
IMF: Lebanon saw rapid growth after 2006

  BEIRUT: The International Monetary Fund said Wednesday that Lebanon’s gross domestic product had been growing at a fast pace in 2010 for the fourth consecutive year. The IMF, which released a 12-page report analyzing the performance of the Lebanese economy from 1997 to 2010, noticed that growth strengthened after a decade of lackluster performance (averaging […]

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Hariri, Pope Discuss Recent Developments in Vatican Meeting

    Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri held talks on Wednesday with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican. The two discussed the latest developments in the region and the importance of exerting all the possible efforts to achieve peace, Hariri’s press office said in a statement. Hariri thanked the Pope on his recent visit to Lebanon, expressing […]

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Now That We Have Twitter, Facebook And Pinterest, What’s The Future Of Email? [INFOGRAPHIC]

In less than a decade social media has rapid integrated itself into almost all aspects of our everyday personal and professional lives and, certainly for the younger generation, it’s very difficult to imagine a world without Twitter, Facebook and the other major social platforms. But what about email? What’s the future of that tried and […]

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Have America’s generals lost their way?

  PERTH, Australia: The sex scandal that punctured the image of America’s most admired general, David Petraeus, is just the latest in a litany of cases of misconduct plaguing the US top brass, raising questions about a military often isolated from the rest of civilian society. Even before Petraeus — a retired four-star commander — stunned […]

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كونيللي من بعبدا: الولايات المتحدة تدعم قيادة سليمان

  اجتمعت اليوم السفيرة الاميركية لدى لبنان مورا كونيلي برئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان حيث بحثا العلاقات الثنائية الاميركية-اللبنانية اضافة الى الوضع السياسي والامني في لبنان والاحداث في المنطقة. ونقلت السفيرة رسالة من الوزيرة كلينتون أعربت فيها عن تعازيها لضحايا تفجير 19 تشرين الاول. وأكدت دعم الولايات المتحدة لقيادة الرئيس سليمان فيما يتشاور مع قادة مسؤولين […]

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Madi Issues Warrants Against Brother of Fneish, Suspect over Illegal Medications

  General Prosecutor Judge Hatem Madi issued on Tuesday a search and investigative warrant against two people, including the brother of Minister of State for Administrative Reform Mohammad Fneish over the illegal medications case. According to LBCI the warrant was issued against Abdul Latif Fneish and Fouad Ahmed Wehbeh over links to the forging certificates of […]

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Patriarch Al Rai’s brother Salim passed away

  Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rai’s brother Salim Al-Rai passed away after a long illness at Hotel Dieu hospital Saturday morning, according to Bkirki and hospital sources . His funeral will be held on Sunday in Hamlaya, Metn about 20 kilometers northeast of the capital, Beirut. [Link] expresses its sincere condolences to […]

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Suleiman, Mansour Discuss Voting of Lebanese Expatriates

  President Michel Suleiman discussed with Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Saturday preparations underway at Lebanese missions abroad to allow expats to cast their ballots next year. Parliament hasn’t yet approved an electoral law after the cabinet referred to it a bill that divides Lebanon into 13 electoral districts based on proportional representation. Several March 14 opposition […]

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Pharmaceutical products scandal rocks Lebanon

  A scandal pertaining to illegal pharmaceutical products was uncovered in Lebanon earlier this week amid reports that the brother of Minister of State for Administrative Reform Mohammad Fneish is involved in the case. Also, some media outlets reported that four of the implicated companies have relations with the Shiite group Hezbollah.  Lebanon’s Parliamentary Health […]

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