
Hopes Grow for Pope Francis Visit to U.S. in 2015

  Hopes grew Friday that Pope Francis will pay his first-ever papal visit to the United States in 2015 after a senior cleric said he’d be attending a major Catholic event in Philadelphia.   Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, speaking to Native American Catholics in North Dakota, said the 77-year-old pontiff had personally confirmed to him […]

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صندوق المهجرين: 16 مليار ليرة في 40 يوما لبريح

  في الرابع من الشهرالحالي اصدر رئيس هيئة الصندوق الوطني المركزي للمهجرين قرارا اعطى فيه الاولوية ل "استكمال مصالحة بلدة بريح وتأمين عودة أهاليها إليها". وورد في قراره "حيث أننا نرغب بمعالجة كافة معاملات بلدة بريح بأسرع وقت ممكن وعلى مستوى الصندوق المركزي للمهجرين، وتخفيفاً للروتين الإداري المعمول به بين مختلف المكاتب والأقسام في الصندوق، […]

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Living like princes at Deir al-Oumara

  DEIR AL-QAMAR, Lebanon: “The view isn’t so great now, but in the morning …” The hotel manager, Nadim Zoghbi, trailed off as he showed us to a duplex suite at Deir al-Oumara, a recently restored 19th-century Ottoman-era villa. Zoghbi pointed into the darkness that surrounded our suite’s long balcony on all sides, toward a […]

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اخرجوا أيها المسيحيون من أوطاننا!

  "اخرجوا يا مسيحيي دمشق ويبرود ومعلولا من أوطاننا، واخرجوا يا مسيحيي الموصل ونينوى وبغداد من بلداننا، واخرجوا يا مسيحيي لبنان من جبالنا وودياننا، واخرجوا يا مسيحيي فلسطين والجزيرة من شواطئنا وترابنا، اخرجوا جميعا من تحت جلودنا، اخرجوا جميعا فنحن نبغضكم، ولا نريدكم بيننا، اخرجوا فقد سئمنا التقدم والحضارة والانفتاح والتسامح والمحبة والإخاء والتعايش والعفو! […]

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LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – A massive humanitarian crisis is developing as the newly-formed Islamic State which spans Syria and Iraq, consolidates power. True to their militant, fundamentalist Islamic charter, the state has ordered Christians to convert or die and given them a deadline by which to flee. Those choosing to leave are not allowed any possessions.  Only those who pay a steep, but unspecified fine will be permitted to stay – as long as they keep paying.  Let us pray for our Martyrs, both past and present…

On Friday the loudspeakers blared from every Mosque in Mosul that the Christians had their options. They could leave with nothing, pay an unspecified fine, convert to Islam, or be put to death. The deadline for the decision was on Saturday, just 24 hours.  Many Christians remained as of Saturday evening, saying they could not afford the costs to flee and they had no place to go. Departing Christians who attempted to take belongings said they were robbed of their possessions and forced to take residence in camps for displaced persons.  Phones, money, jewelry were all confiscated. Even the cars in which they have tried to flee have been taken. One woman claimed to be robbed of $15,000. Even wedding rings are being seized.  The Islamic State is serious about its intention to form a new Islamic Caliphate in the Middle East and to export Islam by whatever means necessary. The initial conquest is over, and now the consolidation of power has started. Once the cities and borders are secure, the state will likely cast its hungry gaze on neighboring cities, without respect for borders.

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ime runs out for Christian Iraq

  The last Christians in northern Iraq are fleeing from places where their communities have lived for almost 2,000 years, as a deadline passed for them to either convert to Islam, pay a special tax or be killed.   The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) issued a decree last week offering Christians […]

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Nun: The Sign of Genocide : In solidarity with our Persecuted Brethren in Iraq and Syria
Nun (ن), the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet (the equivalent of letter N in our Roman alphabet), is the first letter of the word Nasara (نصارى : Nazarenes), the way Muslims have called Christians since the beginning of their invasion of the Christian world in the 7th century — Christians under Muslim rule never called themselves thus, since the intent of Muslims was to portray Christians as a contemptible and disobedient sect.
It is the same name of the equivalent letter (נ) in the Hebrew alphabet (also a Semitic language), and it reminds us of the words of Jeremiah, also crying for an exile of his people sent to Mesopotamia:
Nun. The yoke of my iniquities hath watched: they are folded together in his hand, and put upon my neck: my strength is weakened: the Lord hath delivered me into a hand out of which I am not able to rise. (Lamentations, 1)
In their genocidal physical elimination of Christians from the Mesopotamian city of Mosul, Muslim terrorists marked each Christian-owned institution and building with this letter, for the extermination of holdouts and expropriation of their belongings:
They mean it as a mark of shame, we must then wear it as a mark of hope: Yes, we are in the army of the Resurrected Nazarene, the Master and Lord of the Universe, the Man who is God Almighty, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. You may kill our brethren and expel them, but we Christians will never go away. 
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World Muslim Body Denounces Persecution of Iraq Christians

  The world’s top Islamic body denounced Monday the persecution of Christians in Iraq’s second city Mosul as an "intolerable crime," and offered to help those displaced by a jihadist offensive. Organization of Islamic Cooperation secretary general Iyad Madani said the "forced displacement" of Mosul’s Christians showed the IS’ "practices have nothing to do with Islam […]

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