
The Catholic Vote Swings

  The new wisdom is that Catholics vote just like everybody else. That purported wisdom isn’t wise. The Catholic vote differs in four decisive ways from the Protestant, Jewish, and secular votes. (1) The Catholic vote is concentrated mainly in the largest states in the Electoral College: California, Texas, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, […]

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Demonstrators Storm Jeb Jennine Power Plant

  Residents of the Bekaa region Jeb Jennine stormed on Monday the local power plant demanding more hours of electricity, said Electricite du Liban in a statement. It said that residents gathered outside the station at 8:00 a.m. and demanded that they be granted entry to the plant’s main control room. The worker on shift refused […]

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The State Of Twitter’s Revenue Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]


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The speculation game over Twitter’s revenue is going wild. Some believe the company will bring in $226 million in revenue this year, others predict closer to $400 million, and some even think it will reach a billion in just two years.

And while it’s still private, we probably won’t be hearing any official numbers from Twitter for a while – but this infographic from explores what we do know.

Whether Twitter’s revenue will reach $540 million in 2014 – or whether it will explode to $1 billion as two sources told Bloomberg this month – is up for debate. The infographic explores both possibilities, and it does point out that many advertisers prefer Twitter to Facebook, which may lend credence to the high predictions.

The various types of advertising solutions on Twitter are also explored in this infographic, and a few case studies including the Red Cross and Airbnb are included to highlight how big advertisers are using Promoted Tweets, Trends and Accounts creatively.


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There Are Ways To Recruit Top Talent Through Facebook

While LinkedIn remains the top way that headhunters find talented employees, businesses with top-quality Facebook pages can attract quality applicants, too.   Canadian business publication Benefits Canada offered some ways that companies can use their Facebook pages to not only connect with their fans, but with future employees. Writer Tod Maffin explains that 63 percent […]

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Should Your Brand Page Be on Facebook or Google+? [Infographic]

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Google+ may have been slow to catch on in the wake of the larger and more popular Facebook, but don’t write the social network off just yet.  This infographic shows a side-by-side comparison of the two networks, each of which caters to a slightly different audience. Which one is right for your brand?

With 170 million registered users, Google’s social layer, Google+, is finding a niche among young, tech-savvy professionals who like to post and share content.  Oddly enough, pictures are what Google+ users share the most.

On Facebook, the photo-sharing feature is ranked fourth behind “likes,” status updates, and comments. Facebook users spend more than seven hours per month on the social network, engaging with one another on a personal level.

This may be why Google+ is better for promoting content, while Facebook works well for traditional marketing aimed at a broad audience. The most popular brands on Facebook are consumer favorites like Coca-Cola, Disney, and Starbucks; while Google+ favors its own products, like Android and Chrome, as well as the tech blog Mashable.

For more surprising statistics and tips for creating a marketing strategy, check out this infographic from Pardot below:

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“الانباء”: لائحة الاغتيالات قديمة وجديدها اسم السنيورة

  كشفت صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية انه تستمر التحضيرات لجولة الحوار الثانية في القصر الجمهوري الاثنين المقبل، والتي يفترض ان تجري تقييما لمقررات الجولة الأولى والدخول في البند المتعلق بالاستراتيجية الدفاعية وسلاح المقاومة. وبانتظار الاثنين، يبقى الترقب لما يجري على المستوى الاقليمي والسوري خصوصا، مع ترجيح كفة الحوار، مهما كانت الظروف، لأنه الملجأ الأكثر امانا في […]

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Stay Out of Syria

    Like all long-suffering fans of the New York Mets, I am on Cloud Nine courtesy of Johan Santana, whose recent no-hitter — in the team’s 8,020th game, during its 51st season — was the first in Mets history. My enthusiasm did not ebb, not by a fraction of a quark, when Hugo Chávez […]

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EDL General Manager Blames Contract Workers for Electricity Blackout

    Electricite du Liban’s general manager Kamal al-Hayek held the company’s contract workers responsible for the blackout that plunged Lebanon into darkness on Monday. The factories are not undergoing any “maintenance or repair as there are no decisions being taken, and no meetings held but only problems moving from a floor to another” at the […]

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Syrians in Lebanon under threat

  Hassan is a Syrian living in Dahiyeh who runs a retail shop. Ever since the kidnapping of a busload of Lebanese pilgrims in Syria on May 22, Hassan says he is being threatened and intimidated into paying extortion money to men he described as “the thugs of Dahiyeh” in retribution for the pilgrims’ disappearance […]

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الراعي: لبنان أرض مقدسة تأبى اعمال القتل والارهاب

  بعد الانجيل المقدس، ألقى البطريرك الراعي عظة بعنوان "طوبى للعيون التي تنظر ما انتم تنظرون"، قال فيها: "طوب الرب يسوع ويطوب كل من يرى جمالات الله متجلية في الانسان والعائلة والمجتمع والطبيعة، ويراها عندما يرتفع في الصلاة بعقله وقلبه الى الله. ذلك أن الصلاة مشاهدة تزرع السلام والفرح في باطن الانسان. هذا ما اختبرته […]

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