
Berri Confirms Terrorist Group Entered Lebanon to Carry Out Political Assassinations

  Speaker Nabih Berri confirmed during Wednesday’s parliamentary meeting a list of politicians and figures targeted by extremist groups, describing the threat as serious and dangerous. According to NBN, Berri called on security agencies to follow up the issue. Local newspapers reported on Wednesday that international countries warned Lebanese officials that a terrorist group – linked […]

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Hollande officially new France’s president

  France’s first socialist leader in nearly 20 years is sworn in at a low-key official ceremony at the Elysée palace. François Hollande is welcomed by departing president Nicolas Sarkozy. They held a private meeting before Sarkozy left the palace. Hollande then makes his first speech as president, promising a new way forward for Europe […]

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Phoenician-Era Cemetery Discovered in Tyre Lebanon

  A Phoenician-era cemetery has been unearthed in the coastal town of Tyre, which was a major Phoenician seaport from about 2000 BC through to Roman times, the National News Agency said Tuesday. The cemetery was discovered in the northern entrance of Tyre in the Jal Al-Bahr region, and is located on a hill near the […]

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In Tripoli, child soldiers in the making

    Amid the violence and increasing sectarian fervor, videos and pictures are surfacing showing children holding guns in Tripoli. LBC spoke with one of the “child soldiers.” It’s not clear if the gun the boy in the video is holding is real or if it’s even loaded. But the fact remains: with this kind of […]

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Sheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen Press Release

    Sheikh Farid Haykal el Khazen held a press conference in Kleiat to condem the actions taken by the Zouk Mosbeh municipality against his employees and the trucks that he owns. Noting that his business is 100% legal, the motives behind those shameful acts are purely political. You can watch the video [Here]   […]

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the Defender of Marriage and Family

PROVIDENCE, RI (Catholic Online) – Thomas J. Tobin is the Bishop of the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island. He has stood strong in his defense of the dignity of every human person from conception to natural death as well as his defense of true marriage and the family and society founded upon it. He has tried to help erring Catholics, including Catholic politicians in his own Diocese, to turn from error and turn toward the truth. He is solid as a rock in his orthodoxy, but always defends the faith with a pastor’s heart.

In June of 2011, Rhode Island passed "civil union" legislation. The Bishop knew that such legislation was dangerous to the common good. He recognized that the continuing moral erosion of our culture which has as one of its bad fruits, the movement to eliminate marriage and the family and society founded upon it by giving a moral and legal equivalency to homosexual relationships.

The legislation contained what are called "religious exemptions". However, a group of homosexual equivalency activists who called themselves "Marriage Equality Rhode Island", who represent the "LGBTI"  (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and Intersex) community  issued this statement upon the passage of the legislation:

"We are extremely disappointed that the Senate brazenly ignored the commonsense objections raised by equality and civil rights leaders here and across the country. This civil union bill contains dangerous and discriminatory language that, without question, will cause significant harm to countless gay and lesbian couples in loving, committed relationships, and we will continue to fight it through whatever means are necessary."

"Furthermore, we renew our request that the governor veto this hurtful and ill conceived bill. To not do so would be a slap in the face to the gay and lesbian community, and every Rhode Islander who cares about equal rights and protections for all our state’s citizens."

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Al-Rahi Urges Officials to Resume Dialogue

      Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi called on officials on Saturday to find consensus among each other and to resume the national dialogue in order to reach a new national charter based on 1943 National Covenant. “It is time for us to have brave, free and unbiased” politicians, al-Rahi said during a mass held at […]

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Clashes in Tripoli

  Three people, including a Lebanese soldier, were killed and at least nine injured on Sunday in a gunfight between the residents of rival neighborhoods in the northern port city of Tripoli as the area witnessed intermittent clashes, the army and media reports said. Army troops, mainly from the Commando Regiment, began deploying in the afternoon […]

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Hail to the Chief President Michel Suleiman,

  Hail to the Chief President Michel Suleiman, His excellency General Michel Suleiman  brilliant leadership as he rose to the Lebanese presidency  has strengthen the office of the Presidency role Thanks to our  President Suleiman he invited all Lebanese leaders to join his cabinet in prominent roles. Suleiman success is founded in a character that […]

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Truth behind the “revolution” against the Khazen family in Keserwan

  The Khazen family has been serving Lebanon and more specifically the Keserwan area for centuries now and have been known for its generosity, fairness and kindness. Added to that, the Khazens have displayed strong leadership skills that have kept Keserwan and the Maronite Patriarchal seat safe and honored.   In that context and upon […]

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