
Lebanon wins 2014 World Cup Qualifier

  Lebanon stunned Iran 1-0 Tuesday to claim their first ever win against the regional giants and raise hopes of gaining a shock World Cup berth. China-based midfielder Roda Antar headed home a free-kick on 28 minutes for Lebanon’s famous victory, in front of their home fans in Beirut, which lifted them off the bottom of […]

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Christians, Muslims to hold vigil as Lebanon papal visit approaches

  Rome, Italy, Sep 10, 2012 / 12:07 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Christians and Muslims will come together for a prayer vigil on Sept. 12 to invoke the protection of God and the Virgin Mary over Pope Benedict XVI’s upcoming visit to the country this week. Vatican-based Fides News Agency reported that four processions of young […]

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Vatican hopes Apple partnership will spread Pope’s message

Vatican City, Sep 8, 2012 / 05:12 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican has teamed up with Apple to develop new hi-tech methods for communicating the works of Pope Benedict XVI to the world. “It represents an enormous step on the international stage because, as you know, internet goes beyond space and time,” said Father Giuseppe […]

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How Facebook Propelled to Win during Elections?


outcomes of several U.S. Senate primaries this summer. A new case study broke down just how the social network propelled one tea party candidate in Texas from a virtual unknown to a political insider.

The politico’s handbook, Campaigns & Elections, features a profile of Senate candidate Ted Cruz’s recipe for primary success by his digital strategist, Vincent Harris. Cruz was a featured speaker at last month’s Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla.

One of the takeaways is the boost that social media can give unknown candidates who lack the resources to launch radio and television advertising.

For example, Cruz spent money on Google search ads, as well as advertising on Bing and Yahoo, which yielded a 10-to-1 return on investment.

Here’s a look at how Cruz’s Facebook strategy played out:

  • Facebook ads supplemented Cruz’s organic support on Facebook, as well as Twitter.
  • On the day of the election, the digital team ran a get out the vote (GOTV in campaign parlance) promoted post to fans and fans of their endorsements, which generated 793,432 impressions, 1,136 clicks, 1,880 likes, and 1,098 shares. This way, if the content wasn’t organically showing up on voters’ news feeds, it made our way onto their screens with ads reminding them to go vote.
  • The Cruz Facebook page was updated 11 times that day, with a total of 2,646 shares and 14,253 likes on its posts. The David Dewhurst campaign updated its Facebook page just once, yielding 49 shares and 392 likes.
  • Harris said tools to promote the campaign were shared with voters, such as a Facebook timeline cover image and profile pictures that touted its #ChooseCruz hashtag.

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In Honor of 9/11

  Even though the election is just 55 days away, on this particular Tuesday both presidential campaigns are stepping aside from politics. Out of homage to the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney plan to take down their negative ads. Along with this simple gesture, both campaigns are […]

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Army Frees Syrians Kidnapped by al-Meqdad, Turkish Abductee Freed

  The Lebanese Army said it freed at dawn Tuesday four Syrians kidnapped by al-Meqdad clan during a raid in Beirut’s southern suburbs that allegedly left a Turkish abductee injured. Moreover, LBCI reported that the Turkish abductee was freed Tuesday evening and handed over to the Lebanese authorities at the General Directorate of General Security in […]

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Rai, Jumblatt discuss Brih reconciliation in Mukhtara

  Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai arrived in the Shouf town of Mukhtara on Sunday where he met with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt and discussed the Brih reconciliation between the Christians and Druze. “My visit [to Shouf] aims to resume the path of reconciliation between the residents of this area, particularly between the […]

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92% Of U.S. Companies Have Used Social Networks For Recruitment [INFOGRAPHIC]


Social media has revolutionized the business world and has quickly established itself as the primary source of recruitment for companies worldwide, and with good reason – it’s cost-effective, fast and scalable, allowing organizations of all shapes and sizes to source potential hires and easily profile their characters.

Indeed, 92 percent of U.S. companies have used social networks to find new talent, and almost three-quarters (73 percent) of those surveyed have made successful hires through these channels.

As you might expect, LinkedIn leads the way, with 93 percent of socially-savvy employers using this platform for talent acquisition, ahead of Facebook (66 percent) and Twitter (54 percent). Companies listed professional organization membership and charity work as their preferred employee characteristics, with posts and tweets about illegal drugs, sexual activity and profanity being the top three no-nos.

This infographic from Intricate takes a closer look at social media’s effect on employee recruitment.


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Voting In November and The Role of Moral Discernment:


In authentically exercising the privilege to vote is required careful and reasoned moral discernment, which must always be guided by the light of faith and governed by a properly formed conscience. In this process of discernment, we must always remain faithful to the teaching of the Church on the full truth of the human person, which leads us to oppose intrinsic evils with maximum determination.

GLADE PARK, CO (Catholic Online) — There was never a time in the U.S. when the privilege of voting was to be taken lightly. Through the democratic process of electing political leaders, the citizens of our nation take an active role in shaping not only America’s future, but even its character. That is, the citizenry by its vote has a say in what America is about, what it means to live within her borders, and what our nation stands for as a people. The choices we make this November in the voting booth will in some way form America, and, additionally, they may even, perhaps to a very large degree, form our children in the future.
To say that voting choices will form our children, is not to refer only to economic, public debt, or tax burden concerns. As important as these are, they pale in comparison to the manner in which our children may be morally formed, either in a positive or negative way, as a direct consequence of our vote. The fact is, society acts as a moral teacher. What is legal is often deemed moral, whether it is or not. Accepted practices become the norm. The virtues and vices of a society imprint themselves upon the people who live within it. Whether a particular civil law is in sync with what is right and good or not, whether cultural norms are in accordance with the divine law and the natural law or not, is often inadequately considered by individuals until they have already fallen under their influence. The obvious example of such a tragic situation is legalized abortion.

The political opponents for the offices of President and Vice President in the election of 2012 stand in diametric opposition on crucial moral issues — namely intrinsic evils. While it is true that both the Democrat and Republican candidates speak in some form or other of providing a positive socio-economic influence on the nation, their personal moral philosophies concerning human life and the dignity and truth about the human person could hardly be more radically divided.

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