Green: Mainstreem Syrian rebels; Red: Assad regime; Pink: Iraqi government; Yellow: Kurds, Grey: ISIS
BusinessInsider: Michael Kelley; The Arab Spring has become the Jihadi Spring as Libya devolved into lawlessness, Egypt reverted to military dictatorship, and the uprising in Syria turned into a sectarian civil war that’s engulfing Iraq.
On Sunday, the extremist ISIS militants who are leading the Sunni insurgency in Iraq announced the creation of the Islamic State (IS), or "Caliphate," with its chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi "the Caliph" and "leader for Muslims everywhere." IS is well-funded (largely from extrotion and selling oil and has become attractive for extremists across the globe who want to join global jihad. The group is also savage, crucifying rival Syrian rebels and chopping off the hands of thieves. Researcher Charles Lister told Reuters that the establishment of the Caliphate "is likely the most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11." The announcement is seen as a direct challenge to al-Qaeda as the world’s premier jihadist organization.
Sheikh Ali Hatem al-Suleimani, the head of the powerful Dulaimi tribe that has been in open revolt against the Shia-dominated government of Nouri al-Maliki since last year, told the Globe and Mail that the IS "terrorists" make up no more than 10% of the insurgency and that their role in the uprising had been exaggerated by “social media, Facebook and Twitter.” “We are postponing our fight with [IS] until later. After Maliki is gone, [IS] will not be a big problem for us,” al-Suleimani told reporters. “Now is not the time to fight [IS], it’s the time to fight Maliki.”