
Global frustration with the U.S. rises

  Throughout the U.S. presidential primary season, Republican candidates disagreed on many issues, but were united in their attacks on President Barack Obama for presiding over the decline in America’s stature in the world. No candidate pursued this line of attack more vigorously than the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney.Romney seems intent on convincing voters that […]

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Authorities to target crime, traffic violations

  BEIRUT: The Lebanese Army and police are set to begin a monthlong crackdown across Lebanon with the aim of arresting people with outstanding warrants, Interior Minister Marwan Charbel said Sunday. “Security services, including the Lebanese Army, will target wanted persons and vehicles without proper identification as part of a monthlong, wide-ranging crackdown starting next week,” […]

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Al-Rahi Urges Officials to Resolve Problems that Lead to Land Sales

    Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi urged Lebanese officials on Sunday to help the people preserve their land by resolving the problems that lead to property sales and emigration. In his sermon, al-Rahi said the Lebanese constitution’s preamble states that “Lebanese territory is one for all Lebanese.” “Every Lebanese shall have the right to live in any […]

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الراعي يفاجئ «14 آذار»

  تميز اللقاء الذي عقد امس في بكركي بين البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي ووفد من موارنة قوى 14 آذار، ضم الرئيس أمين الجميل والنواب بطرس حرب، دوري شمعون وستريدا جعجع، والنواب السابقين نايلة معوض وفارس سعيد وكميل زيادة، «بصراحة وايجابية مطلقتين»، على حد قول مصادر الطرفين. والوفد كان قد ناقش مواضيع البحث في […]

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Suleiman Seeks to Highlight Common Points on Defense Strategy

  The latest consultations held between President Michel Suleiman and members of the national dialogue will likely lead to a second Baabda Declaration that is set to highlight what the March 8 forces and the opposition have in common on the country’s defense strategy, An Nahar daily reported Sunday. The seventeen March 8 and 14 leaders […]

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جلسة مكاشفة بين الراعي ومــوارنة 14 آذار

  حرص قوى 14 آذار على تضمين مغزى زيارتها لبكركي الكثير من الايجابيات. تصرّ على عدم اثارة اي غبار على لقاء تراهن عليه لتحسين العلاقة بين بكركي والقيادات المارونية في قوى 14 آذار. وبدا واضحاً ان المعنيين بعقد اللقاءات التمهيدية حريصون على ابعاد اجتماع بكركي اليوم عن كل التجاذبات، مفضّلين عدم الحديث عن الخلاف الذي […]

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Suleiman Consults 17 Leaders to Guarantee Success of 2nd Round of Dialogue

  President Michel Suleiman is exerting strong efforts to garner the support of 17 Lebanese leaders on the agenda of the next national dialogue session that is scheduled to be held at Baabda palace on Monday. An Nahar daily reported Friday that Suleiman has launched secret consultations with the top officials to guarantee the success of […]

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Syrian Christians feel vulnerable as country burns

Syrian Christians feel vulnerable as country burns


— Inside the besieged Syrian city of Homs, where hundreds of civilians are caught up in a fierce battle between rebels and government troops, a small group of Christians is making its own desperate pleas for safety.

Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Syria’s population, say they are particularly vulnerable to the violence sweeping the country of 22 million people. They are fearful that Syria will become another Iraq, with Christians caught in the crossfire between rival Islamic groups.

"What is happening in these neighborhoods pains our hearts," said Maximos al-Jamal, a Greek Orthodox priest who is still in Homs. He says about 90 of the civilians in two besieged Homs neighborhoods are Christians, down from thousands who lived in the area before the uprising began.

"Before we were staying here to guard our homes but now the situation is unbearable," one Homs resident told The Associated Press by telephone, asking that his name not be used for fear of reprisals by both sides of the conflict.

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“النهار”: الرئيس سليمان إلى باريس للقاء هولاند مطلع تموز

  علمت صحيفة "النهار" ان اتصالات تجري بين بيروت وباريس تمهيداً لزيارة يقوم بها الرئيس سليمان للعاصمة الفرنسية في نهاية حزيران الجاري أو مطلع تموز المقبل، مع العلم أن تحديد الموعد رهن بأجندة الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند المرتبط بمواعيد دولية وبزيارة سيقوم بها للجزائر في الأسبوع الأول من تموز. وأفادت المعلومات المتوافرة أن زيارة سليمان […]

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