
What’s next for the Orthodox proposal?

  Although parliament’s joint committees approved the so-called Orthodox electoral proposal today, Speaker Nabih Berri gave them an extra week to study other draft laws, and it is unclear if the endorsed proposal has enough votes to become law.   In theory, the proposal should now go to the full parliament for an up or […]

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Ten surprising things you didn’t know about the American Presidents

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – There’s a lot of trivia to choose from when studying the presidents, so admittedly, this list is subjective. Still, some of the staff at Catholic Online got together. Here’s the list we came up with.

10. Martin Van Buren – As a child, Van Buren spoke Dutch. His parents were native speakers of the language and he was raised speaking Dutch. The fact isn’t surprising, considering the history of the time, for the United States was still a new country, widely populated with immigrants from Europe. Today however, a president who was raised speaking a language other than English would probably have to assert his American credentials, given the unfortunate politics of today.

9. James Polk’s election promise was not to be reelected. Polk was a powerful president, whose legacy lasts to this day. Most notably, Polk led the US to the war which took from Mexico the entire region that is now the Southwestern United States. Polk said during his first campaign that he would serve only one term. He kept that promise, which was astounding, even for his time. Polk died three weeks after leaving office, dying of cholera.

8. Benjamin Harrison was afraid of electricity. So scared in fact, that although he had electricity installed in the White House, he and his wife refused to touch the switches for fear of electrocution. He is also the first president to have his voice preserved in recording.

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Exclusive Interview: Paradise Commander – How a Convinced Agnostic Became a Devout Catholic


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) – Catholic Online contributing writer Father James Farfaglia interviews Albert Hughes, author of an exciting new book entitled Paradise Commander.

Fr. James:  I enjoyed reading Paradise Commander.  I know from personal experience that writing a book is quite an amazing adventure.  What inspired you to write a book about your own personal conversion?

Al Hughes: While commanding Antigua Air Station, West Indies, so much happened, often humorous, I often said without real intent, "I could write a book!"  As my conversion began with a flood of miraculous events, "I could write a book" began to take hold of my life.  From time to time I wrote notes and snippets, drafted chapters; established a chapter sequence that kept changing on me.  The manuscript was a long time coming.  In retrospect, Paradise Commander could not have been completed without the insights gained in my religious calling: my post- Air Force 25 year avocation as a lay catechist and retreat master.

Fr. James:  In the preamble of your book you write, "It was no surprise that from the ripe old age of 14, I declared myself an agnostic."  Can you explain to me and to our Catholic Online readers what it is like to be an agnostic?  What goes on inside the soul of someone who claims to be an agnostic?


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Lebanon Health Ministry to stop treating underprivileged patients

  Lebanon’s Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said that starting Wednesday the Health Ministry will cease to provide medical care for patients who cannot afford any. “Since a decree for private and public hospitals allocations was not issued, the Health Ministry announces that it will cease to provide medical care for patients starting Wednesday February 20 […]

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Joint Committees Vote on First Article in Orthodox Draft

  The joint parliamentary committees voted on Monday on the first article of the Orthodox Gathering’s draft electoral law, increasing the number of MPs to 134, MTV reported. LBCI said the session has been adjourned to Tuesday morning.   Meanwhile, Former PM Fouad Saniora said he might not continue to participate in the joint committees’ sessions […]

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Ecce Homo, Behold the Man! The Humble Act of Pope Benedict XVI



HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA (Catholic Online) – "Ecce homo," "Behold the man!" These were the words spoken by Pontius Pilate when he presented a scourged Jesus Christ to a hostile mob shortly before his crucifixion. The same words aptly apply today to Pope Benedict XVI, as he is being held up to unprecedented ridicule and scorn by some members of a hateful press and misunderstood in a world out of touch with its spiritual nature and moral being. One can almost hear Jesus saying to the peaceful and benevolent pope: "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first" (John 15:18).

Pope Benedict XVI’s  decision to  abdicate the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, comes at a time when there is a ferocious battle going on within the Catholic Church and a rising tide of hatred towards authentic Christianity from outside. The pope has had to endure much in  his heroic efforts to steer the Barque of Peter away from the errors and influence of the progressives, atheists,  and other dissidents. 


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Sleiman rules out poll law that deepens divisions

  BEIRUT: President Michel Sleiman warned Friday against adopting “unconstitutional” electoral plans that deepen sectarian divisions in the country, in what appeared to be a veiled rejection of the Orthodox Gathering’s controversial proposal. Also Friday, Prime Minister Najib Mikati signaled that the government would have to call for the legislative elections, scheduled on June 9, to […]

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