
إنجاز التدقيق بالهبات للأعوام 2000 ـ 2010: 8% فقط مسجّل

    قوانين قطع الحسابات المالية الصادرة سابقا او التي ستصدر لاحقا (بما فيها مشاريع القوانين 2006 الى 2010)، ناقصة وغير صحيحة وتنطوي على مخالفات خطيرة… فهي لم (ولن) تلحظ قيمة الهبات الفعلية وكيفية التصرّف بها! هذا ما خلصت اليه عملية التدقيق بحسابات الهبات والتبرّعات النقدية، التي انجزت وزارة المال مرحلتها الاولى وشملت الاعوام من […]

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Shots Fired at Geagea’s Maarab Residence

  Unknown assailants opened fire at the Maarab residence of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday, announced the LF media department in a statement. The security personnel at the residence immediately headed to the scene where they found empty bullet shells belonging to a 12.7 sniper rifle, it said. LF MP Antoine Zahra later […]

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الذي لديه أيّ مشكلة مع البطريرك فليحلّها داخل أسوار بكركي وليس عبر الاعلام

  وتعليقاً على ما يتعرّض له البطريرك مار بشارة بطرس الراعي من انتقادات، ذكّر سعادة بأنّ موقف الكتائب كان واضحاً بهذا الصدد. وقال "بكركي بالنسبة إلينا خط احمر والذي لديه أيّ مشكلة مع البطريرك فليحلّها داخل أسوار بكركي وليس عبر الاعلام". وردّاً على سؤال عن دور الكتائب في حلحلة الازمة بين الجامع الازهر وبكركي، خصوصاً […]

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Jal el Dib Residents block the highway

  Jal el-Dib residents blocked the highway again to voice their anger at the lack of an alternative for the dismantled bridge. They blocked the highway for more than an hour and the police is now reopening the roads.  

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Baragwanath Holds Talks with Suleiman

    President of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Judge Sir David Baragwanath held talks on Monday with President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati separately as he is expected to meet with several other senior Lebanese officials. The National News Agency reported that Suleiman discussed with Baragwanath at the Baabda Palace the progress of […]

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Jal el-Dib Residents Resort to organize Sit-in

  The residents of Jal el-Dib and neighboring areas are expected to stage a sit-in on Tuesday morning on the Beirut-Jounieh highway in protest of the cabinet’s failure to find an alternative solution to traffic after the dismantlement of the metal bridge, Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported. [Source]

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Jewish Rabbis in Surprise Visit to Sidon

  Residents of the southern city of Sidon were surprised on Monday to see two rabbis touring Jewish sites in the city’s old quarter. "For 40 years we have not seen a rabbi in Sidon. And the last Jewish families left after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, fearing reprisals," said one resident on condition […]

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Christian Copts in Egypt Face Evil as They Mourn Death of Pope Shenouda

By Michael Terheyden, Leaders of the Salafist movement are calling the late Coptic Pope, Shenouda III, the "head of the infidels."  Wagdy Ghoneim actually celebrated his death in a message posted on Facebook. The Salafist cleric said, "We rejoice that he is destroyed…. May God have His revenge on him in the fire of hell – he and all who walk his path." This is true hate speech. As we enter into Holy Week we need to pray for the Coptic Christians. KNOXVILLE, TN (Catholic Online) – According to an article written by Wayne King and published on Compass Direct, as the Coptic community mourns the death of their beloved religious leader, his Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Salafis are hurling hateful insults at him. The title of the article is "Salafist Leaders Celebrate Death of Coptic Pope in Egypt." The writer says that these attacks reflect open contempt for the Copts.

Leaders of the Salafist movement are calling the late Pope the "head of the infidels," among other things. Furthermore, during an official moment of silence in remembrance of Pope Shenaouda in the lower house of Egypt’s parliament, several Salafi members refused to stand in remembrance of him. Some even walked out. The Salafis make up 20 percent of Egypt’s new parliament, so all this hostility does not bode well for the Copts or for freedom in Egypt.


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