
Letter from the Middle East: A buyer’s market in Lebanon

By Daniel Williams Bloomberg News, On Sept. 19, Edgard Baradhi heard an explosion near his house in the Sin el-Fil neighborhood of Beirut. A car bomb had killed Antoine Ghanem, a member of Parliament, and six other people. He went out and pulled some of the dead from their vehicles. "My hands were full of blood."Baradhi, a 29-year-old Maronite Christian electrician, is moving to Qatar this month, joining thousands of Lebanese of all faiths and political inclinations who are emigrating for tranquility and higher-paying employment.

Job recruiters and analysts say the outflow is a double whammy: drying up the pool of skilled workers inside Lebanon and reducing salaries for some Lebanese outside."This is a buyer’s market for Lebanese abroad," said Carole Contavelis, who heads Hunter International, a Beirut recruitment agency. "Nobody’s in Lebanon anymore. The good candidates are out."

Across the Middle East and North Africa, it’s rare to have a conversation with a young person who doesn’t want to emigrate to the United States, Canada, Europe or Australia. Internal conflicts scar countries from Morocco to Iraq, and unemployment across the region tops 10 percent.

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Israel fighter jets breach Lebanese airspace

oct 6, 2007, Israeli fighter jets breached Lebanese airspace yesterday and flew over southern Lebanese areas and the Bekaa Valley, the official National News Agency(NNA)reported. The report quoted security sources as saying that Israel’s fighter jets flew at a high altitude over Arqoub, Hasbiya, West Bekaa, Iqlim Al-Tufah and Marjiyoun as well as over the […]

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Hezbollah blames Israel for killings

BEIRUT, Lebanon – The leader of Hezbullah accused Israel on Friday of being behind a string of killings of  in Lebanon, saying the Jewish state was trying to foment strife between his Islamic militant movement and other Lebanese communities.  Supporters of Lebanon’s government and others have repeatedly blamed Syria for the killings, charging Syria wants to bring down Prime minister Fouad Senioura by killing off lawmakers who give him a slim parliamentary majority.

"The hand that is killing is Israel’s," Nasrallah told thousands of supporters who occasionally interrupted his speech with roars of approval.He said that "Israel has a sure interest in the assassinations" because it "is the prime beneficiary of any internal strife in Lebanon" between factions opposed to Syrian influence and those who are friends of the Damascus regime like Hezbollah.

Nasrallah, who keeps his whereabouts secret for fear Israel would try to kill him as it killed his predecessor in 1992, spoke over a video linkup and did not personally attend the rally. There were no responses to Associated Press calls for comment to Israeli government officials in  Jerusalem and the Israeli Embassy in Washington because offices had closed for the Jewish sabbath.

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Lebanon honours soldiers killed in camp siege

BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s army commander, General Michel Suleiman, led a tribute on Saturday to the 168 soldiers who died in this summer’s siege of Islamist militants holed up in a Palestinian refugee camp. September 2 is an honourable date in the history of the nation," he said of the day the siege of Nahr al-Bared camp ended with the defeat of fighters from Faah al-Islam, a group he called the "most important terrorist organisation" ever known in Lebanon.

The Al Qaeda-inspired group "had aimed to put in place an emirate in northern Lebanon after destroying the Lebanese state," he told military families gathered in a stadium in  Jounieh, 22 kilometres (14 miles) north of the capital.Various units of the army paraded in honour of their fallen comrades, whom Suleiman called martyrs, as combat helicopters flew overhead..

The 106 days of fighting over the camp, which included heavy army bombardment, virtually destroyed the camp. Most of the 31,000 residents of Nahr al-Bared fled during the first few days of fighting.Counting troops, militants and civilians, at least 400 people died.

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Lebanon opposition rejects accusation from the government

Aoun’s spokesman said the group had been in charge of protecting the former army chief’s residence outside Beirut in 2005 and that the photos released by the authorities were taken at least 18 months ago. His comments came after security officials on Thursday announced that two FPM members had been arrested for undergoing paramilitary training, fanning […]

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Bush Warns Syria on Meddling in Lebanese Election

Roger Runningen Thu Oct 4, 1:01 PM ET Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) — President George Bush again warned Syria not to interfere in Lebanon or try to influence the election of a new president scheduled for later this month.“I am deeply concerned about foreign interference in your elections,” Bush told Saad Hariri, the son of slain former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri.  Hariri, who met with Bush this morning at the White House, is the current majority leader of the Lebanese parliament.

Lebanon has been wracked by violence, including the assassination of Hariri’s father in February 2005 and last month’s killing of another anti-Syrian politician, Antoine Ghanem. Bush has condemned the slayings and accused Syria of trying to destabilize Lebanon. “The message has been sent to nations such as Syria that they should not interfere in the election of the President Busgh said. “We expect Syria to honor that.”

Bush said he’s asked Admiral William Fallon head of the U.S. Central Command, “to go to Lebanon to assess how we can further help the government and the forces protect themselves from radical elements who are willing to use violence and terror to achieve objectives.”Hariri, who is following in his father’s political footsteps, said terrorists want to “finish our democracy,” while the Lebanese are focused on preserving it.Won’t Back Down“We will stay resolved, we will stay focused on our democracy, we will not back down,” he said

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رئيسُ جُمهوريّة&

جريدة "النهار" في 03 تشرين الأوّل 2007 ـ صفحة القضايا

سجعان قزي

الظروفُ الإقليميةُ والدوليةُ المحيطةُ بانتخاباتِ رئاسةِ الجمهوريةِ سنةَ 2007 تُشْبِه، في أوجُهٍ عديدة، ظروفَ انتخاباتِ سنةِ 1982: صراعٌ استراتيجيٌّ، مواقفُ متطرفـةٌ، لعبةُ أممٍ، وحلولٌ راديكاليةٌ على صخورِها تَتحطّمُ المبادراتُ المحلية. وإذا طبيعةُ الصراعِ اليومَ تَغـيّرت، فحِدَّته زادَت مع أطرافٍ جددٍ كـ"القاعدةِ" وإيرانَ وحزبِ الله والأصولياتِ السُـنّـية. سنةَ 1982 واجهَ العالمُ الحر، بقيادةِ أميركا، الشيوعيةَ الدوليةَ عَـبْـرَ حلفائِها في الشرقِ الأوسط ولبنان. واليومَ يَتصدّى العالمُ الحر، بالقيادةِ نفسِها، للأصولياتِ الآسيويّةِ والشرقِ أوسطية عبرَ دولٍ ومنظّماتٍ اتخَذَت من لبنانَ مَـيْداناً ومِنصةً وقاعدة.

في المنطقةِ، حَـلّت القاعدةُ وإيران وسوريا مكانَ الاتحادِ السوفياتي. في لبنانَ، أخَذ حزبُ الله وتجمُّـعُ 8 آذار ولقاءُ 14 آذار أدوارَ منظمةِ التحريرِ الفِلسطينية والحركةِ الوطنية والجَبهةِ اللبنانية. في فِلسطين، احتلّت حماسُ والجِهادُ الإسلاميُّ الصدارةَ مكانَ منظّمةِ فَـتْح. وإلى الصراعِ العربي ـ الإسرائيليِّ المستَمِرُّ، تَفجَّر الصراعُ السُـنّي ـ الشيعي على خلفيةٍ فارسيّـةٍ ـ عربية.

هذا الصراعُ الحضاريُّ والدينيُّ والسياسيُّ والاقتصاديُّ كان يَنقُصه صاعقُ تفجيرٍ جديدٍ بعدَ صاعِقَيْ بن لادن في أفغانستان وصدّام حسين في العراق، فجاء عَبر سَعيِ إيران إلى اقتناءِ السلاحِ النوويِّ والهيمنةِ على شعوبِ المِنطقة. وإذا كانت الدولُ العربيةُ والأوروبيةُ سنةَ 1982 تَحفَّظت عن الحربِ الإسرائيليةِ ضد الفِلسطينيين لوجودِ قضيةِ شعبٍ فِلسطيني، فلن تَـنْـتَحِبَ اليومَ على إيران النوويّةِ، وسوريا المُشاغِبةِ، وحزبِ الله المحتفِظِ بسلاحٍ مدَمِّـرٍ رُغم انسحابِ إسرائيل من لبنان منذ سنةِ 2000 (مع احترامنا مزارعَ شِبعا).

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15 injured in Lebanon forest fires

Tue Oct 3, 2:08 PM ET DEIR AL-QAMAR, Lebanon (AFP) – Fifteen people were injured in fires that raged across forests and damaged houses to the north and east of the Lebanese capital on Tuesday, a local official said. Fifteen people suffered injuries and burns, while 20 others were treated for respiratory problems" in the Shouf mountains east of Beirut, Deir al-Qamar municipality official Edy Renno told AFP.

"About 10 houses were partly burnt in the same region. Most of them were damaged on the rooftops because fires reached nearby trees," he said.He said several hectares of woods and valleys had caught fire in the ancient town of Deir al-Qamar and nearby villages where people wore surgical masks because of the smoke.

In valleys in and around Deir al-Qamar, acres of pine trees were burnt, an AFP correspondent at the scene said. Several electricity and telephone poles had collapsed on the side of the town’s main road.Renno said two square kilometers (almost one square mile) of forest had been damaged in Deir al-Qamar where army helicopter and fire engines were struggling to extinguish the fires.Elias Nohra, a 42-year-old lawyer from Deir al-Qamar, told AFP that "the fires started last night at around 8 pm (1700 GMT) between Deir al-Qamar and (the nearby town of) Beiteddine."

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