
U.N. to Cut Refugee Aid in Lebanon amid Funding Gaps

The U.N. refugee agency is to cut food aid to more than a quarter of Syrian refugees in Lebanon starting next month, partly as a result of a massive shortfall in funding. From October, UNHCR will move to "targeted assistance," as it struggles to assist a refugee population of at least 720,000 people in Lebanon. […]

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Lebanese faith leaders seek global aid for kidnapped bishops


.- The Greek Orthodox and Maronite Catholic patriarchs of Lebanon have urged the international community to help resolve the abductions of two Orthodox archbishops in Syria.

“The abduction of the two archbishops is among several other kidnapping cases that we can’t remain inactive about,” Greek Orthodox Patriarch Youhanna Yazigi of the Levant and Antioch said at an Aug. 31 news conference.

He said that help is necessary to discover the fate of the abductees, the Lebanese news site Naharnet reports.

“We are certain the international community could resolve the case.”

More than four months ago, Archbishop John Ibrahim of the Syriac Orthodox Church and Archbishop Paul Yagizi of the Greek Orthodox Church were kidnapped near Aleppo in northern Syria by armed men who killed their driver, Deacon Fatha’ Allah Kabboud.

The identity of the kidnappers and the whereabouts of the kidnapped bishops remain unknown.

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Al-Qaida-linked Syria rebels hit Christian village

  BEIRUT: Al-Qaida-linked rebels have launched an assault on a regime-held Christian village in the densely populated west of Syria and new clashes erupted near the capital, Damascus – part of a brutal battle of attrition each side believes it can win despite more than two years of deadlock. As the world focused on possible […]

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The fear spreads to the boulevards of Beirut

The lucky ones move in with relatives. The poorest sleep under bridges. Others find themselves crammed into the old Palestinian refugee camps of south Beirut. In a region where one upheaval succeeds another, the casualties of an earlier “catastrophe” in the eyes of Arabs – the birth of Israel 65 years ago – are now […]

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Miqati ignores oil and gas deadline

The first bidding round for rights to explore Lebanon’s territorial waters – which was originally slated to end in November – will almost certainly be delayed, meaning potential oil and gas deposits beneath Beirut’s share of the eastern Mediterranean will be buried longer still. Caretaker Energy and Water Minister Gebran Bassil – along with the […]

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Suleiman in Nice and New York this Month

President Michel Suleiman, who is scheduled to travel to France and New York this month, is expected to hold talks with several world leaders on the Syrian crisis and the refugee influx in Lebanon. As Safir newspaper said Tuesday that Suleiman will first travel to the southern French city of Nice to attend on Sept. […]

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Miss Lebanon 2013 – 2014 Karen Ghrawi


For pictures of Miss Lebanon 2014 Saly Greige please click here

Miss Lebanon 2013:



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 Miss Lebanon 2013 – 2014 Karen Ghrawi
This year’s top 5 are:
– Dania Kobeissy
– Nay Riachy
– Christina Dagher
– Karen Ghrawi
– Jose Rita Azizi


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 Miss Lebanon 2013 – 2014 Karen Ghrawi


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Nay Riachy

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Victoria Zbeidy

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Wendy Maroun

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Zeina Mouhaseb

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Josette Marie Chehade

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Miss Lebanon 2013 – 2014 Karen Ghrawi

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Leila Ghetta

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Luciana Younes


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Melissa Rahme


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Dania Kobeissy

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Elia Ijbeh


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Gaelle Abboud


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Jennifer Rahme

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Jose Rita Azize

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Christina Dagher


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Censoring the play about censorship

Will it pass, or won’t it?, (or in Arabic Bebta3 aw ma bebta3) was the title of an interactive play written and directed by Lucien Bourjeily –“was” being the operative word. The title refers to the question writers (of plays and films) in Lebanon ask themselves when presenting their scripts to the Censorship Bureau at […]

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Al-Rahi Says Officials Responsible for Deadly Bombings over ‘Prolonged Conflict’

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi held on Sunday officials responsible for the deadly bombings that have recently rocked Beirut’s southern suburbs and the northern city of Tripoli. “Political parties don’t value the heavy price payed by innocent citizens in the three bombings,” al-Rahi said in his sermon at his summer residence in Diman. Politicians “haven’t yet […]

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