special fund to help the tourism sector. But none of their promises were fulfilled." He said that hotels will stop receiving visitors for two days.

Khayat wants a special electricity bill for all tourist establishments, as is the case for industrialists, and a resetting of taxes and VAT. But most hotel and restaurant owners are unlikely to comply with the strike call although they all sympathize with Khayat’s demands. "We fully sympathize with Khayat’s demands but I don’t think most of the establishments will close their businesses for two days," Paul Aryss, the president of the Restaurant Owners Association, told the paper.

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US ban

BEIRUT – Former ministers who figure on a list of Syrian and Lebanese personalities banned from entering the United States said on Saturday they felt

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UN sees ‘summer of peace’ for south Lebanon

BEIRUT (AFP) – The UN force in south Lebanon expects a "summer of peace" for the region despite the menace of more attacks on peacekeepers, their commander said in an interview published on Thursday. But he also called for more to be done in clearing the region of weapons."We take seriously the possibility of other attacks. We hope the new security measures and the political process will manage to prevent them," said Major-General Claudio Graziano of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNFIL).

Three Spanish and three Colombian-born troops of UNIFIL were killed last Sunday in a bomb attack in southern Lebanon as they patrolled between the towns of Marjayoun and Khiam, about 10 kilometres (six miles) from the Israeli border."There are still arms in the south. The Lebanese authorities must do more, with the support of UNIFIL, to secure the region and clear it of weapons," the general told leading Beirut daily An-Nahar. The Italian commander, whose comments were translated into Arabic, said there were no results yet from the UN probe into the attack, which has not been claimed by anyone.

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Lebanese troops kill six Islamist gunmen

By Nazih Siddiq, QALAMOUN, Lebanon (Reuters) – Lebanese soldiers killed six Islamist militants, most of them foreigners, during a clash on the outskirts of the northern town of Qalamoun early on Thursday, security sources said. A military source said the gunmen appeared to be linked to al Qaeda-inspired militants of Fatah al-Islam which the army has been battling at a nearby Palestinian refugee camp since May 20.

The fighting between militants and the Lebanese army has killed at least 200 people in Lebanon’s worst internal violence since the 1975-1990 civil war.The firefight on Thursday involved assault rifles and rocket propelled grenades as troops, backed by helicopters strafing the militants’ hideout with machinegun fire, raided the woods on the outskirts of Qalamoun.

The army later blocked off the area near Qalamoun, which is on the Mediterranean coast about 5 km (3 miles) south of the city of Tripoli, and the fighting ended a few hours later.The military source said the group of dead militants were thought to be behind an attack on an army patrol on May 20 in northern Lebanon, one of the initial flare-ups of the fighting that ensued, mainly at the Nahr al-Bared camp.

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Twelve die as Lebanese army raids hideout

By Nazih Siddiq TRIPOLI, Lebanon (Reuters) – Lebanese troops killed seven Islamist militants, most of them foreigners, in a raid on their hideout in the northern city of Tripoli on Sunday, while sporadic battles shook a nearby Palestinian refugee camp, Security sources said one soldier was killed and 14 were wounded during the 10-hour siege […]

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حِيادُ لبنان الد

حِيادُ لبنان الدائم استكمالٌ للاعترافِ به وطناً نهائياً

سجعان قزي

رسالةُ لبنان تُحتِّمُ عليه الانحيازَ، إنه وطنُ القلب. ومَوقِعُه يُحتِّم عليه الحيادَ، إنه في قلبِ الأزَمات. والمعادلاتُ الإبداعيّةُ في العِلمِ والفلسفةِ، وحتى في السياسةِ، غَالباً ما تنشأُ مِن مَزْجِ التناقضاتِ أكثر من جَمْعِ المتَشابِهات. أنّى للبنانَ إذَن أنْ يُوَفِّقَ بين رسالتِه التاريخيّةِ ومَوقعِه الجيوسياسي، وبين فِطرةِ الانحيازِ وحِكمةِ الحياد؟

مبدأُ الحيادِ لجأَت إليه الشعوبُ بسببِ هزيمةٍ عسكريّةٍ كالنَمسا، أو بسببِ حروبٍ داخليّةٍ كسويسرا، أو بسببِ جِوارِ دولةٍ كبرى تَوسُّعيّةٍ كفِنلندا، وغالباً للأسبابِ الثلاثةِ معاً. بفضلِ حِيادٍ مُتفاوِتِ المستويات، تَفادَت هذه الدولُ الثلاث شَبحَ التقسيمِ أو الضّمِّ إلى دولٍ أخرى. كلُّ هذه الحالاتِ، لاسيّما خطر التقسيمِ، قائمةٌ في لبنان وتَحُثُّنا على التفكيرِ في ما إذا كان الحيادُ مناسِباً للبنان.

تشخيصُ المعضِلة

كلبنانيين، قد نَختلِف على قضايا عديدةٍ، لكنّنا نتّفِق عموماً على أنَّ أزَماتِنا وحروبَنا نَشبَت نتيجةَ خِلافاتِنا الطائفيّةِ والمذهبيّةِ، ووجودِنا في جِوارِ دولٍ أو أنظمةٍ طامِعةٍ بأرضِنا، وانحيازِنا ـ عقائديّاً ونِضاليّاً وعسكريّاً ـ إلى صراعاتِ المحيطَين العربيِّ والإسلاميِّ وحتى الدوَليِّ. والمُصيبةُ الأعظم، أنَّ هذه العناصرَ الثلاثة حالَت أيضاً دونَ اتفاقِنا على قواعدَ متينةٍ لِحَلٍّ دائمٍ للأزَماتِ والحروب، فاكتفَينا، على مَضَضٍ، بتسوياتٍ سطحيّةٍ، اعتباطيةٍ ومؤَقّتةٍ، من حناياها فاحَت روائحُ الغَلَبةِ والغُبنِ، وفي طيّاتِها حَمَلت بُذورَ فِتنٍ لاحِقة.

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Beirut and musuem

By James Farha, Daily Star
BEIRUT: Beirut may lack a proper art museum where people can trace the history of Lebanese art, and particularly the tradition of Lebanese painting from the 19th-century through the present, but an exhibition on view at the Villa Audi in Achrafieh through June 29 offers a specific glimpse of what such an institution could be. Businessman Raymond Audi, one of Lebanon’s most active arts patrons, has gathered together the privately held works of French modernist painter Georges Cyr for a two-month exhibition entitled "Georges Cyr dans les collections libanaises." The exhibition includes examples of Cyr’s work from many stages in his artistic life, but it focuses on the art he produced after he moved to Beirut from Normandy in 1934.

Cyr represents two important traditions in the history of art in Lebanon," says Sarah Rogers, an art historian and PhD candidate in the history, theory and criticism of art and architecture program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Rogers is particularly knowledgeable on Lebanese art history and has taught in the department of visual art at Notre Dame Universityin Zouk Mosbeh. "First is the cultural crossroads that have long given form to art in Lebanon; the French Mandate opened the country more to all things French, and because of the legacy of the laissez-faire economy put into place by the mandate, Beirut’s role as a locus for the trafficking of goods and services, and artists, only further developed post-1943," adds Rogers.

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Lebanese army rings refugee camp

BBC, Lebanese troops said they had largely defeated Islamist rebels in a northern refugee camp, but continued their siege amid sporadic shelling and gunfire. Officials said the gunfire came from mopping up operations, and explosions were booby traps being destroyed. Leaders of Fatah al-Islam at the Nahr al-Bared camp were on the run, Defence Minister Elias Murr said on Thursday. A month of fighting has left 170 people dead, in Lebanon’s worst internal violence since the 1975-90 civil war. Some correspondents said parts of the old camp – densely populated areas packed with long-term Palestinian refugees – were still outside the army’s control. The so-called new camp, where gunfire has been focused, is now a devastated wasteland of shattered concrete. Mr Murr had told Lebanese TV that the army had "crushed those terrorists". "What is happening now is some clean-up that the army’s heroes are carrying out, and dismantling some mines," he said

‘In hiding’ A group of Palestinian Muslim clerics that tried to mediate during the clashes said Fatah al-Islam had declared a ceasefire. One of the clerics, Sheik Mohammed Haj, told Associated Press news agency that the militants would "comply with the Lebanese army’s decision to end military operations".

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Lebanese troops resume bombardment

By HUSSEIN DAKROUB, Associated Press Writer, BEIRUT, Lebanon Jun 18 – Fierce fighting erupted Monday at a besieged Palestinian refugee camp as Lebanese troops resumed bombardment of al-Qaida-inspired militants barricaded inside. Three Lebanese soldiers were killed, a senior military official said.

Troops, backed by heavy artillery and tank fire, blasted suspected hideouts of the Fatah Islam militants inside the Nahr el-Bared camp on the outskirts of the northern port city of Tripoli, as the battle against the militants entered its fifth week, witnesses said.The intense bombardment sent thick black and white smoke billowing into the air and started fires in several shell-punctured buildings in the camp. The senior military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to make official statements, declined to give details on how the three soldiers were killed. The official also said an undetermined number of soldiers were wounded. Meanwhile in southern Lebanon, an explosion killed two people at Ein el-Hilweh, Lebanon’s largest Palestinian camp, as members of another Islamic militant group tried to prepare a bomb, Lebanese security officials said.

In Sunday’s clashes, troops entirely destroyed the militants’ main headquarters located on the edge of the camp, according to the state-run National News Agency. But the whereabouts of Fatah Islam leader Shaker Youssef al-Absi and his top aides remain unknown.After inspecting troops deployed around the Nahr el-Bared camp, Lebanese Army Commander Gen. Michel Suleiman said Sunday that the decision to eliminate the Fatah Islam militants was "final and irreversible."

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