
الارشاد الرسولي والعلمانية الايجابية بقلم فريد الخازن

  ارشاد رسولي جديد اطلقه البابا بينيديكتوس السادس عشر من لبنان حول الكنيسة في الشرق الاوسط في ايلول 2012. هكذا وضع قداسة البابا الاصبع على الجرح النازف من خلال مضامين الارشاد الرسولي ومحاوره الاساسية التي نتناول منها موضوع العلمانية الايجابية. جاء في الارشاد في الفقرة 29: "يختبر الشرق الاوسط، كباقي انحاء العالم، واقِعَين متضارِبَين: العلمانية، […]

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St. Valentine



Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was apprehended, and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith ineffectual, commanded him to be beaten with clubs, and afterwards, to be beheaded, which was executed on February 14, about the year 270. Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near Ponte Mole to his memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now called Porta del Popolo, formerly, Porta Valetini. The greatest part of his relics are now in the church of St. Praxedes. His name is celebrated as that of an illustrious martyr in the sacramentary of St. Gregory, the Roman Missal of Thomasius, in the calendar of F. Fronto and that of Allatius, in Bede, Usuard, Ado, Notker and all other martyrologies on this day. To abolish the heathens lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls, in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, on the fifteenth of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given on this day.

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Sleiman: Vote law row a stall tactic to delay polls

  BEIRUT: President Michel Sleiman accused the country’s political parties Wednesday of seeking to extend Parliament’s mandate by failing to agree on a new electoral law for this year’s polls, but he vowed to prevent such a scheme from succeeding.   The president’s rare diatribe against the rival factions came during a Cabinet meeting he […]

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Criminal Complaint against Saudi Daily over al-Rahi Caricature

    A lawyer filed a criminal complaint against the Saudi al-Watan newspaper on Wednesday for publishing a caricature criticizing Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s visit to Syria. Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) said attorney Wadih Aql filed the complaint with the general prosecutor’s office against the newspaper’s publisher, its editor-in-chief and the caricaturist, Jihad Awrati.   […]

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Report: New Oil, Gas Reserves Discovered Off Northern Lebanon

New oil reserves were found off Lebanon’s shore along it’s northern maritime boundary with Cyprus and Syria, which could generate billions of dollars. According to a report published by Beicip Franlab, a French consultant, there are around 440 million barrels of oil in the area and the quantity could reach 675 million barrels. Lebanon had […]

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Cardinal Peter Turkson: 5 Facts About the Potential First Black Pope

  As Pope Benedict XVI said on Monday that he would resign on Feb. 28, citing poor health, speculation is already mounting about his potential replacement. And Cardinal Peter Turkson, the current president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is rumored to be a potential option. Here are five facts about the Vatican’s […]

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Who Will Be the Next Pope?



Pope Benedict XVI will call it quits at the end of this month, clearing the way for an election of a new pope. The Vatican’s best guess as to when that’ll happen is sometime before Easter, which falls on March 31 this year. In the meantime, expect plenty of speculation (of both the informed and uninformed varities) to come pouring in about who Benedict’s successor will be.

So who are among the early favorites? The cardinals being name-dropped the most in early reports on Benedict’s resignation include: Marc Ouellet of Canada, Leonardo Sandri of Argentina, Francis Arinze of Nigeria, Peter Turkson of Ghana, Christoph Schoenborn of Austria, and Angelo Scola of Italy. The thing that jumps out the most from that list is that only Scola and Schoenborn hail from Europe, suggesting that the church may soon have its first non-European Holy Father in more than a thousand years. (For what it’s worth, Ouellet, Arinze, and Turkson currently make up many bookies’ top three.)

Pope Benedict XVI has chosen over one-half of the cardinals eligible to elect his successor.


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Our Holly Father – Thank you!

On Behalf of the Maronite nation, I would like to thank our Holly Father Pope Benedict XVI. You gave the weak Maronite Nation strength and hope, with your visit and attention to the Lebanese Church. You strengthen the foundation of the Church through your leadership, teaching  and love.  As your last international trip, you chose […]

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The Vacancy of the Holy See (Papal Interregnum)

  The period between the death or resignation of a Pope and the election of his successor, when the See of Peter is vacant, is called the Interregnum. This Latin term means between the reign (of one Pope and another). It is a period governed by papal law, which admits of no changes to Church […]

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