
Gemayel Withholds Confidence from Govt., Clashes with Fattoush

  halange bloc MP Sami Gemayel on Thursday announced that he withholds confidence from Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s government, during the third round of parliamentary debate over the government’s policies.  “We withhold confidence from this government and this is our democratic duty and everyone must shoulder their responsibilities,” Gemayel said.   Addressing Hizbullah MPs who […]

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STL: Fransen’s Deadline for Challenging Jurisdiction Milestone Towards Trial

    The Special Tribunal for Lebanon said Wednesday that the decision of pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen to set a deadline for challenging the court’s jurisdiction is another milestone towards trial in the case of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination. Four Hizbullah members – Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Oneissi and Assad Sabra – have been indicted […]

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الراعي التقى سفيرتي المانيا وكندا

    إستقبل البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، اليوم، في الصرح البطريركي في بكركي، سفيرة ألمانيا في لبنان بيرغيتا سيفكار إيبيرلي مع وفد من لجنة حقوق الإنسان والأعمال الإنسانية في البرلمان الألماني، للاطلاع على كيفية تعايش الجماعات الدينية في ما بينها في لبنان، وعن حرية التعبير. وأوضحت إيبيرلي "أن الحوار مع غبطته في هذا […]

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اشكال بين أحمد فتفت و زياد أسود حول البواخر التركية خلال الجلسة النيابية

 The parliament sessions that are undergoing have witnessed many quarrels in the first day and as well in the second day. It is quite shameful to see few Lebanese politicians behave this way on public television for all to see. You can see the heated argument between Ahmad Fatfat and Ziad Aswad by clicking on […]

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Lebanese caught being smuggled in a suitcase

 A Lebanese man turned the joke of climbing into somebody’s suitcase a reality when he hid in the luggage of a German to cross the Turkish border into Greece. Turkish customs officers at the Pazarkule Customs Gate ordered the German man to open his suitcase when they became suspicious over its enormous size. When they unzipped […]

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الراعي: لاحياء ربيع مسيحي يمكّن المسيحيين من مواصلة دورهم التاريخي في المنطقة

    اكد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي "اننا ننتظر من رعاة الكنيسة في الشرق العربي الذي يعيش مخاض الثورات ان يوجهوا المسيحيين الى احياء ربيع مسيحي فيواصلوا دورهم التاريخي في المنطقة".

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Nasrallah to Assange: We Contacted Syrian Opposition Urging Dialogue with Regime

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange interviewed Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Tuesday in the debut of his "The World Tomorrow" talk show on Russia’s state-funded RT cable broadcaster. Assange remains under house arrest and was speaking from his study in London to Nasrallah at his Lebanese office via a computer video link. Nasrallah revealed that […]

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“Faites-vous entendre !” : le cri des pirates à l’abordage de sites web du gouvernement libanais

  La page d’accueil des sites officiels du Conseil des ministres, de l’Agence nationale d’information, du ministère des Transports publics, duministère de la Justice, du ministère des Affaires étrangères, des Forces de sécurité intérieure, des autorités douanières, de la commission de contrôle du ministère de l’Économie et du Commerce, du ministère d’État pour les affaires […]

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President Sleiman in Australia

    President Michel Suleiman on Monday stressed that “Lebanon is not an arena for settling scores or conflict, but rather an arena for the rapprochement of all Arab brothers,” noting that “Lebanon will not be a launch pad for sabotage or attack against any Arab nation, particularly Syria.” In a speech before members of the […]

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STL Sets Deadline for Challenging Tribunal’s Jurisdiction

    Special Tribunal for Lebanon Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen has set a timeline for the submission of preliminary motions challenging the jurisdiction of the tribunal, announced the STL in a statement on Monday. “In order to ensure the preparation of a fair and expeditious trial, Fransen convened a status conference on April 12, 2012,” it […]

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