
The real Navy Yard scandal

In the liberal remake of “Casablanca,” the police captain comes upon the scene of the shooting and orders his men to “round up the usual weapons.” It’s always the weapon and never the shooter. Twelve people are murdered in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, and before sundown Sen. Dianne Feinstein has called for […]

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Christian villagers cast doubt on Syria jihadist ‘threat’

The rebel attack earlier this month on the Syrian village of Maaloula heightened worries that the conflict there is becoming increasingly sectarian, with some members of the historic Christian community there fleeing and saying churches had been desecrated. However, some of the residents the BBC has spoken to have challenged this narrative. The violence in […]

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They Don’t Call It Beyrouth: A Three-Day Cultural Festival In Beirut’s Mar Mikhael

Beirutis took the cancellations in stride and were out in full force at the recent “Nehna wel Amar wel Jiran” (“We and the Moon are Neighbors) festival held in Beirut’s trendy neighborhood of Mar Mikhael, from September 6 -8th. The three-day festival, founded by Collectif Kaharaba, featured contemporary dance, theater and musical performances that were […]

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Obama Finds a Pen Pal in Iran

WASHINGTON — Few American presidents have held a deeper belief in the power of the written word than President Obama. And in few ways has that belief been more tested than in his frustrating private correspondence with the leaders of Iran, a country with which the United States has had no diplomatic ties for 34 […]

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Things That Only Kids of Lebanese Immigrants Understand

One of my Colombian friends and I have been known to have long arguments over whether Shakira is Lebanese or Colombian. Of course, she is both — but although she was born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia and has full albums in Spanish, her signature belly dancing moves are distinctly Lebanese and inspired by the […]

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Why Obama’s indecisive, wishy-washy Syria strategy is actually working

The Obama administration’s awkward journey on Syria policy over the past few weeks has opened it up to a great deal of criticism. Officials have changed tacks a number of times, sent mixed messages about what they’re trying to accomplish and appeared unconvinced by their own policy choices. "The Daily Show" compared Secretary of State […]

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UK No Longer Discouraging Travel to Lebanon

The UK announced on Wednesday that it has changed its travel advice to Lebanon. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office said in a statement: “We are no longer advising against all but essential travel to Lebanon.” The British Embassy in Beirut updated its Travel Advice to Lebanon, explaining: “We are no longer advising against all but […]

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Top Officials to Discuss Refugees Report ahead of New York Support Group Meet

President Michel Suleiman is scheduled to head a meeting of the Lebanese delegation that will travel to New York to agree on an official report on Lebanon’s needs to confront the huge Syria refugee influx. Al-Joumhouria newspaper quoted informed sources as saying Tuesday that the Baabda palace meeting is aimed at putting the final touches […]

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