
Lebanese Olive Oil: Farmers Pitted Against Government

  A program launched by the government has so far completely failed to improve conditions for farmers. Earlier this year, the government launched the national program for the collection of Lebanese olive oil, which aims to purchase oil produce for the Lebanese army from willing farmers. The initiative, which was adopted under the supervision of the Agriculture […]

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Lebanese Officials to Take Part in Saudi Crown Prince’s Funeral

  Saudi Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz’s funeral will be held on Sunday with the participation of a number of Lebanese officials. Prime Minister Najib Miqati is expected to arrive in the kingdom on Sunday to take part in the service. Former Premier Saad Hariri will also attend, as will Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani. The […]

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Maronite Bishops Back Baabda Declaration as Means to Stability

  The Maronite bishops synod backed on Saturday the Baabda Declaration made following the national dialogue held last week, saying it guarantees security stability in Lebanon. Following a six-day synod held under Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi in Bkirki, the bishops said in a statement they have high hopes on the all-party talks held under President Michel Suleiman. They […]

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France gives top honour to Franco-Lebanese writer Maalouf

  Maalouf became the first Lebanese inducted as an one of the academy’s "immortals" — the 40 lifelong members tasked as guardians of the French language. "I bring with me everything that my two homelands have given me: my background, my languages, my convictions, my doubts and, more than anything perhaps, my dreams of harmony, […]

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Pope Still Planning Lebanon Trip despite Syria Crisis

  Preparations for Pope Benedict XVI’s trip to Lebanon in September are going ahead despite the escalating conflict in neighboring Syria, the Vatican said on Thursday. "There is no uncertainty about the preparations," Benedict’s spokesman Federico Lombardi said at a press conference. "The Holy See is doing everything to make sure the trip takes place as […]

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One thousand more Syrian Christians flee after ultimatum


.- An ultimatum from the Syrian armed opposition’s military chief caused over 1,000 Christians to flee the west Syrian town of Qusayr, adding to fears that believers may be forced out of Syria.

“The Christian communities fear being targeted, destroyed or driven out,” said Neville Kyrke-Smith, Aid to the Church in Need’s U.K. director. “We all need to stand in prayer and solidarity now.”

Kyrke-Smith, who returned from Lebanon on June 11, told CNA that the report of Christian flight echoes the concerns he heard from bishops, priests, and religious communities concerned about Christians’ fate in neighboring Syria.

“The message time and again was ‘please do not forget the Christians of the Middle East,’” he reported.

Syrian opposition military chief Abdel Salam Harba had given an ultimatum for Christians to leave Qusayr, a town near Homs, by June 8. Some mosques in the city repeated the message in announcements from their minarets, Fides news agency reports.

Only 1,000 Christians remained in the town, which was home to 10,000 Christians before the conflict began between the Syrian government and opposition forces.

The reasons for the latest ultimatum are unclear. Some sources say it helps avoid more Christian suffering, while others say it reveals “a continuity focused on discrimination and repression.” Others say Christians’ open loyalty to the state is the reason they are driven away.

Some sources told Fides that Islamic Salafist extremists groups in the ranks of the armed opposition consider Christians to be “infidels” and are ready to start a “sectarian war.”

The extremists reportedly confiscate Christians’ goods and conduct executions.


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Syrian troops plant mines inside Lebanon

  Syrian troops on Wednesday crossed into Lebanon’s eastern border region of Masharee Al-Qaa and planted mines around the home of a local resident before withdrawing, a security official told AFP. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the troops entered some 300 meters (yards) inside Lebanese territory and placed the mines outside the […]

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STL Publishes Key Details about June 13-14 Jurisdiction Hearing

    The Special Tribunal for Lebanon on Tuesday released a media advisory reminding that its Trial Chamber will hold sessions on June 13 and 14 to hear arguments from the Prosecution, the defense counsel and the legal representatives of victims on the tribunal’s jurisdiction and the legality of its creation. Below is the full text […]

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إعلان بعبدا: والله وليّ التــوفيق

    اجتاح الزجاج القاتم قصر الرئاسة اللبنانية أمس. لم تكن سيارات الرئيس سعد الحريري ورئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع بين المواكب. الحريري «مُبعد» طوعاً خارج البلاد، ويفصل جعجع عن الحوار أبعد من المسافة بين بعبدا ومعراب. وزير المال محمد الصفدي لم يحضر بداعي المرض، والراحل غسان تويني حضر الحوار بدقيقة صمت وقفها المجتمعون […]

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Al-Ahmed Returns to Wadi Khaled, Four Abductees Freed Upon His Arrival

  Lebanese abductee Suleiman al-Ahmed was released by Syrian authorities on Tuesday and returned to the northern town of Wadi Khaled, where town dignitaries and officials celebrated his release. At the courtyard of al-Hisheh municipality, heavy celebratory gunfire erupted as al-Ahmed arrived at his hometown where he was welcomed by a mass rally. From a platform […]

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