
The Miracle at Cana and the Supernatural Life of Grace



CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) – The miracle of Jesus at the wedding at Cana in the Gospel of John (John 2:1-11) is one sign or (in Greek) semeion of a number of signs or semeia (plural for semeion) contained in the first part of this Gospel.  These signs are intended to witness to who Christ was.  It is a short enough story to warrant including it in whole:

"On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.  Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.  When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’  Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.’  His mother said to the servers, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’  Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons.  Jesus told them, ‘Fill the jars with water.’ So they filled them to the brim." 

"Then he told them, ‘Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.’ So they took it.  And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, ‘Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.’  Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs (semeia) in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him."

Although most of St. John’s signs or semeia are intended to point to Christ, this sign also seems to suggest something of what happens to a man or woman who becomes incorporated into Christ, becomes one with Christ, who can say, with St. Paul, "to me, to live is Christ."  (Phil 1:21).  In short, it allows us to understand what happens to the human nature of a Christian when he lives in a state of sanctifying grace, is ushered into the supernatural life, and is thereby transformed by the Holy Spirit to a new creature in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:17)

Theologians have long disputed about how to best explain the relationship between nature and supernature, between nature and grace.  Catholics maintain that, despite man’s fall, nature is, to a great degree, good and really worthy of saving.  If our human nature were evil, it would not warrant being redeemed and saved.

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Suleiman Calls on Syrian Army to Stop Shelling Lebanon

  President Michel Suleiman stressed on Friday the need for devising a defense strategy that meets the demands of the army and its duties to defend the country and national interests, reported the National News Agency. He said: “Sending a drone over enemy territories demonstrates the need for a defense strategy that can organize the capabilities […]

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Three Fatah al-Islam Inmates ‘Missing from Roumieh since a Month’

  Three Fatah al-Islam inmates – a Palestinian, a Syrian and an Algerian – managed to escape from the Roumieh prison around a month ago, media reports said on Friday. State-run National News Agency identified the three prisoners as Palestinian national Mahmoud Awad Falah, 32, Syrian national Omar Mahmoud Othman, 26, and Algerian national Faisal Daoud […]

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Substance and Smirks


DANVILLE, KY (Catholic Online) – Thursday evening’s debate between the vice presidential candidates was historic in the history of American politics: Never before have both vice presidential candidates professed membership in the Catholic Church and claimed with pride the name Catholic as an accurate description of their Christian faith.  

Yes, both Ryan and Biden profess the Catholic faith. However, there is a certain irony in the timing of their debate. On the day when Pope Benedict XVI commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council – and presided over the opening of the Year of Faith – the two Catholic participants in this political debate show the stark contrast right within the Catholic Church which the events in Rome addressed.

There are Catholics like Joe Biden who claim to follow what is too often called the "spirit" of Vatican II, while rejecting the very foundations that important Council proclaimed. Then, there are others, like Paul Ryan, who grasp the implications of what it means to infuse the values informed by their Catholic faith into their political participation on fundamental moral issues such as the Right to life. 

Paul Ryan’s Catholic faith grew and matured during the pontificate of Blessed John Paul II. Congressman Ryan was only eight years old when John Paul II assumed the chair of St. Peter and 35 years old when the Pope died at age 84. Even those who disagree with him on some of his positions acknowledge his sincere effort to be morally coherent.

Vice President Biden, like many Catholic politicians of his generation, succumbed to the pressure of the secularist culture, switching positions on foundational issues and compromising the very teaching of His Church. This is most evident in his retreat from the defense of the Right to Life and his rejection of the truth about marriage and family.

Joe Biden promotes the profane notion that there is a "right" to abortion when every abortion violates the Natural Law Right to Life. He recently endorsed the oxymoron of "same-sex marriage", rejecting the clear teaching of His Church as rooted in the Natural Law. While claiming, as he did in tonight’s debate, that he endorses the "social doctrine of the Catholic Church" he directly dissents from it and then tries to use it to his political advantage by claiming he follows this same "social doctrine". 

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77% Of Users Prefer Social Logins To Registration Forms On Websites [INFOGRAPHIC]



Did you know that almost nine in ten people (86 percent) may leave a website when asked to register or create an account?

Lengthy forms and password fatigue are cited as the main issues, but there’s a simple solution: social logins. By allowing your visitors to connect via Facebook, Google and Twitter, you can dramatically increase your the user conversion rate – and experience – on your website.

This infographic from Janrain takes a closer look at the registration challenge for brands and web developers.

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Pope prays for Middle East Christians in Arabic

  Vatican City, Oct 10, 2012 / 02:12 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After his recent visit to the Church in Lebanon, Pope Benedict added Arabic to the list of official languages used at his weekly general audiences, launching the effort by offering the promise of his prayers in Arabic. “The Pope prays for all the people […]

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Army Rejects ‘Insults’ after HRW Says Troops Acted ‘Like a Mob’ in Migrant Workers Raid

  The Army Command on Wednesday said it rejects any insults against the military institution “under the excuse of the rights of migrant workers,” after Human Rights Watch said troops acted “like a gang” during a raid on a Beirut residence inhabited by migrant workers. HRW said Wednesday that Lebanon should probe and punish army and […]

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MEA fires female employee involved in racist incident

  BEIRUT: Middle East Airlines has fired the female staff member involved in a racist incident over the weekend, according to a company official. The airline said Tuesday on its Facebook page that “severe disciplinary action” had been taken against the two staff members involved in the incident, but an anonymous MEA official told the Associated […]

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The president’s way

  There should be a distinction between the weapons of the Resistance and the weapons of Hezbollah, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said while on a state visit in Argentina. “The weapons that would be used in internal conflicts are forbidden and should be confiscated, whether they belong to Hezbollah or the Salafists or any other […]

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In Virginia, Mitt Romney calls for change of course in Middle East

  Romney sought to capitalize on the violence in Libya and Egypt that has made Obama vulnerable in the national security realm long seen as his strength. The Republican nominee vowed to “change course in the Middle East,” including by taking a hard line on Iran and arming Syrian rebels. Romney said he knows “the president […]

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