
is President Obama campaigning to Sarkozy French Election 2012? ad sending his advisors in France

In an unprecedented move in French diplomacy, newscasts on several TV channels showed the first few minutes of a video link-up between the French president and his Washington counterpart.Days before the 22 April first-round vote in the French presidential election, the rare glimpse of banter between world leaders shows Obama saying of the campaign, "It must be a busy time." He adds: "I admire the tough battle you are waging." Sarkozy replies, grinning and with arms folded: "We will win, Mr Obama. You and me, together." The cameras leave before the presidents talk about Syria, Iran and oil. Washington told Le Monde it had indeed been aware that cameras were authorised to film the first few minutes of the video conference.


Three Musketeers of Obama’s in mission to Paris: John Del Cecato presidential strategist David Axelrod, Cornell Belcher, pollster, and Stephen Geer, "inventor" of fundraising on the Internet. They have contributed to the electoral triumph of 2008 and remain mobilized alongside the outgoing President for appointment in November 2012. Suffice to say that the visit "private" in recent days in the French capital, at the initiative of Olivier Piton, installed French lawyer in the U.S., instead of motivations "professional".

Venus auscultate the presidential campaign, they met with the staffs of Nicolas Sarkozy, Francois Hollande and Francois Bayrou, and various elected officials and polling institutes. On the Internet, France has caught up Lessons to be learned? "The political and electoral rules are of course different, but when an incumbent President is nominated, it is always a referendum on his person and his record," said John Del Cecato.

"It is interesting to observe your" best practices "and see how you handle the specific constraints of a campaign. For example, while we spend a lot of time raising money, the French candidates are focusing much more on direct contact with voters. And if we had the lead in Internet use, you have largely caught up with your delay. " In the U.S., said Cornell Belcher, a campaign based on "the three M: Money, Message, Mobilisation. Here, money has much less importance and the message depends much more on the press, since a candidate can not pass directly into a barrage of commercials. So, it’s on voter mobilization that carries most of the campaign efforts. "

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Awdeh Hopes for End of Era of Killing and Assassinations

      Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Beirut Elias Audeh hoped in his Easter sermon on Sunday that the era of killing and assassinations has ended with no return. “We reject killing and assassinations and condemn them,” Audeh said at the St. George cathedral in downtown Beirut in reference to the recent murder attempt on Lebanese […]

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President Sleiman in Australia

  The President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Sleiman has landed on Sunday morning in the Fairbairn airport in Canberra, Australia. This visit is the first official visit done by a Lebanese president to Australia, after having received an official invitation.  The president is expected to meet high officials and stay at the Hyatt hotel. 

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النائب الخازن: من المهم جداً ان يوضع كلام الراعي في سياقه الصحيح

  عرض البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي المستجدات مع النائب فريد الخازن الذي قال بعد اللقاء: "كانت جولة افق حول المسائل المطروحة، ونحن نؤكد دائما اهمية دور البطريرك والمبادرات التي يتخذها في كل المجالات". وأضاف: "من المهم جدا ان يوضع هذا الكلام دائما في سياقه الصحيح، وألا يجتزأ أبدا، لأن هناك من يحاول التعرض […]

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Suleiman: Lebanese Must Derive Lessons from Conflicts that Ignored Local Interests

    President Michel Suleiman stressed on Friday the importance of the stability Lebanon is experiencing in light of the tense political and security situation in the region. He urged the Lebanese people, on the 37th anniversary of the eruption of the Lebanese civil war, “to derive lessons from conflicts that disregarded national interests and instead […]

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الراعي: لخطة نهوض اقتصادية تخرج المواطن من الفقر والارتهان

      زار البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، في اطار زياراته الراعوية الى الرهبانيات في لبنان، دير الرئاسة الاقليمية للشرق لراهبات المحبة للقديسة جان انتيد – بيزنسون في بعبدا، في ذكرى تأسيس الرهبانية، وكان في استقباله رئيس أساقفة بيروت المطران بولس مطر وجمهور الراهبات، تقدمتهم الرئيسة الإقليمية الاخت باسكال خوري وحشد كبير من […]

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Lebanese Army Says Report Claiming 2 Recruits Joined FSA ‘Exaggerated’

  Two Lebanese army recruits have escaped the military service and joined the ranks of the rebel Free Syrian Army to fight President Bashar Assad’s regime, As Safir newspaper reported on Wednesday. An informed source told the daily that the military service of the two recruits, who hail from the Wadi Khaled border region of Akkar, […]

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قرار قضائي يمنع إعطاء داتا الاتصالات للأجهزة الأمنية

  فيما استمرت قوى 14 آذار بالهجوم على وزير الاتصالات نقولا صحناوي على خلفية حجبه لبيانات اتصالات الهاتف الخلوي عن الأجهزة الأمنية، رفضت الهيئة القضائية المختصة منح داتا الاتصالات لفرع المعلومات، في قرار نهائي أصدرته امس. وتضم الهيئة في عضويتها كلاً من القضاة رئيس ديوان المحاسبة عوني رمضان ورئيس مجلس شورى الدولة شكري صادر والمدعي […]

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الراعي: الشعب يريد العيش المشترك خارج الإنقسامات الطائفي

    Here’ s an excerpt of Patriarch Rai’s speech upon welcoming visitors coming to wish him a Happy Easter!    "نتمنى أن يكون هذا العيد مشرقا علينا بالسلام والمحبة والشركة والتعاون، ونؤكد ضرورة أن يضطلع لبنان بالدور المنتظر منه. ونحن من خلال زياراتنا الراعوية إلى مختلف المناطق اللبنانية شعرنا كم تختلف تطلعات الشعب اللبناني […]

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