
Al-Rahi Appointed Member of Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education

Pope Francis has named Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi as a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, state-run National News Agency reported on Wednesday. The Maronite Patriarchate’s secretariat said al-Rahi was appointed on November 9, noting that he will occupy the post for a period of five years. According to the secretariat, the Congregation’s […]

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Pope Francis says he won’t rest while Christians are presecuted in the Middle East

Pope Tawadros II and Pope Francis meet to discuss the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.


CA (Catholic Online) – Pope Francis, in meeting with leaders of several Eastern rites said, "Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other areas of the Holy Land sometimes overflow with tears. We won’t resign ourselves to a Middle East without Christians who for two thousand years confess the name of Jesus, as full citizens in social, cultural, and religious life of the nations to which they belong."

Pope Francis reinforced his support for persecuted Christians everywhere, especially in the Middle East where Muslim majorities routinely persecute them. For some conservative, extremist Muslims, the choice is simple. Convert and pay or die. There is no dialogue between Christians and Muslims of this stripe, just as lambs and wolves have no concord.

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Suleiman on USJ Incident: Simplest Rules of Democracy Oblige Everyone to Accept Vote Results

President Michel Suleiman on Monday stressed that “the simplest rules of democracy oblige everyone to acknowledge and accept the results” of elections, following a standoff between rival students at Universite Saint Joseph in Beirut. Suleiman held phone talks with caretaker Interior Minister Marwan Charbel, Army chief General Jean Qahwaji, USJ president Father Salim Daccache and […]

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U.S. Unfreezes $8 Billion in Iranian Assets

The United States released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran on Sunday in a move meant to ensure Tehran’s compliance with a nuclear pact signed over the weekend, according to top Iranian officials. Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqer Nobakht confirmed on Monday morning that the U.S. government had unfrozen $8 billion in assets that […]

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Obama Stresses to Suleiman U.S. Commitment to STL

President Michel Suleiman received on Saturday cables from U.S. President Barack Obama, British Premier David Cameron, and a number of world leaders on the occasion of Independence Day. Obama expressed to Suleiman his country’s commitment to supporting the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in order to put an end to impunity. He also said that the […]

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Un chêne vieux de 150 ans, dernière victime d’el-Qaëda en Syrie

Des jihadistes ont coupé un chêne vieux de 150 ans à Atmé, ville du nord de la Syrie à la frontière turque, après avoir accusé les habitants de le vénérer, a-t-on appris vendredi auprès d’une source pro-jihadiste et d’une ONG. "Merci Dieu tout puissant, l’arbre âgé de plus de 150 ans a été enlevé, après […]

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Lebanese celebrate Friday the 70th anniversary of Lebanon’s independence from France

KHAZEN.ORG congratulates our President Michel Suleiman for Lebanese independence, Keeping Lebanon safe and Strong under his leadership.


(The Daily Star Lebanon ) BEIRUT: The Lebanese celebrate Friday the 70th anniversary of Lebanon’s independence from France despite growing fears that their country is rapidly drifting into Iraq-style sectarian violence and turning into a battleground for Syria’s war, now in its 33rd month.


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 President Michel Sleiman said Thursday that the latest spate of bombings, including the attack on the Iranian Embassy, have confirmed the threat of “strife and imported terrorism” as he implicitly lashed out at Hezbollah over its military intervention in Syria.

“A state of independence cannot be established if Lebanese parties or groups decide to be independent from the logic of the state, or if they accept to depart from the national consensus by deciding to cross the border and get involved in an armed conflict on the land of a brotherly state, thus exposing national unity and civil peace to danger,” the Lebanese president said in a televised speech on the eve of Independence Day.

We cannot talk about independence if the state fails to spread its sole authority over all national territory, crack down on security … violations, fight takfiri [groups] and terrorism, and unless the armed forces are the sole holders of weapons and the organizer of defense capabilities under the supervision of the political authority,” Sleiman said.


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Fear of more bombings grips Lebanon

BEIRUT: Hezbollah warned Wednesday that more bombings similar to the two suicide blasts that targeted the Iranian Embassy in Beirut could occur despite extra security precautions as the caretaker defense minister declared that Lebanon was in danger. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia strongly condemned the attack on the embassy. “An official source stated that the government of […]

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