
How Lebanese do politics

  Photo Courtesy of Naharnet   A heated debate between Baath Party leader Fayez Shukur and Mustaqbal Movement official ex-MP Mustafa Alloush erupted into a verbal clash and a fistfight during a live talk show on MTV on Monday. The show was interrupted as a result.   To watch the fight, click [Here].   To […]

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Patriarch Kirill to meet with Maronite Patriarch

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has arrived yesterday in Lebanon and is expected to visit the Maronite Patriarch as well as visit the Antiochian Orthodox Church and the Lebanese preident among others.   I am acting as the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, not as a political leader, a diplomat, or a […]

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Buffett Bets IBM

Warren Buffett, who said he was unable to predict the prospects for Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc., is betting more than $10 billion that International Business Machines Corp. (IBM) is a different kind of technology firm.

Buffett previously focused the stock portfolio at his Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A) on consumer brands like Coca-Cola Inc. and financial firms like Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC), saying he was able to understand their business plans. The strategy meant he missed the rally in technology companies like Research In Motion Ltd. (RIMM) and Nokia Oyj (NOK1V) and then their subsequent slumps.

Buffett invested $10.5 billion to $10.7 billion in IBM, betting on the company’s ability to maintain its market dominance in computer services and expand outside the U.S. Armonk, New York-based IBM gained 19 percent in the first nine months of the year as global stock markets plunged.

“Yes, they’re a tech company, but they will not have the wild swings that we’ve seen throughout history, like a RIM or a Nokia where they catapult up but then the technology shifts against them and they plummet,” said Louis Miscioscia, a Collins Stewart LLC analyst in Boston with a “buy” rating on the stock.

Before making the investment, Berkshire surveyed its own information-technology departments to see how they worked with suppliers and found many tended to stick with IBM, Buffett said today on CNBC.

“I probably read the annual report of IBM every year for 50 years,” he said. “I don’t think that there’s any company that I can think of, big company, that’s done a better job of laying out where they’re going to go and then having gone there.”

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John Opel, Former IBM CEO, 1925-2011

John Opel didn’t want to run a hardware store after college and the great irony (pun intended) is that he ended up running IBM, the largest data processing hardware company in the world at the peak of its mainframe and midrange prowess.

Opel, who was 86, died on November 3. He was IBM’s fifth CEO and without a doubt one of its better ones. Ginni Rometty, who will be IBM’s ninth CEO when she takes over on January 1, has several sets of big shoes to fill. (Well, the assumption is that Lou Gerstner’s were not that big physically, but virtually they were pretty big.) And as current and soon-to-be-retiring IBM CEO Sam Palmisano said, he believes Rometty is ready for the job and can do it, and there seems to be little doubt on anyone’s mind, after a few weeks, that she can.

Open grew up in Jefferson City, Missouri, where his father ran a hardware store. He got a BA in English at Westminster College in that state, fought in the Pacific Theater during World War II, and finished up his MBA at the University of Chicago in 1949. He had one job offer editing economic textbooks–the UoC is a hotbed for economics today, and was starting its rise back then–and for all we know, Opel might have gone on to be an economist had he taken that job. The other offer he had was from his dad, running the hardware biz.


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Shift of the US Defense Policy

The shift of the US defense Policy.   The Obama administration decided to bring home all troops from Iraq  and soon Afghanistan which are very "unpopular" wars and tapped their best leaders that has been leading these fights  to continue the new kind of fight, intelligence fight,: special mission fights, and Drone attacks to eliminate […]

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Patriarch Toubia El Khazen Part2/2

    Patriarch Toubia El Khazen Achievements:   After having elaborated on Toubia El Khazen’s personal life and how he became the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, we move on to list his achievements and the major events that occurred during his 10 years rule.   Patriarch Toubia El Khazen founded the Mar Antonios monastery in […]

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Herman Cain Denies all Allegations, Hires Libel Lawyer, L. Lin Wood

Among numerous high profile cases, Lin Wood represented Richard Jewell. Jewell is the security guard who was falsely accused in the 1996 Atlanta Centennial Park pipe bomb incident. Jewell was later thoroughly exonerated. In fact, he was praised as a hero for assisting in finding the real perpetrator, Eric Rudolph. Jewell experienced horrid treatment at the hands of the media. Wood also negotiated a very large settlement against NBC, CNN and other media outlets for their defamation against Jewell.

PHOENIX, AZ (Catholic Online) – The long awaited Press Conference featuring the Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 began shortly after 5 p.m. in Phoenix, Arizona. 

As a Constitutional Lawyer, it was the first part of the Conference which sent the signal I was watching for. Herman Cain is going to aggressively fight these allegations. In fact, he is very, very serious about it. Let me explain the story behind the story which few in the media are covering adequately.

When I saw high Profile Lawyer, L. Lin Wood Jr. step out on the platform – and then step up confidently to the podium – I knew what was going to follow. Not only in the ensuing Press Conference but in this entire matter as it continues to unfold over the coming weeks. This is a war, and Herman Cain has just recruited a General..

L. Lin Woods is a powerhouse Libel and defamation lawyer with an earned expertise in the intersection between the First Amendment to the Constitution and the right of all citizens to protect their reputation. He is no stranger to representing high profile clients – it has made him a wealthy man and earned him the reputation of being a "lawyer’s lawyer". He is highly respected in the legal community because of his track record. He is very good at what he does.

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Patriarch Rai receives invitation to Sheikh Pierre Gemayel mass

    Patriarch Bechara el Rai received on Monday night Patricia Pierre el Gemayel, who cordially invited his beatitude to the mass organized on the 21st of November 2011 in memory of the late Sheikh Pierre Gemayel.   In other news, Patriarch Rai has been following up on a new miracle performed by Patriarch el […]

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The real anti-Catholic bigots



Appearing the other night on the Catholic network EWTN, I was asked by Raymond Arroyo what should be done about Muslim students at Catholic University demanding that the school provide them with prayer rooms, from which crucifixes and all other Catholic symbols that they found offensive had been removed.

After a nanosecond I replied, "Kick ’em out!"

Let them go to George Washington, the university on the other side of town.

Indeed, had Muslim students shown so little loyalty to a school that welcomed them, and of whose Catholicism they were aware when they entered, expulsion would have been justified.

Looking further into the matter, that was a rush to judgment.

For it seems that not a single Muslim student at CUA had gone to the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights to file a complaint.

That complaint was the work of John Banzhaf, a professor at GW, perennial litigant and longtime contender for the title of National Pest.

In provocative language, Banzhaf told Fox News, "It shouldn’t be too difficult to set aside a small room where Muslims can pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross of Jesus.

"They do have to pray five times a day, and to be sitting there trying to do Muslim prayers with a big cross looking down or a picture or Jesus or a picture of the pope is not very conducive to their religion."

Banzhaf claimed Muslim students had been offended by a suggestion that they meditate in campus chapels "and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception."

Yet it is Banzhaf who appears to be the one with a real problem with Jesus, the shrine and Catholicism, not the Muslim students whose numbers at CUA have doubled in five years.

Moreover, Muslims, while disbelieving that Jesus is the Son of God, regard him as the greatest of the prophets before Muhammad, and they revere Mary, the mother of Jesus.

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Candidate Newt Gingrich: Competent, Consistent, Calm, Convincing and Catholic

By Keith A. Fournier, Catholic Online


Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers are beginning to climb. His performance in the Presidential debates demonstrates that he is competent, consistent, calm and convincing.  He is clearly Pro-Life, defends the primacy of marriage and the family and society founded upon it and is a passionate defender of authentic freedom. He shows calm in the chaotic displays called debates and stands out. In an age filled with crisis, such calm and competence are refreshing.


WASHINGTON,DC (Catholic Online) – I have followed the political career of former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich for a long time. There are few Americans unaware of his role as the architect and "idea man" behind the historic "Contract with America".

His leadership helped to bring the Republicans to victory in the House of Representatives in 1994. As the Speaker of the House he provided leadership which led to a balanced budget amendment and a period of fiscal stability. He was named an "exceptional leader" by Time Magazine in 1995 for this contribution.

Speaker Gingrich is also an accomplished scholar. He is a history Professor with an earned Doctorate. He is a very intelligent man with a grasp of public policy issues like few others in public service. Over the years I have followed his career, I have been impressed with his willingness to propose fresh solutions for ever challenging public needs.

For example, his proposals in the early 2,000’s for person, family and free market based health care reforms, are just now being given the due consideration they deserve.  His genuine concern for those who are in need of medical care is one of the areas where he has not received the recognition he deserves.


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