
الخازن لـ”الجمهورية”: لا بديل عن الطائف

  * هل اتّفاق الطائف ما زال قابلاً للتطبيق؟ – إتّفاق الطائف، وكأيّ اتّفاق مفصليّ في الحياة السياسية اللبنانية، يُعتبر وليد ظروف معيّنة كانت سائدة في أواخر الثمانينيات، ويعبّر مضمونه عن شقّين: سياسي وسيادي. إلّا أنّ حصر القرار اللبناني بالشؤون الأساسية في الجانب السوري حال دون تطبيق الإصلاحات السياسية والبنود السيادية، فكنّا أمام واقع تحويل […]

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إطلاق المنطقة الرقمية في بيروت

    لم تتأخر بيروت كثيراً في اللحاق بركب التكنولوجيا الرقمية ، فها هو المشروع النموذجي  Beirut digital; district ينطلق من منطقة الباشورة قرب وسط العاصمة كباكورة مشاريع ستعم لبنان تباعا ً. إنه المبنى الأول من أصل ستة مبان ستبنى في المنطقة على مدى السنوات الخمس المقبلة بمساحة تصل الى أربعين ألف متر مربع الهدف […]

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Slight Modification to the Lebanese Cigarette Law

  The Cigarette law in Lebanon is an excellent step towards a clean environment, and improved health;   I propose  a slight modifiction of the law:   1- The Cigarette banning law in Lebanon should be slighltly modified to allow bars\Coffee shops that can prove their profit is mainly based on smoking Nargile, Cigarettes or […]

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How Social Media Brings Power To The People [INFOGRAPHIC]



Did you know that there are more devices connected to the internet than there are people on Earth?

Yes, some of these belong to drug dealers. But beyond this unfortunate truism, the massive rise in affordable, portable technology has meant that we – all of us – are now empowered to react to the events around us in a real time basis. We are now the journalists. We are now part of the story. For the first time in history, the power is with us.

The examples go on and on. The ground operation that led to the death of Osama Bin Laden broke first on Twitter. Tweets about earthquakes reach people 30 seconds before they feel the tremors. Ten million online signatures and three million emails shut down SOPA. In January of this year, Facebook saw six times more traffic than Google.

This infographic takes a closer look at how social media and the internet bring power to the people.


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Miqati Meets al-Rahi

  Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Saturday that any dispute with Speaker Nabih Berri would be short-lived, warning opponents against banking on any disputes emerging between them. He said: “I enjoy excellent ties with Berri and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun is our partner in government.” He made his remarks after holding talks in […]

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