
Protester killed outside Iran embassy in Beirut

 BEIRUT: One protester was killed and several were injured Sunday outside the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital as protesters prepared to demonstrate against Hezbollah’s military intervention in neighboring Syria. A Daily Star journalist on the scene saw men in black shirts with yellow ribbons around their arms shoving protesters away from the site as […]

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Carine el Khazen Hadati Profile



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Carine El Khazen Hadati

Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist MA, DESS, DEA, FAED

Fluent in English, Arabic & French

Ms. Carine el Khazen Hadati is a clinical psychologist. She has a Masters’ Degree in Clinical and Psychopathological Psychology (University of Saint Joseph, Lebanon, 2000), post-graduate degree (DESS) in Clinical and Psychopathological Psychology (University of Sorbonne, Paris V, France, 2002), and diploma in Profound Studies (DEA) in Clinical Psychopathology (University of Jussieu, Paris VI, France, 2004). She trained in a variety of reputable general health care and psychiatric facilities in the UK (Institute of Psychiatry, The Maudsley Hospital), France (Sainte-Anne Hospital, Paris) and Lebanon (St Georges University Hospital). Prior to joining the American Center, she worked as a clinical psychologist at the General Medical Center (Dubai, UAE) for eight years and as a school psychologist in two international schools and nurseries for nine years.

 Carine has joined the American Center for Psychiatry and Neurology in Dubai in 2011 and as an Eating and Weight Disorders specialist and as a CBT-E therapist, trainer and supervisor, she has set up and is the director of a CBT-E accredited specialized multi-disciplinary out-patient Eating and Weight Disorders program (center for CBT-E excellence). Along with her team they have successfully helped children, adolescents and adults recover from their eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge-eating, ARFID, picky eating,…).  She has also co-authored with Dr Riccardo Dalle Grave the first and only CBT-E guide for parents of adolescents receiving CBT-E treatment. The book entitled: “Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Young People, a parent’s guide” will be published by Routledge Press in December 2021.

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The Safra Dynasty: The Mysterious Family Of The Richest Banker In The World

Joseph Safra is the richest banker in the world, according to Forbes.

And, incidentally, the name Safra means yellow, or gold, in Arabic.

Convenient. Especially since the illustrious family has had their hand in the gold trade since the Ottoman Empire, facilitating trade throughout the Middle East.

Notorious for their stable yet clandestine banking operations, the mysterious Safra family continues today as a fortress of banking successes.

But the real question on everyone’s mind is this: how has such an illustrious family, at times seeped in scandal, managed to remain so mysterious to the public eye. And what transpired to cause the untimely death of its golden boy, Edmond Safra?

The Safra dynasty started in the Ottoman Empire with Joseph Safra’s great-great grandfather

The Safra dynasty, as it’s known today, was born with banking mogul Joseph Safra’s (b. 1939) great-great grandfather well over a century ago.

The Lebanese Jewish family became the most trusted bankers of the Ottoman Empire, most notable for facilitating trade between Alexandria, Aleppo and Istanbul. 

Source: The Guardian

When the Empire fell apart, Joseph’s father, Jacob, fled to Beirut to start another bank

When the Empire fell apart, Joseph's father, Jacob, fled to Beirut to start another bank

Beirut’s Gran Serail Solidere, 1930

Wikimedia Commons

When the Ottoman empire began to unravel at the beginning of the twentieth century, Jacob Safra (father of Joseph and brother Edmond Safra) separated himself from the family business, Safra Freres et Cie. to open the Jacob E. Safra Bank in Beirut.

Jacob’s son Edmond joined the business at the ripe young age of 16 and quickly took over the institution’s precious metals division.  

Source: The Guardian

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Security official: Tripoli fast becoming like Kandahar

The security situation in Tripoli is more serious than some may think, according to a security official who warns that the northern city’s alleyways are on the way to resembling the notorious lawless city of Kandahar in Afghanistan. “It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deter or control the gunmen in Tripoli. It requires – in deeds, […]

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Report: Beirut-Washington Contacts on Possible Visit by Kerry

 The Lebanese authorities have contacted Washington to inquire whether U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to the Middle East this month will include Lebanon, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Tuesday. Kerry will visit the region on June 13-15 to discuss peace efforts with Israeli and Palestinian officials, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki said on Monday. […]

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Laura Ingraham Counsels Caution On Syria

  Laura Ingraham struck warned note of restraint of Fox News Sunday over the prospect of American intervention in Syria. “I’m not going to sit here and in any way defend Barack Obama’s foreign policy,” Ingraham said, “but in this case we have to know with whom were dealing.” Like Rand Paul on Friday, Ingraham […]

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