
HRW Says Palestinians Fleeing Syria Stranded at Lebanon Border

Most Palestinians trying to go to Lebanon from strife-torn Syria have been denied entry over the past two days, a rights group said on Thursday. "The Lebanese government began on August 6, 2013, to bar Palestinians from entering the country from Syria," New York-based Human Rights Watch said. "Refusing to allow asylum seekers to enter […]

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US will not reverse Middle East terror precautions in wake of foiled plot

The Obama administration cautioned on Wednesday that the terror threat to western outposts in the Middle East and Africa will not necessarily subside in the wake of Yemen’s claim to have foiled a large-scale plot to attack an important port. As details of the alleged plot emerged from the government in Sana’a, new US drone […]

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Oprah Winfrey racism row over Switzerland shop incident

Billionaire U.S. media mogul Oprah Winfrey says she was the victim of racism on a recent trip to Switzerland when a shop assistant refused to show her a handbag because it was "too expensive." Winfrey was in Zurich for Tina Turner’s wedding in late July when she left her hotel alone and popped into an […]

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الشيخ يوسف الخازن

  كاتب صحفي لبناني. سكن مصر، وعمل في تحرير جريدة " الوطن " ثم " المقطم " و " الأهرام " وأنشأ جريدة " الأخبار " يومية ( سنة 1896 ) فمجلة " الخزانة " سنة 1900 فجريدة " بريد الأحد " أسبوعية. وعاد إلى بيروت، فكان من أعضاء مجلس النواب. وقام برحلة إلى إيطاليا، […]

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Gunmen Kidnap 2 Turkish Airlines Pilots in Beirut

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Armed assailants in two vehicles intercepted a bus carrying Turkish Airlines personnel from the airport into Beirut early on Friday and kidnapped a pilot and a co-pilot, Lebanese media reported. The attack could signal a further spread into Lebanon of the civil war in neighboring Syria. No group immediately took responsibility for […]

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Lebanon sweets sellers fare well despite downtick

BEIRUT: Competition between the hundreds of mom-and-pop confectioners, boutique chocolatiers and international candy brands scattered throughout Lebanon is fierce all year round, but during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr the fight for the loyalty of Lebanese consumers reaches a fever pitch. The sheer number of small, family-run sweets establishments in Lebanon and high turnover among new […]

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Pope Francis calls for mutual respect in Ramadan message to Muslims

Pope Francis has called for mutual respect between religions in a message addressed to Muslims as they prepare to celebrate Eid al-Fitr next week, at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is traditional for the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to send a message of good wishes and a proposed theme for […]

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Anti-Christian Attacks Continue in Egypt: Trial Against Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Set


CAIRO, Egypt (AsiaNews) – Several leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are set to go to trial for \"incitement to violence\" on 25 August. The news reported on Sunday could further radicalise the Brotherhood in its confrontation with the military following the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi. Meanwhile, threats against Christians by pro-Morsi groups are increasing.

The Brotherhood\’s supreme leader, Mohammed Badie (pictured right), who is on the run, and two other leaders, Khairat al-Shater (pictured left) and Rashad Bayoumi, currently in jail, have been accused of inciting violence among their followers at the time of the massive anti-Morsi demonstrations on 30 June. Other members have also been accused of killing protesters.

Morsi, who is under house arrest, has also been accused of involvement in violence when Mubarak fell and of cooperation with Hamas, the Islamist movement that rules in the Gaza Strip and that has been blamed for a string of attacks against Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai.’

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Academy tries to change Lebanon, one driver at a time

NAHR AL-KALB, Lebanon: A car was lifted 32 meters into the air and then dropped to the ground, crushing its nose. That’s what the impact would be like on a car in a collision at 90 kilometers per hour. And that’s what Pierre Maalouf thinks will get the attention of Lebanese drivers who are likely […]

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Don’t look away, there’s a crocodile in that Beirut river

With their country often an arena for more powerful neighbours to play out their politics, often violently, the people of Lebanon are used to being up to their necks in alligators. A crocodile, however, has succeeded in enthralling them. Workers spotted the 1.5-metre reptile in the Beirut River two weeks ago, and since then police, […]

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