
Maronite Bishops Urge Adherence to Constitutional Practices at Parliament

  The Maronite Bishops council noted on Wednesday that the recent dispute at parliament has created division in Lebanon “that is unwanted by all sides.” It urged in a statement after its monthly meeting “the adherence to constitutional practices” at parliament, calling on all sides against violating the “treaty of coexistence.” In addition, it said that they […]

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Syrian forces’ Monday violation ‘unacceptable’

  The short kidnapping of two ISF officers by Syrian forces inside Lebanon was strongly condemned by high officials yesterday, mainly by the President of the Republic Michel Sleiman, Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel. Charbel described the act as unacceptable.

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Saudi Arabia Warns Nationals against Traveling to Lebanon

  “Due to the unstable security situation in Lebanon, the foreign ministry warns its citizens against traveling to Lebanon to maintain their safety, until further notice,” an unidentified high-ranking official in the ministry told the news agency. Saudi ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri told the National News Agency that the travel warning to Lebanon is […]

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Christian MPs Boycott 2nd Legislative Session

  The Christian MPs boycotted on Tuesday the second day of a parliamentary session to protest the parliament’s approval of permanently employing Electricite du Liban’s contract workers, local newspapers said. Change and Reform bloc, Phalange party and Lebanese Forces lawmakers took the decision to boycott the morning session. LBC TV reported that Ashrafieh bloc MPs also decided […]

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Syria’s Threatened Christians

  Earlier this month, reports came from the Syrian city of Qusayr of an ominous warning to the town’s Christians: Either join the Sunni-led opposition against Bashar al-Assad or leave. Soon after, thousands of Christians fled the town. After decades of protection by a secular-leaning dictatorship, the Qusayr ultimatum warned of a dark future for Syria’s […]

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Gunmen Kill 10 in Kenya Church Attacks

  Gunmen killed 10 people and wounded dozens when they opened fire and hurled grenades into two churches in the eastern Kenyan town of Garissa on Sunday, the latest in a string of attacks, police said. Gunmen burst into the churches in apparently coordinated attacks targeting worshippers as they held Sunday prayer services in Garissa, some […]

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الراعي: لنعد الى ميثاق 43 لانه لا يتيح لكل طرف ان يفتح دولة على حسابه

  عاد الى بيروت بعد ظهر اليوم البطريرك الماروني مار بشاره بطرس الراعي آتيا من انطاكيا بعد زيارة له شملت عدة مدن تركية اقام خلالها عدة قداديس هناك بمناسبة عيد القديسين بطرس وبولس.   وقد عاد الراعي على متن طائرة خاصة وضعها في تصرفه رجل الاعمال سركيس سركيس وكان في استقباله في المطار سفير تركيا […]

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