
What Obama’s win means for Lebanon

  With the announcement Wednesday morning of incumbent Barack Obama’s defeat of Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the US presidential elections, a natural question for many Lebanese is what the consequences, if any, will be for them and their country, and how those might have differed had Romney been the victor. Though analysts contacted by NOW […]

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Report: Suleiman Heading Towards Cabinet Reshuffle

  The political crisis in the country has reached a deadlock as the political foes remain holding on to their stances amid reports saying that President Michel Suleiman is seeking the consent of the rival parties on a suggestion to reshuffle Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s cabinet instead of collapsing it. Sources close to Hizbullah told al-Liwaa […]

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Republican autopsy and why the race was lost

      LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – Obama picked up three large blocks of the American population. He won support from more than 90 percent of the black population and about 70 percent of the Hispanic population. Finally, he won the all-important women’s vote. Obama also did well with youth voters, garnering a […]

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The 10 closest states in Election 2012



After spending months staring at the electoral map and trying to puzzle out which states might go for President Obama, which for Mitt Romney and by how much, we thought it was worth sorting through the actual results to find the 10 states where the two men ran closest.

These 10 states are likely to be the swing states of the future, the places where both parties — in presidential elections but also midterm races — target their time and money in hopes of swaying a relatively evenly divided electorate. 

Before we get to the list of states, a few fun facts:

* Of the 10 states, Obama won nine of them. (North Carolina was the lone Romney victory.)

* Only one — Florida — appears likely to be decided by less than a single percentage point. (At the moment, Obama leads Romney by 0.6 percent with 99 percent of precincts reporting.) That’s a change from 2008 when three states were decided by less than a point: Missouri (0.1 percent), North Carolina (0.4 percent) and Indiana (0.9 percent).

* Of the three states where Romney pledged to expand the map — Michigan, Minnesota and Pennsylvania — only one (Pennsylvania) makes our top 10 closest races. In Michigan, Obama won by 8.5 points, while he carried Minnesota by 7.6 points.

Without further ado, here are our top 10 closest states, ranked from narrowest margin — by percentage — to widest. If less than 100 percent of precincts are reporting in a state, according to the Associated Press, that is noted in parentheses.

1. Florida: 0.6 percent (Obama 49.9, Romney 49.3.)

2. Ohio: 1.9 percent (Obama 50.1, Romney 48.2)

3. North Carolina: 2.2 percent (Romney 50.6, Obama 48.4)

4. Virginia (99% reporting): 3.0 percent (Obama 50.8, Romney 47.8) 

5. Colorado: 4.7 percent (Obama 51.2, Romney 46.5)

6. Pennsylvania (99% reporting): 5.2 percent (Obama 52, Romney 46.8)

7. Iowa: 5.6 percent (Obama 52.1, Romney 46.5)

8. New Hampshire (99% reporting): 5.8 percent (Obama 52.2, Romney 46.4)

9. Nevada (99% reporting): 6.6 percent (Obama 52.3, Romney 45.7)

10. Wisconsin: 6.7 percent (Obama 52.8, Romney 46.1)

The future of compromise: So the government of 2013 will look a lot like the government of 2012 and 2011, but will there be more compromise?

We’re getting conflicting signals.

One potentially major shift is House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) saying his party may be open to revenue (read: tax) increases as a part of budget dealing.

“For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re willing to accept new revenue, under the right conditions,” Boehner said Wednesday.

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Ban urges Obama to act on Syria, Mideast peace

  UNITED NATIONS:UN leader Ban Ki-moon urged President Barack Obama Wednesday to act quickly on ending the war in Syria and reviving the Middle East peace process as he congratulated the US leader on his re-election. The United Nations "will continue to count on the active engagement of the United States" on key global issues "as […]

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Maronite Bishops Call for Dialogue

  Maronite Bishops urged on Wednesday Lebanese politicians to cooperate with President Michel Suleiman’s call for dialogue, saying the cabinet issue should be resolved within the constitutional framework. Following their monthly meeting under Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and with the partial attendance of papal envoy Cardinal Robert Sarah, the bishops urged “all politicians to abide by the […]

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5 swing states that could decide the Obama-Romney race

  The 2012 U.S. presidential election campaign finally comes down to election day and a handful of battleground states that will decide whether Barack Obama gets another four years in office or Mitt Romney replaces him. Nervous about the dead-even race in his home state of Wisconsin, Obama supporter Jim Apple drove his mother Nancy down […]

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Suleiman Awaits French Sign on Hollande’s Saudi Talks

  President Michel Suleiman is awaiting a sign from Paris on the results of French President Francois Hollande’s talks with Saudi King Abdullah on the Lebanese crisis, sources close to Baabda Palace said Tuesday. The sources told An Nahar daily however that Suleiman is hinging on the possibility of finding a solution to the cabinet crisis […]

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