
Michel Samaha Arrested, ‘Confesses to Plotting Bombings in North’

  The Internal Security Forces Intelligence Branch arrested former MP and cabinet minister Michel Samaha on Thursday morning "for security reasons," the acting general prosecutor said. Samaha was arrested following raids on his houses in Beirut’s Ashrafiyeh district and the North Metn town of Jwar al-Khensahara. Samaha’s wife, Gladys, told LBCI TV network that the former minister […]

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Who Earns What: TV’s Highest Paid Stars

I bet you did not know – I wonder the Journalist in the Middle East how much do they earn


News (per year)
Matt Lauer (Today): $21.5 million
Bill O’Reilly (The O’Reilly Factor): $15 million
Diane Sawyer (ABC World News): $12 million
Anderson Cooper (Anderson Cooper 360 and Anderson Live): $11 million
Robin Meade (HLN anchor): $750,000


Drama (per episode)
Mark Harmon (NCIS): $500,000
Ellen Pompeo (Grey’s Anatomy): $350,000
Kevin Bacon (The Following): $175,000
Lucy Liu (Elementary): $125,000
Stephen Amell (Arrow): $30,000

Comedy (per episode)
Ashton Kutcher (Two and a Half Men): $700,000
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory): $300,000
Modern Family
Adult Cast: $175,000 each
Lea Michele (Glee): $75,000
Crystal the Monkey (Animal Practice): $12,000


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Knights of Columbus mission & achievements


.- Throughout the past year, the Knights of Columbus has fulfilled its mission through a strong defense of religious liberty and record-breaking amounts of charitable activity, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson announced.

Continuing in the long tradition of faith and charity that began with the organization’s founder, Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, the Knights have remained firm in their commitment “to preach the Gospel in word and deed,” he said on August 7.

Anderson delivered his annual report at the organization’s 130th Supreme Convention in Anaheim, Calif. With 1.8 million members around the world, the Knights are committed to the principles of charity, unity and fraternity.

One of the most important ways that the order has lived out this calling in the past year is in its adamant defense of religious liberty, Anderson explained.

He recalled the American founders’ commitment to religious freedom as a foundational liberty that comes from God.

“The history of Catholics in the United States is a history of defending religious freedom,” he said, adding that whenever this fundamental liberty is threatened, “we will vigorously defend it.”

Anderson then recalled that the Catholic Church’s interest in religious freedom is not something that began this past year, rather, it has been part of the Catholic experience “from the very beginning.”


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New Lebanese Electoral Draft-Law

  تنشر "النهار" في الآتي ابرز التعديلات التي ادخلها مجلس الوزراء على مشروع قانون الانتخابات النيابية الذي اعده وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل بعدما اقره المجلس في صيغته المعدلة أمس. المادة 1: اصبح عدد النواب 134 نائبا موزعين كالآتي: – 128 نائبا في الداخل موزعين على 13 دائرة انتخابية. – 6 نواب عن دائرة غير […]

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Lebanese Expats Feel Underrepresented in Next Parliamentary Elections

  The body that represents the Lebanese diaspora criticized the government on Wednesday for failing to allow millions of expatriates to have the right representation in parliament.   President of the World Lebanese Cultural Union Michel al-Duwaihi told An Nahar daily that there are around 12-15 million Lebanese expatriates, which means four or five times […]

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“وظيفة” النيابة في لبنان مربحة ومريحة في آن معًا

  في نظرة سريعة الى إنتاج النواب اللبنانيين البالغ عددهم 128 نائبًا، يتضح أن مجمل عملهم خلال عام 2011 اقتصر على تشريع مادة قانونية ونصف المادة لكل نائب، ما يؤكد أن سعادته شبه عاطل عن العمل مع مخصصات خيالية من هنا وهناك، فإن وظيفة النيابة في [Link] لبنان مربحة ومريحة معًا. Another interesting article: Each […]

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Islamic extremists threaten Syria’s Christians

  More than a year has elapsed since the United States aligned itself with Syria’s Sunni-dominated opposition and the Middle East’s Sunni powers to overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. While the United States pursues this goal in the name of the Syrian people, it is clear that its ultimate strategic objective is to render […]

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Al-Rahi: Lebanon Needs to Revitalize its People, Leadership to Keep up with Modernity

  Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi reiterated on Sunday the Maronite bishops council’s warning earlier this week of an economic collapse in Lebanon should the current situation in the country persist. He said during his Sunday sermon: “Lebanon is in need of revitalizing its people, leadership, and structure in order to allow it to keep up […]

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