
الراعي: على لبنان ألا يكون تابعا بل واحة حيادية يلتقي فيها الجميع

  استقبل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، قبل ظهر اليوم في الصرح البطريركي في بكركي، وفدا من مجلس نقابة الصحافة برئاسة النقيب محمد البعلبكي الذي ألقى كلمة قال فيها: "ان البطريرك مار بشارة بطرس الراعي هو ضمانة للبنان، وكان لي حظ كبير بأن تكون لدي علاقة وطيدة مع غبطته قبل توليه السدة البطريركية، وخصوصا […]

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Lebanon Advances to Final Round of 2014 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers

  Lebanon made history yesterday by qualifying to the final round of the World Cup 2014 despite its loss to the UAE. Thousands of Lebanese fans flew to Dubai to watch their national team make it through for the first time in their history. Lebanon now has a real chance of qualifying for the first […]

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President Sleiman visits Czech Republic

   President Michel Sleiman arrived on Wednesday to the Czech Republic’s capital, Prague, the National News Agency reported.   The report added that Sleiman headed a meeting attended by his accompanying delegation in which he discussed the schedule of the visit.   He reiterated the importance of the Taif Accord and said that “some gaps […]

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Irish Film Festival in Beirut

  For the first ever festival of Irish film in Lebanon, Lebanese NGO Nahwa Al Muwatiniya, in association with Metropolis, will screen a series of nine feature length films and twelve short films at the Metropolis Empire Sofil Theatre from February 29 to March 4. Read more about it [Here].

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