
Rai defends Sleiman during Mar Maroun Mass

  The political attacks against the president of the Lebanese republic Michel Sleiman continued on Thursday when Michel Aoun walked into St.Georges’ Maronite Cathedral after the president during the Mar Maroun mass, which is considered a breach of protocol. This unaccepable behavior was denounced by Patriarch Rai who stated that "whomever insults Sleiman is insulting […]

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Suleiman Vows “Firm” Measures against any Security Breach

    President Michel Suleiman has called for firm measures against any security breach after the latest incident that ripped the city of Tripoli. He noted that " the strong political rethoric and the failure to act responsibly and to abide by the constitution according to the Taif accord are the reasons behind the political, […]

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Tensions in Tripoli and Wadi Khaled

  Even though Lebanon has been relatively spared so far from the situation in Syria, with few incidents reported, the escalation that witnessed thecity of Tripoli yesterday was alarming and forced a heavy deployment in the army during the night, with cleansing operations expected to begin in the morning.   A large number of Army […]

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المارونيّة: قديسٌ وشعبٌ وكيان

    Here’s a short historical article on Maronites written by Dr. Imad Mrad. "إن القديس مارون الذي زيّن مصاف القديسين وأنبت كثيراً من أغراس الحكمة وأنشأ في منطقة قورش الجنة المزدهرة بالحياة الرهبانية والنسكية…، لم تقتصر حياته على الاعمال النسكية المعتادة لكن اخترع أعمالاً أعظم، اذ آثر الحياة في العراء صيفاً شتاءً وليلاً نهاراً، […]

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Al-Rahi Supports Unification of Cyprus

After a majestic mass on Thursday on St.Maron’s day, Patriarch Rai headed this morning to Cyprus in order to consolidate ties with its Maronite citizens. He met the Cypriot President and backed the unification of Cyprus.   Read more about the visit [Here].

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Patriarch Rai heads St.Maroun mass

    Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi reiterated on the occasion of St. Maroun Day on Thursday his call for the adoption of a new social pact to renew the national pact of 1943. During a sermon at the St. George Cathedral in downtown Beirut, al-Rahi said the new pact would be based on mutual respect, […]

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St.Maroun Day wishes all Maronites in Lebanon and across the world a blessed Saint Maroun day. 

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الراعي: المطلوب من لبنان ان يقدم رسالة الى الإنسانية

  واصل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي جولته الراعوية على مناطق وبلدات أبرشية بيروت، ووصل في السابعة الا ربعا الى ساحة كنيسة مار نوهرا- التحويطة – فرن الشباك على انغام موسيقى المتين، وقد ازدانت الساحات والشوارع بالاعلام اللبنانية والبابوية وصور البطريرك الراعي، كما صدحت مكبرات الصوت في الشوارع بالترانيم والتراتيل الدينية، ورفعت اليافطات المرحبة […]

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Patriarch Rai visits Al Kalaa

  Patriarch Rai visited yesterday Mar Youhanna’s monastery in Al Kalaa and requested from officials to work harder on revealing the truth behind the dissapearance of the Fr.Albert Cherfan and Fr.Sleiman Abou Khalil back in 1990. They are presumed to be in Syrian prisoners along with hundreds of other Lebanese detained at the end of […]

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Situation in Syria worsens

    The last few days saw a further aggravation of the situation in Syria, which forced the US to close its embassy and pull out all its staff to Jordan. Even though US president Barak Obama still thinks crisis can be solved without any military action, the reality on the ground is different as […]

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