
Most Beloved Actor Ended Up At War With Hollande’s Socialist Government

  Gérard Dépardieu has won every acting award ever invented in France. He was nominated for an Oscar in 1990. He’s also dated nearly every famous French actress that came along between 1970 and 1990. And now he’s left the country, claiming taxes are too high. In September, President Francois Hollande proposed a new 75 percent […]

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Home » News » Middle East – Africa Amid struggle, Palestinian Christians look ahead to Christmas

  Jerusalem, Israel, Dec 18, 2012 / 12:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Armed conflicts and a decline in tourists and pilgrims from overseas will cause difficulties for Palestinian Christians, but they will still celebrate Christmas. “There are good and bad feelings this Christmas but if we consider that Christmas is above all a spiritual feast, I […]

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Sandy Hook and Gun Control. Can Lawmakers Stop the Killings?

By Dr. Frederick Liewehr   RICHMOND, VA (Catholic Online) – The scenario is all too familiar. The nation is aghast over a psychopathic 20-year old who entered a school and systematically killed some 28 people, including himself. The usual group of anti-gun advocates followed the admonition of one of their leaders, Rahm Emmanuel, not to […]

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50 days of discounts to revive Lebanon tourism: Abboud

  BEIRUT: In 2013 Lebanon can expect 50 days of discounts on airline tickets, at hotels and shopping centers as part of a bid to revive the country’s tourism sector after months of stagnation, the country’s tourism minister announced Tuesday.   "We had our first meeting of the Lebanese Council for Promotions and decided to […]

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Suleiman Visits Patriarch Youhanna X

  President Michel Suleiman urged Arab leaders on Tuesday to preserve minorities in their countries, saying Lebanon’s newly-elected Greek Orthodox patriarch faces a tough task of defending Christians in the region. “We congratulate the Lebanese and Arabs on the election of the new patriarch,” Suleiman told reporters at Our Lady of Balamand Monastery following a short […]

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IBM imagines a computer that smells your illness

IBM’s research arm thinks it sees the future, and smells it, and hears, and tastes it… For the past several years, IBM’s research arm has been making predictions about emerging technologies that will change our lives over the next five years. Dubbed "5 in 5," the annual year-end list has already accurately predicted the rise […]

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The Other Victims of the War in Syria: Christians Tortured, Terrorized, Killed and Driven From Their Ancient Home

By Deacon Keith Fournier



TARTUS, Syria (Catholic Online) – The News Service of the Pontifical Mission Society, Agenzia Fides, recently reported that thousands of Christian refugees have fled the City of Homs and other areas in Syria as the conflict between government forces and Syrian rebels intensifies. These fierce, bloody battles have left these Christians extremely vulnerable. They are in need of our prayers and our solidarity. They are our brethren.  

The Christian refugees were driven from their homes by the ongoing war and bloodshed in Syria between forces still loyal to the current regime and a combination of rebel forces which is sseeking to overthrow it. These Christians have joined the approximately 150,000 other Christians who are already living under virtual siege in the forty villages referred to as the "Valley of the Christians" in western Syria.

The Valley of Wadi al Nasara has been the site of a ferocious assault being waged by rebel militia against government forces. The rebel militia has settled in a fortress named "Krak des Chevaliers". It was once used by the Crusaders in their battles with militant Muslims in centuries past. This former Crusader castle is now occupied by rebel forces, many of whom share the militant Islamist views of the Muslims whom the Crusaders fought. They are engaged in fierce, bloody battles with troops loyal to Syrian Dictator/President Bashar al-Assad. From there they launch their relentless attacks.

The report insinuated that the Christians are "collateral victims" in the conflict. Fides reported, "The Christian civilians are "collateral victims" that are affected without any care! In recent days, a rain of fire hit the village of Howache, destroying several houses, killing three young Christians. And, in recent weeks, the Christian community in the valley had already counted nine other deaths." A local Orthodox priest told Fides News Agency that, "Christians – – are very fragile and they want to be neutral, but today our valley is beset by violence and instability that confuses and frightens us. Violence covers and nullifies everything: we are not able to be instruments of dialogue and cohesion, as we want to be." The priest asked the warring parties to "not hit civilians gratuitously, to respect the neutrality of the Christians for their faith and identity, they want to be a factor of reconciliation."

The castle which is now occupied by the rebel troops was built in the 11th century by a Muslim emir. It was later rebuilt by the Knights Hospitallers, whom we know as the Knights of Malta. The Fides report is charitable in its assessment that Christians are being killed unintentionally. Many other reports paint a much different picture. It is important to remember that Christians in Syria were there long before the Muslims. We have a two thousand year history in the Middle East. Syria was the home of many monks, mystics and missionaries of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of the most beautiful of the Patristic writings were penned by Syrian Saints and the Liturgy and hymnody of the early Church was enriched by the worship of those same wonderful saints.

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Gaza conflict deters Bethlehem Christmas pilgrims

  (CNN) — Authorities in the Palestinian town of Bethlehem are hoping it won’t be a silent night this Christmas Eve, following a spate of tourist cancellations due to recent violence in Gaza. The West Bank town of around 29,000 people, eight kilometers (five miles) south of Jerusalem, contains the Church of the Nativity, venerated by […]

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US school staffers hailed as heroes after shooting

  NEWTOWN, Connecticut — A worker who turned on the intercom, alerting others in the building that something was very wrong. A custodian who risked his life by running through the halls warning of danger. A clerk who led 18 children on their hands and knees to safety, then gave them paper and crayons to […]

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