
Report: Molesting School Teacher Convicted 6 to 10 Years in Prison

  Judge Elie Helou issued a verdict in the case of a teacher who was accused of sexually abusing 11 children at St. Joseph School in Aintoura, Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) reported on Wednesday. According to the radio station, Helou considered the case a misdemeanor and not a felony and convicted Pierre Sh. from 6 […]

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Malek Khazen: Under ‘Obamacare,’ millions will still be uninsured

    Dear Editor: There are major concerns about the cost of universal health care.   President Obama in one of his town hall meetings said he planned to fund his health care program by reducing medical-practice waste and insurance expenses to cover two-thirds, and one-third by taxing those who make over $250,000 a year. […]

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Catholics providing Syrian refugees with medical treatment


.- It was the end of March when the violence in Syria became unbearable for Salwa, a young mother who lived in the besieged city of Homs with her husband and four children.

After more than a year of almost daily bloodshed, she and her family left behind everything they owned, and fled Syria with nothing more than the clothes they were wearing.

They crossed the border into neighboring Jordan, where they finally found safety in the town of Mafraq. There, with the help of Catholic Relief Services, Caritas Jordan is helping families like Salwa’s get through the crisis.

Salwa told Caritas Jordan volunteers that she’s grateful her family is safe, but that her children are still fearful. “Whenever they hear fireworks—often part of local wedding celebrations in Jordan—they fear that the violence has followed them from their home in Syria to Jordan.”
CRS helps thousands of Syrians affected by crisis

The violence that erupted in Syria in March 2011 has spiraled into a tumultuous, terrifying conflict and has led to paralyzing fear for innocent civilians—many of them women, children and the elderly. It’s unclear exactly how many Syrians have been displaced by the fighting, but the United Nations estimated at the end of May that at least 500,000 Syrians had fled their homes for the safety of neighboring countries.

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Army Sends Reinforcements to Northern Border

  The Lebanese army on Tuesday began sending troop reinforcements to the northern border with strife-torn Syria after deadly attacks in the region, an army spokesman told Agence France Presse. "Yes, we have started to reinforce our troops, and the operation will take us a week to 10 days to complete," the spokesman said on condition […]

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Islamists claim attacks on Nigeria Christians

  MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) – A radical Islamist sect claimed responsibility Tuesday for weekend attacks that have killed at least 58 people including two lawmakers in central Nigeria, adding a new dimension to a security crisis in a region that has seen years of religious violence. Christians "will not know peace again" if they do not […]

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What Drives the Kremlin’s Syria Policy

  The Syrian crisis has become the latest test of Russia’s relations with the West. Moscow’s support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and its readiness to aggravate the West in pursuit of that policy has surprised Western politicians and observers, especially in light of the initial "conciliatory" position that Russia took toward […]

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الراعي: الشعب لا يريد الحرب والسياسيون يحملونا على معاداة بعضنا

    رأى البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الراعي "ان على الشعب اللبناني مسؤولية المحافظة على قيمه، وهو قد سئم الخلافات والنزاعات ولا يريد الحرب ولا القتال"، مشيرا الى "ان لغة العالم العربي حاليا هي لغة الحرب والسلاح والدمار والبغض وعلى اللبنانيين نشر لغة الشركة والمحبة رافضا رفضا باتا تسمية اي لبناني بأنه عدو لي". […]

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Flush with cash, Lebanese banks raise eyebrows

  The past 16 months have been a real nail-biter for Lebanon’s banking sector. Since the US Treasury accused the Lebanese Canadian Bank (LCB) of laundering drug money for Hezbollah last February, local banks’ images have taken a beating in the international press, and Beirut’s ties to sanctioned regimes in Damascus and Tehran have been […]

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سليمان: اطلاق الضباط كان نتيجة نفاذ مهلة التوقيف الاحتياطي

     "مهما حصل من انتكاسات في بعض الأماكن، علينا كلبنانيين ان نتشارك جميعنا في التهدئة وايجاد الحلول لأي قضية خصوصا ان في لبنان لا احد يريد تغيير النظام السياسي لأن السقف السياسي موجود وهو اتفاق الطائف الذي يعطي كل ذي حق حقه". وتطرق سليمان الى موضوع الاغتيالات، معتبرا ان "عدم اعطاء الداتا تحول الى […]

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