
Social Media Companies: A Cheat Sheet [INFOGRAPHIC]


So you’re new to this whole social media thing. Maybe you’re savvy enough to know your Facebook from your Twitter, your Pinterest from your Spotify. But what about Tagged? Xing? Futubra? Where do they fit into the social media ecosystem? Just learning their names is enough to make your head spin, let alone how large they are or what kind of numbers they’re pulling down.

Never fear. Mashable has got you covered.

This comprehensive infographic whipped up by social media strategist firm Hasai, below, serves both as a cheat sheet for the newbies and a scorecard for old hands; there’s sure to be a stat that surprises even the most jaded social guru.

Did you know Club Penguin has more employees than Twitter? That Spotify has larger revenues than Tagged, which in turn has more users than Twitter? That Pinterest may be a hot property, but Foursquare still has more users? (All revenue figures are in U.S. dollars, by the way.)


Facebook remains at the top of the social media tree, of course. But as Thursday’s trending Twitter topic, “RIP Facebook,” suggested, that can’t last forever. So who is best positioned to replace them? Take a look at the chart, and let us know in the comments what you think.



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Who are the top users of Twitter and Social Media

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Pew have updated their annual look at who is using Twitter – you may recall that in their 2011 report it was revealed that some 13 percent of online adults were using the micro-blogging platform (up from 8 percent in 2010), and that the typical user skewed towards an 18-29 year-old non-white male.

Fast-forward another year, and what has changed?

Not much, to be honest. While Pew’s latest findings reveal that overall Twitter usage is up a couple of percentage points to 15 percent of online adults, the service still performs strongly with minorities, with more than one quarter of black internet users (28 percent) and 14 percent of Hispanic users active on the platform. Conversely, just 12 percent of whites use Twitter.

The 18-29 demographic continues to be the most highly represented at 29 percent, ahead of those aged 30-49 (14 percent) and 50-64 (9 percent).

The only notable difference: women (15 percent) have taken the lead from men (14 percent), albeit marginally.

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15 Reasons Why You’ve Just Been Unfollowed On Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC]

Did you know that the number one reason why somebody unfollows you on Twitter is because you are making too much noise?

That is, sending out too many tweets that contain little or no “signal”. In a recent multiple answer study, 52 percent of respondents chose this as their top reason, ahead of too much self-promotion (48 percent), posting spam (47 percent), being uninteresting (43 percent) and too much repetition (29 percent).

These, and ten other main reasons why you’re getting unfollowed (alongside a lot of minor ones), can be found in this infographic from the Marketing Tech Blog, who used data taken from an Econsultancy survey.



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7 مطارنة موارنة جُدُد بعد موافقة الفاتيكان

  يلتئم مجمع الأساقفة الموارنة في بكركي صباح بعد غد الإثنين برئاسة البطريرك مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، في دورته السنوية التي تقسم الى قسمين، الأول يمتد الى الأربعاء وهو مخصص لرياضة روحية، ثم تبدأ مناقشة قضايا كنسية في مقدمها انتخاب 7 مطارنة جدد بعد قبول الفاتيكان استقالة 3 أساقفة في بلدان الإنتشار هم مطارنة كندا […]

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Suleiman, Hariri Discuss Dialogue

  President Michel Suleiman said he hasn’t pressured al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri to respond to him on an invitation for the National Dialogue at Baabda Palace set for June 11. In remarks to As Safir daily published Saturday, Suleiman said: “I didn’t ask him to attend the dialogue session but discussions focused on the […]

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Egypt Court to Issue Verdict in Mubarak’s Historic Trial

      Ailing former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak will learn on Saturday whether he is guilty of the murder of demonstrators during the uprising that overthrew him last year. Mubarak, the only autocrat toppled in the Arab Spring to be put in the dock, former interior minister Habib al-Adly and six others could face the […]

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