
Charbel Briefs Suleiman on Vote Preparations but Candidates Shy Away from Registration

      Interior Minister Marwan Charbel briefed President Michel Suleiman on the preparations undertaken to hold the elections in June amid reports that no candidate had on Monday registered for the polls.A statement issued by the presidential palace, said Charbel briefed Suleiman “on the security situation in the country and the preparations undertaken by […]

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Cheikh Serhal Toufic el Khazen

    A letter from Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir to the family of Cheikh Serhal el Khazen.   Maronite Patriarchate of Antioch and all the East Bkerke   This Apostolic blessing is addressed to the beloved ones hereby mentioned: Cheikha Nomiss, sister of deceased Cheikh Serhal Toufic el Khazen and her daughter, her cousins, […]

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The 10 Most Controversial Things About Women Sheryl Sandberg Just Said


Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg  appeared on "60 Minutes" tonight to explain her controversial views on women in the workplace.

Sandberg insists that one reason there are fewer woman in top leadership roles then men is because women hold themselves back.

 Here are the most in-your-face statements she made:

  1. "Men still run the world."
  2. "Women attribute their success to working hard, luck and help from other people. Men will attribute that same success to their own core skills."
  3. Women hurt themselves by "leaning back. They say, I’m busy or I want to have a child one day, I couldn’t possibly take on any more. Or I’m still learning on my current job. I’ve never had a man say that to me.
  4. "I’m not suggesting women aren’t ambitious … but when it comes to ambition to lead, to be the leader of whatever you are doing, men/boys outnumber girls women."

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Lebanon’s revised 2013 budget sees $3.48 bln deficit

    BEIRUT: Finance Minister Mohammad Safadi has presented a revised draft budget to Lebanon’s cabinet which sees expenditure of $14.08 billion and a deficit of $3.48 billion, the ministry said in a statement on Saturday. It said the revised version cuts spending by more than $1 billion from an earlier draft budget announced in September, […]

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IBM CEO Ginni Rometty: Managers Need To Get Over Relying On ‘Gut Instinct’ s


Last night, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty gave a speech to the Council On Foreign Relations breaking down how much the world has changed as computing gets smarter and more integrated into our businesses and lives. "I’d like you to think of big data as the next natural resource," she said, "that can be to our era what steam, electricity and oil was for the Industrial Age."

But just having oil or electricity didn’t make you a powerhouse, because everyone had access. That’s doubly true for data. It’s about what you do with it.  For data to be a source of advantage, management and organizations have to completely change. Rometty offers three key lessons on how they need to do so. "Many, many more decisions at your company or entity will be based on predictive analytics, and not your gut instinct or experience." When we make decisions by gut instinct, we often make the wrong ones, Rometty argues. 

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Why women are central to U.S. foreign policy

During my first week as the United States’ Secretary of State, I had the honor of meeting with a group of courageous women from Burma. Two were former political prisoners, and although they had all endured incredible hardship in their lives, each of them was committed to moving forward – providing education and training to […]

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“قّل لا للعنف ” تدعوا نساء لبنان الى الترشح الى الانتخابات النيابية

دعت جمعية " قّل لا للعنف" في يوم المرأة العالمي 8 اّذار جميع السلطات اللبنانية بعدم تهميش دور المرأة .كما دعت نساء لبنان الى الترشح على مقاعد الانتخابات النيابية في كافة المناطق اللبنانية ، تحقيقاً لمبدء المساوة بين المرأة والرجل في السياسية ولتشكيل قوة ضغط على الدولة اللبنانية لاقرار قوانين محقة للمرأة اللبنانية . وفي […]

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Suleiman Urges Greater Role for Women in Public Life

President Michel Suleiman called on Friday for a bigger role for women in public life in Lebanon and hoped they would increase their participation in political and administrative work. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Suleiman hoped that “women would be able to play a wider role in public life and participate in broader […]

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As conclave nears, tactics get more aggressive


.- The media silence of the cardinals resulted in an anonymous interview to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica in which a source claimed there is “a lobby” of leakers. That group is composed of people “coming from the State Secretariat, the Vatican City State administration, the APSA (a sort of Vatican Central Bank) and the Italian Bishops’ Conference,” the unnamed source said. “The problem is not the kind of news, but that such confidential news broke out,” said a Vatican Secretariat of State official who spoke to CNA under the condition of anonymity.

So the question that lingers on the minds of many is: Why have the leaks resumed? While press attention has focused on the American cardinals’ daily briefings being canceled, they were not the real problem, as the bishops’ conference spokesman explained.  

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