
Nasrallah sends “message of peace” to patriarch

  Hezbollah official Ghaleb Abu Zeinab said that he delivered a “message of peace” from Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai. “My meeting with the patriarch [on Friday] comes in the context of strengthening relations between [the patriarchate] and Hezbollah,” Abu Zeinab said in an interview with Al-Jumhuriya newspaper published […]

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لقاء بكركي يؤيّد مشروع اللقاء الأرثوذكس

   عقد اللقاء برئاسة البطريرك مار بشاره بطرس الراعي وحضور المطارنة: بولس صياح، كميل زيدان وسمير مظلوم، الأمين العام للدوائر البطريركية الأب أنطوان خليفة. كذلك حضر رئيس حزب الكتائب الرئيس امين الجميل، ورئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب العماد ميشال عون، ورئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية، ورئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، والنواب الموارنة الذين غاب […]

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How America’s used cars helped fund Hezbollah Middle East & Bank Accused of Money Laundering

note these articles are written by NBC news and other news agency

U.S. car dealerships part of ‘mind-boggling’ international criminal enterprise, U.S. charges

By Michael Isikoff National investigative correspondent / NBC News

 The Treasury Department on Thursday blacklisted one of the largest banks in Lebanon, accusing it of being part of what one official calls a “mind-boggling” international criminal enterprise that is laundering hundreds of  millions of dollar in illegal drug money every year for the benefit of Hezbollah.

The action, which was announced Thursday by Undersecretary of Treasury Stuart Levey, is the latest development in a four-year investigation that officials say has uncovered links between one of Colombia’s biggest drug traffickers, top leaders of Hezbollah and the Iranian Government.

As part of the alleged scheme, proceeds from the drug empire of Colombian trafficker Ayman Saied Joumaa, generated from massive shipments of cocaine to West Africa and then on to Europe, are being laundered through the Lebanese Canadian Bank, or LCB — a Beirut-based financial institution with $5 billion in assets and 35 branches, including an office in Montreal. Some of the money was then rerouted through about 50 used car dealerships in the United States, according to U.S. officials.

The profits ultimately benefit Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based Shiite Muslim group considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government, which is suspected of using some of the revenue to rebuild its military arsenal and other infrastructure damaged in its 2006 war with Israel, the officials said.

As a result of Thursday’s action, LCB has been designated as a financial institution of “primary money laundering concern.” Under a provision of the U.S. Patriot Act, Treasury is proposing to ban it from engaging in any transactions with U.S. financial institutions. That rule would take effect after 60 days unless LCB takes corrective action, officials said.

Bechara Moussa, a representative at LCB’s Montreal office, told NBC: “The general management in Lebanon is aware of these rumors and by tomorrow they will issue a statement.”



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President Sleiman visits Armenia

  On December 8, Mr. Suleiman arrived in Armenia on the invitation of Armenian leader Serzh Sargsyan. Meetings with President Sargsyan, Armenian officials as well as Catholicos of All Armenians His Holiness Karekin II were on the agenda. Also, agreements to promote development of bilateral relations were signed during the visit. The agreements cover economic […]

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Patriach Raï : Les armes illégales doivent être sous le seul contrôle des autorités libanaises

  Le patriarche maronite, Mgr Béchara Raï, a notamment condamné hier l’attentat, soulignant, dans son homélie dominicale, que cette attaque constitue une « agression contre la paix et la stabilité du Liban ». Mgr Raï a également affirmé que les armes illégales doivent être sous le seul contrôle des autorités libanaises car, selon lui, « […]

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Gebran Tueni 6th anniversary

   عندما كتب جبران تويني رسالته الاشهر: "كتاب مفتوح الى الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد" قامت دنيا الازلام والمحاسيب وعسس الاستخبارات وعملاء الوصاية والاحتلال عليه يرشقونه بالحرم الاكبر، لكن الايام اثبتت صحة كلام جبران تويني ورؤيته المستقبلية، فإذا بالاحتلال السوري ينزاح عن لبنان. واذا بالنظام البعثي السوري نفسه يترنح تحت وطأة الحراك الشعبي. لعل قلة تعرف بأنه […]

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STL Delegation in Lebanon ‘Soon’ to Inquire about Suspects

      A week ago, Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced that the government reached a solution that will resolve the issue related to Lebanon funding its part from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Yesterday, the STL media office announced that a delegation from the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare’s office will visit Beirut soon […]

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Patriarch Youssef Raji El Khazen (1845-1854)


Patriarch Youssef El Khazen is the son of Abi Raji son of Younes son of Abi Sleiman son of Nader son of Khazen son of Ibrahim son of El Chidiac Sarkis El Khazen. Chidiac Sarkis El Khazen moved with his children from the town of Jaj to Bouar in Keserwan in 1545

Patriarch Youssef Raji El Khazen was still in school when he started his ecclesiastical career. He was a man truly devoted to God and was endorsed and blessed as a priest on the 6th of November in 1814 after receiving various previous honors.  It was Bishop Youssef Khairallah Estephan who blessed his promotion to priest.

On the 6th of April 1830, he was named Damascus Bishop by Patriarch Youssef Hobeiche the great.

Patriarch Youssef Raji El Khazen was originally from Ajaltoun and followed his studies at the renowned and famous Ain Waraka school.


Maronite Patriarch

After the death of Patriarch Hobeiche, a general Maronite assembly was requested to vote for a new patriarch and took place 9 days after his death on the 16th of May 1845. This delay is mainly explained by the bad security situation in Lebanon due to wars back then.

Here is a list of the attendees at St.Maroun Church at the Maronite Patriarchal seat in the North.

Antoine El Khazen Bishop of Baalbeck

Youssef Raji El Khazen Bishop of Damascus

Semaan Zouein Bishop of Tyr

Abdallah Boustani Bishop of Sidon

Boulos Moussa Bishop of Tripoli

Youssef Rizk Bishop of Kawrach

Philippe Hobeiche Bishop of Hamah

Boulos Massaad Bishop of Tartou

Toubia Aoun Bishop of Beirut

Youssef Geagea Bishop of Cyprus

There were also two priests present, Youssef el Mareed and Boutros Mansour, in charge of keeping record of the elections and any incident reported.

The outcome of this assembly was voting for Youssef Raji El Khazen as the new Maronite Patriarch of Antioch.

Stories that followed Youssef Raji El Khazen’s election

Many rumors spread prior to Raji el Khazen’s election that election were a fraud and protested by many bishops and groups, however the Pope confirmed that Patriarch Youssef Raji El Khazen’s was genuinely elected and gave him the apostolic blessing. 

One of the stories that were spread is found in Bishop Youssef el Debs book on Maronites’ history. He narrates that Bishops met in Our Lady of Mayfouk monastery after Patriarch Hobeiche’s death and voted for Bishop Youssef Raji El Khazen as the new patriarch and headed to the North patriarchal seat to confirm and celebrate the election. However Bcharreh residents regrouped and protested against the new Patriarch as they wanted Bishop BoulosMassaad to win and doubted the outcome of the elections.   

Another different and more accurate interpretation of Youssef Raji’s election is found in Priest Mikhail Gabriel al Chebabi’s testimony: 

 “After Patriarch Youssef Hobeiche had died at the patriarchal residence North of Lebanon, all bishops agreed to hold a general assembly. They first called on all Bishops to come to the North for the voting, however many were worried that elections might not be held properly and the freedom of voting might be compromised by the place and time specially that Lebanon was in times of war. This led to the interference of French consul in Beirut who sent his personal associate to guarantee the adequate circumstances for holding the elections. After convincing all bishops to attend, Bishops from Keserwan were the first who headed to the St.John Maroun monastery in Diman. Being mostly from El Khazen noble family, locals in Bcharreh first sought Knights from the Khazen family came to impose their candidate for the new patriarchal seat, before the French consul intervened once again to ensure the legitimacy of the elections. Elections took place and Youssef Raji El Khazen was voted as the new Maronite Patriarch of Antioch. In an attempt to protest this outcome, certain groups tried to protest and make a scene before Sheikh Boutros Karam and French consul’s messenger calmed them down and advised them otherwise. 

Patriarch Youssef Raji El Khazen was elected on the 18th of August 1845 as the new Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and he resided in Our Lady of Bechara in Zouk Mikael, Keserwan.  Upon his election, he dispatched a letter to Rome through his messenger Nicolas Mrad asking for the papal blessing. Few days later, he received a letter from his beatitude Pope Gregory XVI blessing his victory and confirming the elections.


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