
Lebanese Man Killed, Another Abducted in Nigeria

  Gunmen in northern Nigeria’s Kaduna state on Monday shot dead a Lebanese man and his Nigerian driver and abducted another Lebanese national, the state police spokesman said. "The gunmen attacked the construction bus in which they were traveling, shot dead a Lebanese and the Nigerian driver and kidnapped another Lebanese," Aminu Lawan told Agence France […]

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Patriarch Rai in Canada

  اكد البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الراعي اننا في "لبنان في حاجة الى قانون انتخابي جديد يحترم حرية المواطن في اختيار الشخص الذي يريد والذي يرى فيه الكفاءة والاخلاص للوطن"، واصف السجال الذي حصل بين النواب في الايام الاخيرة في المجلس النيابي ب"المخجل"، ومبديا اسفه "للمستوى الذي وصل اليه النواب في كلامهم وتفكيرهم". كلام […]

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Compare and Contrast French and US election

Compare and Contrast French and US election. Surprising numbers.


Compare and Contrast electoral Map and votes of the  United States presidential election in 2008  vs Electoral Map in France votes in 2012.

Surprising numbers about  French and US elections

 Blue votes  represents the Right (under Sarkozy) and the Red votes represent the Left (under Hollande).  In USA the Red represents the GOP and the Blue represents the Democrats. So French voters are completely opposite compared to USA voters
Notice, In France, the people  from rural cities vote Left, while in USA the center vote RIght.
Cities such as Marseille, Nice, Saint Dennis vote overwhelmingly Right in France  vs in USA,  California, Hawaii, Boston vote Left.
I cannot not question myself, why corporate France vote overwhelmingly Right in France and in USA cities as New York, Chicago, California vote overwhelmingly Democrats.
Sarkozy faced the same faith as George H Bush. Sarkozy faced strong opposition from the extreme conservatives in France (LePen) and George H Bush faced strong opposition from conservatives in 1992 election (Perot votes)
Sarkozy and George H bush came after 3 terms of Right being in power (2 terms for Reagan and 1 Term for Bush41) While in France Sarkozy lost after 3 terms of the right being in power (Chirac 2 terms, Sarko 1 term)
The economy in both cases is extremely bad
George H Bush strong in Foreign policy but dealt with bad economy. Sarkozy strong on Foreign policy but weak locally. 
Both of them Lost faith of their own parties


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Hariri to Stress Importance of Parliamentary Elections

    Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri is expected to make a “fiery speech” on Sunday afternoon during a Mustaqbal movement rally in downtown Beirut to commemorate Martyrs’ Day and the events of May 7, 2008, reported al-Mustaqbal daily on Sunday. Informed circles said that he will highlight the importance and “fatefulness” of the 2013 parliamentary […]

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الراعي غادر إلى كندا بتأخير ساعتين بسبب انفجار بركان وتأثيره على الملاحة الجوية

  اختتم البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي زيارته الراعوية للمكسيك، وغادر مطار تولوكا Toluca الدولي في العاصمة المكسيكية، متوجها إلى كندا، بعد تأخير دام ساعتين بسبب انفجار بركان Popocatepetel وتصاعد الرماد الكثيف والدخان منه، ما أدى الى وقف حركة الملاحة الجوية في عدد من المطارات المكسيكية، وما فرض تعديل وجهة الطيران الى قطاع جوي […]

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Has ‘cloud computing’ become a redundant phrase?

By | May 4, 2012, 2:31pm PDT

Perhaps “cloud computing” has become one of those redundant phrases as well. I recently had the opportunity to moderate a panel discussion on cloud at IBM’s Impact conference. One of the panelists, Dr. Angel Diaz, vice president of software standards & cloud for IBM, predicted that we may not even be using the term “cloud” within the next five years – any and all forms of computing will be taking advantage of a mix of network and local resources.

In the meantime, another IBMer, Chris Dotson, wants to make the point that cloud, as it exists today – occurs in many different forms.  He provides four reasons why the term “cloud” gets brutally misused across the industry:

  • There isn’t a single cloud: Every vendor has a different type of offerings, such as Apple’s iCloud or Amazon’s EC2 Cloud or IBM’s SmartCloud. “Even within an organization, it is certainly possible that there would be different private clouds for different purposes,” he adds.
  • There are many types of cloud: Consider all the different purposes and architectures cloud performs:“private development/test compute cloud, a private storage cloud, a private desktop cloud, analytic cloud, and many others.
  • Many people think that “the cloud” is magic: Clouds just don’t automatically run every workload you throw at them; it still takes a lot of integration and development work. “Cloud computing is simply a different model with the same old mundane computers beneath it,” says Dotson.
  • Talking about “the cloud” implies that it’s a thing rather than a service model: “To me, the most important piece is on demand self-service, meaning that you can use services in an automated fashion without waiting for another human to help you unless something goes wrong.  Practically anything that meets these requirements can be used or sold in a cloud model, even some things that have been around for years!  What’s different here is that the number of these services is growing so quickly, the interfaces between them are standardizing somewhat so that different services can be swapped in and out for different purposes, and that these services are able to make use of other cloud services in an automated fashion. The biggest impact of cloud computing might not be in humans requesting services, but in cloud agents requesting services on behalf of humans!”
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Lebanon rates poorly in report on media

The Lebanon Daily Star,

Lebanon’s media received poor marks on a newly released report on media in the Arab world, receiving an overall grade of just over 2 out of 4 in the Media Sustainability Index for 2010-11.

Surprisingly, its grade for freedom of speech (1.99) was one of its lowest in six different areas related to the media, although the country is often hailed as an oasis of media freedom compared to other countries in the region.

The rankings were announced during a panel discussion organized Thursday by Maharat Foundation, a local media watchdog, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day.

The index is composed of six "objectives," or areas in which a country receives a numerical grade on a scale of 4: freedom of speech, professional journalism, plurality of news, business management, supporting institutions and serving public needs.

Representatives of media outlets, NGOs, professional associations and academic institutions served as the primary sources of information in drafting the report.

While most of the scores saw slight increases and decreases since 2005, when the process was launched, Lebanon’s score when it comes to "supporting institutions" for the media significantly dipped from 2.34 in 2005, to only 1.64 in 2011.

Even though the report cited several initiatives undertaken by different universities, newspapers and NGOs to launch training programs for journalists, these efforts have largely failed in terms of sustainability, resulting in the low "supporting institutions score."

The report highlighted the inactive role of the Journalists Union, which it said has "closed its doors to working media professionals, failed to hold elections for years, and had done little to defend the rights of journalists."

Other reasons provided by the report were difficulties in the country’s electricity, Internet and infrastructure which negatively affect the performance of media.

The media’s lowest grade (1.28) in "serving public needs," a newly introduced objective in the index.

According to panelists who contributed to the report, media outlets are not undertaking reform or supporting discussions leading to reform; they only wait to see what politicians say in order to identify their reporting angle.


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Rivals fans fight following Lebanese basketball game

    The Lebanese Basketball Union held a meeting on Thursday following Wednesday a basketball game between Al-Riyadi and Anibal Zahle that ended with fighting between rival fans after the former team lost the game.  Union chief George Barakat annanounced that the next game in the series between the two Lebanese basketball teams would be […]

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الراعي: لا يجوز اعتبار المسيحيين في بلدان الشرق الأوسط أقليات

    زار البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الراعي، رئيس الجمهورية المكسيكية فيليبي كالدرون اينوخوسا في القصر الرئاسي. استهل اللقاء بكلمة ترحيب للرئيس الذي عبر عن سروره باستقبال البطريرك، وقال: "لقد تشرفت سابقا بلقاء فخامة رئيس الجمهورية اللبنانية، واليوم يتجدد الشرف بلقاء غبطتكم وانتم على رأس الكنيسة المارونية التي نسعد ونرتاح جدا الى التعاون معها […]

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