
Islamists attack Christians, Iraqi refugees in Damascus


.- The Syrian rebels’ attack on Damascus has allowed radical Islamist groups to attack Iraqi refugees, Christians allegedly loyal to the Syrian government and other civilians.

Local Christians have expressed dismay and outrage at the attacks on defenseless civilians, a local source told Fides news agency.

The rebel group Liwa al-Islam, a Wahhabi group whose name means “The Brigade of Islam,” has claimed responsibility for killing top generals in President Bashar Assad’s government. On the morning of July 23, its members also killed an entire Christian family in the Damascus neighborhood of Bab Tuma.

Militants blocked the car of Nabil Zoreb, a Christian civil officer. They ordered him, his wife Violet, and his two sons George and Jimmy to get out of the car. The militants then killed them all.


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A Catholic Hooray for Chick-fil-A: Stand in Solidarity for Marriage on August 1st


CHESAPEAKE, VA  USA(Catholic Online) – Next Wednesday, August 1, 2012, I intend to eat a Chick-fil-A sandwich and participate in the National Day of Appreciation for Chick-fil-A.  I hope you join me and thousands of others in responding to the invitation of former Senator Rick Santorum, former Governor Mike Huckabee and Rev. Billy Graham and do the same.

I have long admired Chick-fil-A. It was founded over thirty years ago by an evangelical protestant Christian named Truett Cathy. His son Dan now runs the family owned and family values based company which now operates 1600 stores. It has become a $4 billion dollar a year enterprise.  You can read about this good family and their genuine and living Christian faith here. You might also find their work in philanthropy of interest. Read about it here

The restaurants do not open on Sunday in order to honor the Lord’s Day and allow their employees to do the same. They have resisted efforts to change not only this policy but other pressures to compromise on their core convictions. The founders offer us all an example of moral coherence as Christians. They apply the great principles of their faith to their business practices. They do not fall prey to the separation between faith and life which can so quickly creep into the life of Christians.

Now, Chick-fil-A is under a ferocious assault precisely because their President publicly affirmed their company support for true marriage and the family and society founded upon it. Dan Cathy expressed his deeply held religious convictions to the Baptist Press and literally – all hell broke loose among some new Cultural Revolutionaries.

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INFOGRAPHIC: Developers Earn $7.5M Per Day



Lead Bolt created a massive infographic called “Mobile App Store Wars,” comparing some key revenue statistics about how apps are selling in Apple’s App Store, Amazon’s App Store and in Google Play.

We’ve embedded the whole infographic below–all media professionals and content creators need to pay attention to the how apps are selling across the marketplace.

Check it out: “It should be no surprise that the leader of the most downloaded apps and content available is the Apple Store. Apple tops the market with an amazing 30 billion app downloads and 650,000 apps available. These numbers are growing each year.”


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Strict Measures by Army in Akkar after Threatening Leaflets Found in Church

  The army took strict security measures on Friday in the Akkar region in general and al-Qubayyat in particular in a bid to reassure the residents after threatening leaflets were found inside a church in the northern town, state-run National News Agency reported. The army is “conducting investigations in the area with the aim of identifying […]

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Who Are The Most Socially Sponsorable Olympic Athletes? [INFOGRAPHIC]


As you might have noticed, celebrities have taken to social media in their droves. For professional athletes, these channels have allowed them to engage and interact with fans, naysayers and rivals, providing an almost endless supply of quotes and stories for the mainstream media.

With the 2012 London Olympics now officially underway (although the opening ceremony is, strangely, taking place tomorrow), the profile of the athletes taking part in these Games has never been higher. But which of these sporting stars’ personal brands is numero uno amongst potential sponsors?

Sponsorhub used the Twitter, Facebook and Klout statistics of the Olympic athletes to determine the social influence of these stars, and coupled this with their on-field performance in professional and international competition to create a Sponsorhub Score, which assesses the value of these athletes to brands.

And the winner? Tennis superstar and recent Wimbledon winner Roger Federer. Federer, although absent on Twitter, is very active on Facebook and this was enough to see his Sponsorhub Score surpass that of the Twitter-pro Serena Williams and basketball icon Lebron James.

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Malek el Khazen: Government should live within its means

  Deficit spending is at all-time high. The health care law is set to increase the deficit by $210 billion in 2012-2021 (estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, the government’s nonpartisan fiscal umpire). What would you choose — the government to live within its means or continue to live with very attractive programs that it […]

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Suleiman: I’ll Resume Contacts in Bid to Relaunch Dialogue on August 16

    President Michel Suleiman on Wednesday announced that he will resume contacts aimed at relaunching national dialogue, noting that the parties that choose to boycott the upcoming session would be held responsible for the consequences of their decision.   “I will resume my contacts and efforts starting this evening in a bid to relaunch […]

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Matar Named Member of Vatican Evangelization Council

  Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday appointed Maronite Archbishop of Beirut Boulos Matar to a Vatican department aimed at countering growing secularization. The Vatican said Matar and the Archbishop of Jos in central Nigeria, Ignatius Ayau Kaigama, would be joining the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. Despite the raging conflict in Syria, which has also raised […]

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مسيحيو دمشق يرفضون السلاح من أجهزة النظام

  [Annahar] يبدو ان قرار تعميم جنون القتل والعصبيات واستخدام العنف قد اتخذ ليشمل جميع مكونات الشعب السوري دون استثناء. وآخر ما ذكر في هذا الاطار، المعلومات التي سربتها اوساط كنسية بارزة في العاصمة السورية عن قيام مسؤولين وكوادر من اجهزة الاستخبارات والامن في النظام السوري بجولة خلال الايام الاخيرة على منازل عدد من الفاعليات […]

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