
U.S. Sanctions Amhaz Electronics Firm for Allegedly Helping Hizbullah Buy Material Used in Drones

  The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday sanctioned a network of firms and individuals in Lebanon, the UAE and China for allegedly procuring sophisticated military equipment for Hizbullah, including materials for aerial drones. “As the Treasury Department announced today, the United States targeted a key Hizbullah procurement network by designating brothers Kamel Mohamad Amhaz and […]

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Saab’s translucent gowns light up Paris

  Elie Saab Wednesday seduced the crowd at his winter couture show with a romantic collection of old-time glamour set under the mood lighting of several enormous chandeliers.   Furs draped across gowns covered top to bottom in pearl embroidery. Transparent skirts revealed pairs of pale legs beneath, and lingerie bustiers peaked through sheer chiffon. […]

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Plans to naturalise Syrians in Lebanon unlikely

UN proposal to create permanent refugee camps in Lebanon likely to be rejected by Lebanon’s cabinet   Dubai The United Nations High Commmissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced plans to naturalise 100,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon, according to Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas, who says he obtainted the report. In comments published in the Al […]

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Report: Lebanese, Syrians in Al-Nusra Front Defect, Join Islamic State Ranks

  A group loyal to al-Qaida’s official Syrian arm the Al-Nusra Front will head soon to the governorate of al-Raqqa in northern Syria to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State, al-Akhbar newspaper reported. The daily said in a report published on Wednesday that Al-Nusra Front fighters are angered by the “achievements accomplished by the Islamic […]

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Lebanese border tense after Gaza offensive

  SIDON, Lebanon: Israeli soldiers deployed in the Kfar Shouba Hills area near Lebanon’s southern border took shelter behind concrete barriers Wednesday, fearing reprisal attacks linked to Israel’s ongoing offensive in the Gaza Strip. There were no visible presence of Israeli troops along the eastern sector of the border with Lebanon, which stretches from the […]

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Water wars loom large in Middle East’s future

  From Libya to Iraq to Yemen, too many people and too many animals have stretched water resources beyond their limits WASHINGTON – The Middle East’s seemingly endless conflicts are diverting attention and resources from a graver long-term threat that looms over the whole region: the growing scarcity of water. And the situation will get […]

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Beirut names street after Said Akl

  BEIRUT: Beirut Municipality Saturday celebrated naming a street in one of its neighborhoods after Lebanese poet and writer Said Akl, to mark his 103rd birthday. At the Sioufi Garden in Ashrafieh, the ceremony unveiled the newly named street and the memorial plaque that read: "Said Akl Street, a century of giving, creativity, honest nationalism.” […]

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Deal W Hudson: 12 Claims Every Catholic Should Be Able to Answer

By Deal W Hudson, Catholic Online (



WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) – Freedom of speech is a great thing. Unfortunately, it comes at an unavoidable price: When citizens are free to say what they want, they’ll sometimes use that freedom to say some pretty silly things. And that’s the case with the 12 false claims below. Some of them are made over and over, others are rare. Either way, while the proponents of these errors are free to promote them, we as Catholics have a duty to know better and to respond in charity.

1.  "There’s no such thing as absolute truth. What’s true for you may not be true for me."

People use this argument a lot when they disagree with a statement and have no other way to support their idea. After all, if nothing is true for everyone, then they can believe whatever they want and there’s nothing you can say to make them change their minds.

But look at that statement again: "There’s no such thing as absolute truth." Isn’t that, in itself, a statement that’s being made absolutely? In other words, it applies some rule or standard to everyone across the board – exactly what the relativists say is impossible. They have undone their own argument simply by stating their case.

The other problem with this statement is that no relativist actually believes it. If someone said to you, "There is no absolute truth," and you punched him in the stomach, he’d probably get upset. But by his own creed, he’d have to accept that while punching someone in the stomach may be wrong for him, it might not be wrong for you.

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The tragedy of the Arabs

  A THOUSAND years ago, the great cities of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo took turns to race ahead of the Western world. Islam and innovation were twins. The various Arab caliphates were dynamic superpowers—beacons of learning, tolerance and trade. Yet today the Arabs are in a wretched state. Even as Asia, Latin America and Africa […]

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Quarantine the Middle East

  Across the Muslim world, this is an age of revolution beyond the experience of any official now living. Hundreds of thousands have died; millions more flee their homes. Now, the crisis in Iraq and Syria threatens to perpetuate chaos between Sunni and Shiite Muslim communities throughout the Middle East. Many in the region, craving […]

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