
Al-Rahi Celebrates Mass during Lourdes International Pilgrimage

  Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi celebrated mass at the Roman Catholic pilgrimage site of Lourdes in France on Sunday on the occasion of the international pilgrimage of the Order of Malta. The Order of Malta’s members and volunteers from all over the world travel each year during the first weekend of May to Lourdes. They accompany the […]

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Rai defies his predecessors, decides to join papal delegation to Israel

 In almost every controversial matter, Maronite Patriarch Mar Bishara al-Rai plays a starring role. After a series of contradictory positions and his visit to Syria in February 2013, he decided to take a step that his predecessors refrained from, visiting occupied Palestine as part of a papal delegation.   During the civil war, the Maronite […]

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سليمان : تعطيل النصاب في انتخابات الرئاسة عمل غير ديمقراطي

  دعا رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى تجنب الفراغ في موقع الرئاسة والى ارساء قيم الديمقراطية وان يكون الرئيس صناعة لبنانية ، معتبرا أن تعطيل النصاب عمل غير ديمقراطي. وطالب سليمان أمام أعضاء السلك الديبلوماسي في بعبدا سوريا بعد القبول بتدخل اي طرف لبناني على اراضيها وكذلك ايران ودول الخليج  ، كما دعا العالم الى عدم […]

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Monsignor Labaki’s Lawyer Says No Rulings Received on Child Abuse Case, Assures His Defendant’s Innocence

    Mansour Labaki’s lawyer denied on Thursday that Vatican authorities ruled that the monsignor was innocent of the child abuse accusations against him. "The case is now in the hands of Pope Francis only, and we are sure of Labaki’s innocence according to the documents we have,” attorney Antoine Akl said in released statement. "And therefore, […]

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New York Herald article in 1964: Beirut is Travel Hub of the Middle East

The New York Herald Tribune, April, 30, 1964.

BEIRUT — Lebanon is as old as time and as new as tomorrow, and its face is constantly changing. This narrow strip of the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, which lies between Syria and Israel, has been an important trading center ever since the days when it was a stop on the spice route.

Beirut, its capital, is the seething communications hub of the Middle East, where planes from every point on the globe touch down, linking four continents. The city is an anachronism in which fast-paced sophistication, and slothful, time-worn customs are crazily juxtaposed.

In the old quarter men sit all day long in obscure cafes, playing cards and puffing at their water-pipes, and the bazaar teems with colors, smells, cries and milling throngs, as it has for centuries.

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