
Hollande visits Lebanon

  French President Francois Hollande warned on Sunday that Paris would prevent any attempt to undermine Lebanon’s stability, advising political forces to join hands through dialogue to avert a further crisis. “I would say to all those who can contribute to the stability of Lebanon to work through the spirit of dialogue,” Hollande said at a […]

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France to oppose those creating instability in Lebanon: Hollande

          France will oppose those creating instability in Lebanon, President Francois Hollande said on Sunday, two weeks after a car bombing in Beirut that the political opposition have blamed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Lebanon has been threatened by spillover from the 19-month-old conflict in neighboring Syria in which 32,000 people […]

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Three out of the nine Supreme Court Justices will be 80 by 2016


LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – Life expectancy in the United States is now 76.3 years for men and 81.1 years for women, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It must be noted that a man who had already reached the age of 75 in 2011 has a life expectancy of another 11.0 years, while a woman who had reached 75 had a life expectancy of another 12.9 years.

Over the past 10 years, many decisive and significant decisions have been rendered by the high court by a margin of one vote.

For example, in its 2002 opinion in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, the court voted 5-4 that a school-choice program in Ohio that allowed students to redeem tuition vouchers at private schools, including those with a religious affiliation, did not violate the First Amendment prohibition on Congress enacting laws "respecting an establishment of religion." Anthony Kennedy voted with the majority in this case.

In its 2003 opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger, the court voted 5-4 that it did not violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment for the University of Michigan Law School to consider race as a factor in admitting students.

Kelo v. New London, in its In its 2005 opinion, the court voted 5-4 that a city in Connecticut could take property away from one private owner and give it to another private owner in hopes of increasing the city’s tax revenues and that this did not violate the 5th Amendment which says government can take private property only for a "public use."

More importantly, in its opinion on the cases challenging the "Obamacare law," the court voted 5-4 that the federal government could force individuals to buy health insurance.

The following lists the nine justices from eldest to youngest:

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Catholic Countdown to Election 2012, Day 2. Informing Our Conscience or Avoiding Fear of Inference?

  WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) – The issue of voter guides has been raised again and again in our Catholic Countdown to Election 2012. And for good reason!  How can Catholics make an informed decision without knowing the teaching of the Church on the most importance issues or knowing where the candidates stand on those […]

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The women’s vote

  Clare Hinshaw Being only 22, I can’t really say I’ve been involved in politics for a long time but, I have been involved for the majority of my short life. I became interested in politics through my involvement in the pro-life movement, so naturally the life issues come first and foremost in my mind. […]

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Psychology Of Facebook

    Whether you’ve noticed it or not, Facebook has likely changed your brain. You get a rush of dopamine — that same chemical that kicks in when you’re rewarded — when you see a notification. People with more than 229 friends tend to have larger orbital prefrontal cortexes, the area for social behavior and […]

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القطاع في حالة ترقّب والتهويل من خسارة تبلغ 7 مليارات دولار

  المؤشرات السياحية مقلقة فعلاً. الفاعلون في القطاع يتحدّثون عن تراجع الأعمال بنسبة 50%. الأسباب تعود بالدرجة الأولى إلى الأوضاع الأمنية المتردية التي سادت أخيراً، وإلى الصراع المتدفّق إلى لبنان عبر حبل السرّة بين بيروت ودمشق. لهذا الوضع تداعيات خطيرة على تشغيل المؤسسات السياحية المختلفة – فنادق، نواد ليلية، مقاه ومطاعم – بل على الاقتصاد […]

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Al-Rahi Meets Suleiman

  Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on Thursday stressed that change requires “serious dialogue,” lauding President Michel Suleiman’s call for dialogue and saying it can provide an opportunity for “transition to a better political and economic period.” During a meeting with Suleiman at the Baabda Palace, the patriarch said the president’s “call for dialogue remains the only […]

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