
Appreciation: Robin Williams’ comic genius

  Known for his preternatural performance agility, lightning-fast impressions and malleable voice, Robin Williams was a versatile actor beloved by several generations.   Fun-loving as he seemed, he also was a deeply disciplined actor ever in search of challenge and complicated roles.   Those fans and the Hollywood community were in mourning Monday after the […]

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Experimental Ebola drug on its way to Liberia

  The government of Liberia says that sample doses of the experimental Ebola drug ZMapp will be sent there to treat doctors who have contracted the deadly virus. The White House and Food and Drug Administration approved the Liberian request for the drug to be made available to them. Liberia identified itself as the recipient […]

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Former Lebanon-Based American with Suspected Jihadist Allegiance Arrested in NY

  An American who tweeted his allegiance to the leader of Islamic State jihadists was arrested at New York’s JFK airport last week, officials said Monday. Donald Ray Morgan was taken into custody on August 2 upon his arrival from Frankfurt, according to documents filed in a federal court in Brooklyn. Morgan had spent eight months in […]

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Al-Rahi Calls on SCC to End Boycott of Official Exams Correction

  Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi urged on Sunday the Syndicate Coordination Committee to stop taking the future of students hostage. Al-Rahi called on teachers during Sunday’s sermon in his summer seat of Diman to assume their responsibilities and cooperate with Education Minister Elias Bou Saab and kick off the correction of official exams on Tuesday.   […]

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Derian elected Lebanon mufti in show of Sunni unity



Congratulation from the khazen Family to the new Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdel Latif Derian

BEIRUT: Consensus among Sunni leaders led Sunday to the election of Sheikh Abdel-Latif Derian as Lebanon’s new grand mufti, while former Prime Minister Saad Hariri praised the move and called on Derian to safeguard Muslim unity and fight extremism. “What happened today is an expression of the strong will of all Muslims in Lebanon, to face the problems and reiterate the role of Dar al-Fatwa,” Derian said in his speech after the results were announced.


Of the 93 votes cast in the election, the new mufti, whose term will officially begin Sept. 15, received 74 votes, with nine for Sheikh Ahmad Kurdi, eight blank ballots and two eliminated. After the election, former Prime Minister Hariri invited the electoral crowd to a lunch in the new mufti’s honor at his Downtown residence in Beirut. [Link]

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IRAK : Des chrétiennes vendues comme esclaves au Souk de Mossoul

  Une députée irakienne, Vianne Dakhil, a évoqué mardi, le sort de la communauté yazidite et des autres minorités en Irak. En sanglots elle relate le triste sort des femmes vendues en esclaves dans les régions occupées par l’Etat islamique. « Elles sont conduites comme un troupeau de bétail au souk de Mossoul et vendues à […]

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Concha: Drone-Happy Obama Turns Timid on U.S. Air Power vs. Terrorists


It’s safe to say that President Obama’s sixth year in office has easily been his most forgettable, especially on the international stage.

The president who figured the world outside the U.S. would simply behave to allow him to transform the country without distraction clearly didn’t anticipate the chaos increasingly unfolding overseas and at the border. Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, Libya, Iraq. It’s all falling apart, or as uber-liberal Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky put it in the title of a recent column: “Is It Just Me or Is the World Exploding? So Why Isn’t Obama Doing More?”


The reason? Legacy, of course. In no particular order, Mr. Obama likely wants to be remembered for three things: bringing the country back from the great recession while creating a level playing field (redistribution of wealth) in the process, providing universal health care, and bringing all troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, no matter the consequence or cost we’re now witnessing.

The results on all three are mixed at best. The country’s economy is treading water. Negative GDP growth one quarter, a four-percent rise the next. Jobs are being created, but many more people are leaving the workforce altogether as wages actually fall, while those who are employed are working more hours just to make ends meet. Meanwhile (and ironically), the gap between the rich and poor has never been wider. As a result, Americans give the president a 39.7 percent approval rating on the economy while 55.4 disapprove (Real Clear Politics average is applied to avoid accusations of cherry-picking of polls, which is all-too-common in opinion media today).


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Vice Documentary part II – The Islamic State Indoctrinates Children

  Vice part II documentary Business Insider: Vice gained incredible access to the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL), which threatened to raise its flag over the White House in part one of the five part series. In part two, it’s clear that IS doing more than […]

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Former PM Hariri back in Lebanon for first time in three years

      Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, considered Lebanon’s most influential Muslim Sunni politician, returned unexpectedly to Lebanon Friday after three years of self-imposed exile. His return comes amid heightened tensions in Lebanon after Sunni extremists from Syria overran a town in the east, along the Lebanon-Syria border as well as the growing […]

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The VICE Documentary About The Islamic State Is Amazing

  The Islamic State is an increasingly menacing threat to the Middle East, and the extremist group uses brutal tactics to instill fear in its enemies. And now the group has threatened to raise its flag over the White House, according to a Vice documentary published on the same day that U.S. President Barack Obama […]

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